The Ever-Present Truth of Homoeopathy

We can freely accept the offering of science to meet the needs of our day, but when it comes to treatment of the sick there is in my opinion nothing to equal the wisdom which has accumulated in our materia medica during the year since the time of Hahnemann.

The Journal of the Am. Inst. of Homoeopathy.

Vol. XXXII. No. 8.

Surgery is a purely mechanical method which may assist but, in itself, cures nothing and bears little or not relation to medicine proper, and it is not necessary for a good operator to be a good prescriber and vice versa. As we have remarked before, it was ignorance of medicine that bread the supremacy of surgery as it rules today, a condition that time will eventually compel to be reversed. Surgery, being purely a mechanical method and a patent right of no method of healing, had no authority whatever to dictate just what method of healing shall be known as the system or method to healing shall be known as the system or method to which all other methods or systems must either be part or speciality. This surgery is all that the so-called “regular system” contains to make it a “system.” A. PULFORD. M.D.

J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer