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Compound tablet

Powell gives an assortment of homeopathic and biochemic complexes to treat various disease conditions. Potencies and doses are also provided….

MANY practitioners, and I myself, have treated successfully scores of cases by means of these “secondary remedies” only. They ensure ease and accuracy in prescribing, but I must point out that treatment with these remedies takes somewhat longer to achieve results in the majority of cases. One could hardly expect deeply -seated chronic conditions to respond without a course of the main remedies in a higher potency. The formula reference numbers are my own and they have been quoted for ease of reference so that if a reader wishes to write me on any matter concerning these compounds it is necessary to merely quote the formula numbers.

DOSAGE: Tablets should be dissolved on or under the tongue.

Chronic conditions:- Two before or after meals two or three times daily.

When two remedies are called for take one before and the other after a meal. If more than two, combine those for associated conditions, e.g. P. 24 B. with P. 7, P. 2 B with P. 28, and so forth; thus two of each together can be taken before or after a meal. Another method would be to give a third formula at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Do not take these tablet remedies at the same hour as a 30c. formula.

Acute conditions: Two or three tablets every hour, or more frequently according to the condition. e.g. during an acute attack of indigestion a dose of P. 24 or P. 24 B may be taken every ten or fifteen minutes until relief is obtained, and then less frequently.

For acute pain also take frequent doses until relieved.

For fevers, septic throats, etc., the dose should be given hourly, then less frequently as the symptoms abate.

Note.-Avoid drugs for acute pain when possible.

As a rule the selected remedy will act. But if relief is not obtained and the sufferer is in great distress, a remedy such as “Veganin” may be administered with moderation.

The layman is advised to confine himself to these compound tablets and not experiment with the 30c remedies. Serious disorders should be under expert supervision. A wrongly selected remedy in potency can do more harm than good.

To save space the twelve salts of Schussler are abbreviated thus:-

Calcium Fluoride as C.F.

Calcium Phosphate as C.P.

Calcium Sulphate as C.S.

Ferrum Phosphate as F.P.

Kali Muriaticum as K.M.

Kali Phosphate as K.P.

Kali Sulphate as K.S.

Magnesium Phosphate as M.P.

Natrum Muriaticum as N.M.

Natrum Phosphate as N.P.

Natrum Sulphate as N.S.

Silicea as Silicea

These abbreviation also apply to the treatment section.

The reader may think it strange that formulae for one class of disorder are not together. For instances P. 15 and P. 30 are both liver remedies, so why does not P. 30 follow P. 15? The reason is that I have quoted formula numbers that have been on my books for many years and have been ordered by practitioners from time to time. To alter the formula numbers would confuse those who have been accustomed to the original numbers.



C.F. 6x

F.P. 6x

Calcarea Iodium 6x

Hamam 3x

Pulsatilla 3x

Iodine 6x

Lyco 12x

Acid Fluor 12x

For prolapsed condition, varicose veins, aneurism.



Kali Sil 6x

Kali Arsen 6x

Sulph. 6x

N.M. 6x

Scrophularia 3x

Disorganisation of the lymphatic system.


C.P. 3x

K.P. 3x

Silicea 8x

Kali Iodium 3x

Xanthox. 3x

Agnus C. 3x

China 3x

General endocrine debility.


M.P. 6x

Cuprum 6x

Plumbum 6x

Pilocarpus 6x

Absinth. 6x

Epilepsy, ataxia, neurasthenia.

P.3. B.

M.P. 6x

K.P. 6x

Kali Bm. 6x

Zinc 6x

Lobelia E. 6x

Hyoscya. 6x

Pilocarpus 6x

Similar to P. 3. Also for hysteria.




C.P. 6x

N.M. 6x

Silicea 8x

Kali Iodium 6x

Equisetum 3x

Iris V. 3x

Goitre. Also of value as a general tonic.


F.P. 6x

Calcarea Iodium 6x

Silicea 6x

Baryta Cb. 6x

Bryonia 3x

Guaiacum 3x

Bella 3x

Lachesis 12x

Sinusitis, tonsillitis and throat disorders generally.


C.P. 3x

F.P. 6x

N.M. 6x

Calcarea Iodium 3x

K.P. 6x

China 3x

Lyco 12x

Ignatia 6x

Anaemia and general debility.




Kali Bm. 3x

N.S. 3x

N.P. 3x

Cina 3x

Dioscorea 3x

Lobelia E. 3x

Achillea M. 3x

Juniperus C. 3x

Rhododendron 3x

While mainly intended as a corrective of intestinal troubles, this remedy has a very wide range. It aids the function of the duodenum and the nerves to the assimilative organism; helps remove the cause of constipation; gives some ease in abdominal discomfort and builds the muscles of the intestines.


K.M. 6x

N.P. 6x

N.S. 6x

Berberis V. 3x

Uva-ursi 3x

Erigeron 3x

Lyco 6x

Kidney weakness and disorders. Also aids the function of the liver and intestines.




Sil 6x

Inula 6x

Lapis Alb. 6x

Fuligo 6x

F.P. 6x

Drosera 6x

Formica 6x

Fibrositis. Also for rheumatism. This formula has produced excellent results in very stubborn cases. May help in arthritis. Has helped to clear chilblains.


C.S. 6x

N.P. 6x

N.S. 6x

Sulph. 6x

Rumex C. 3x

Echinacea 3x

Blood disorders, toxaemia, skin diseases, septic conditions.


Antim tart. 6x

F.P. 3x

K.M. 3x

N.M. 4x

Kali Iodium 3x

Calcarea Cb. 6x

Eupatorium 1x

Allium Cep. 3x

A valuable remedy for the common cold. Also useful in catarrhal conditions, but chronic catarrh usually calls for P. 17 in conjunction with other remedies. (See Catarrh.). Colds developing into fever require P. 46.




M.P. 6x

Kali Arsen 6x

Cactus G. 6x

Angina pectoris. Also false angina.

P. 60 sometimes better.


Anacard 6x

Baptis. 6x

Bella 6x

Rosemarinus 6x

Crotal H. 6x

Cinnam. 6x

Cad. Sulph. 6x

Sulph. 6x

Elaps 12x A prophylactic. Taken in time this formula will help to prevent infectious disease. Also useful in the first stages of all types of fever.

P. 14.

Merc Iodium Rub. 6x

F.P. 6x

Baryta Cb. 6x

Bella 3x

K.M. 6x

Septic throats, tonsillitis, diphtheria, quinsy. (See also P. 5.)

P. 15

N.S. 6x

Merc V. 6x

Nux Vom. 3x

Podo 3x

Opium 3x

Acts strongly on the liver, especially in acute conditions.



P.16 Graphites 6x

Sulph. 6x

Silicea 6x

Echinacea 3x

Euphorbium 3x

Useful in many disorders of the skin Also for septic conditions.

P.17 K.M. 6x

Calcarea Cb. 6x

Kali bichromicum 6x

Ant. Sul. Aurum 6x

Hydrastis 3x

Juniperus C. 3x

Ol. Cade. 6x

Chronic catarrh, colitis, leucorrhoea.

P. 18.

M.P. 3x

Erigeron 3x

Nux Mos. 3x

Ignatia 3x

Asafoet. 4x

A remedy for attacks of flatulence. Of some value in nervous dyspepsia. Give five tablets every few minutes for acute attacks.




N.P. 6x

K.M. 6x

Bismuth 6x

Cimic 3x

Bryonia 3x

Rhus Tox. 3x

Colchicum 3x

Rheumatism, arthritis. Of value in some skin disorders. Works well with P.9.

P. 20

F.P. 6x

K.M. 6x

Calcarea Iodium 6x

Pothus F. 3x

Bryonia 3x

Drosera 3x

Ambra Gris 3x

For cough, but especially whooping cough.

P. 21.

K.P. 6x

K.M. 6x

Alumin 6x

Kali Arsen 6x

Cad. Sul. 6x

Rad. Bromium 16x

Hydrastis 3x

Toxicophis 6x

Malignant conditions. This remedy should be prescribed in addition to the indicated organ remedies in the 30th potency.



P. 22

C.P. 4x

K.P. 6x

M.P. 4x

N.P. 3x

Chamom 2x

Infant’s disorders: stomach, teething, feverish turns, convulsions.


K.P. 6x

M.P. 6x

Sepia 12x

Pulsatilla 3x

Cauloph 3x

Lil Tig. 3x

Has proved very effective in all female irregularities and effects of the menopause.

P. 24

Argentum Nit. 6x

Nux Vom. 6x

Robin 6x

Carbo Veg. 6x

Ornithog 3x

Bismuth 3x

Hydrastis 3x

Abies Nig. 1x

Dyspepsia. Tones the stomach. Useful in every form of indigestion. Acidity of the stomach.



P.24 B

N.S. 3x

M.P. 3x

N.P. 3x

Ornithog 3x

Opium 3x

Podo 3x

Nux Vom 3x

Bismuth 3x

Carbo Veg. 3x

Dyspepsia when the liver is also involved. See also P. 15 and P.


P. 25

F.P. 6x

M.P. 6x

Bella 3x

Aconite 3x

Spigelia 3x

Apis M. 3x

Lyco. 12x

Pain, neuralgia, sciatica, etc. See also P. 60

P. 26

N.M. 6x

F.P. 6x

K.M. 6x

Mercurius 6x

Bella 3x

Chenopod 3x

Pilocarpus 3x

Otitis. May help in some cases of deafness. For catarrhal deafness give in alternation with P.. 17.



P. 27 M.P. 6x

Carbo Veg. 2x

Abies Nig 1x

Nux Vom 6x

Capsic 1x

Nervous dyspepsia and weak stomach. If stomach much upset causing palpitation and distress, give five to seven tablets every ten to fifteen minutes until relieved. Ideal also for dyspepsia of the aged.


C.P. 6x

K.P. 6x

K.S. 6x

N.P. 6x

Silicea 6x

Selen 6x

Samarium 6x

Agnus C. 6x

Yohimbe 6x

Wheat Germ Oil 1x

Impotency. Useful in senile decay.

Works well in alternation with P. 2 B. or P. 6.

P. 28 B

C.F. 6x

F.P. 6x

Aletris F. 1x

Murex 6x

Fraxinus A. 3x

Prolapsus of uterus. Nymphomania.



P.28 c.

K.P. 12x

F.P. 12x

C.F. 12x

Hydrangea 3x

Thlaspi 3x


For normalising the prostate gland.

P. 29.

Aur Mur. 6x

Glonoin 6x

Sumbul 6x

Viscum Alb. 6x

Hydrastis 6x

High blood pressure. P. 1 also helpful.

P. 30

N.S. 6x

N.P. 6x

BerberisV. 3x

Juniperus C. 3x

Triticum Rep. 3x

Opium 6x

For use when both liver and kidneys are affected.

P. 31.

C.P. 6x

Kali Iodium 6x

Sal. Marina 6x

Spongia 3x

Lycopus V. 3x

Rumex C. 3x

Cinchona 3x

Builds the lungs. Aids the heart. Also of value as a general tonic. Sufferers from goitre may also benefit from this remedy.




K.P. 6x

M.P. 6x

F.P. 6x

Calendula 3x

Hypericum 3x

Arnica 3x

Veratrum Alb. 3x

Trauma. Accidents, shock, fatigue.


K.M. 6x

K.S. 6x

C.S. 6x

N.M. 6x

Lyco. 8x

Euphorbium 6x

Ant. Sul. Aurum 12x

Disorganised blood and lymph. Toxaemia, skin diseases, debility.


K.M. 6x

F.P. 6x

Bryonia 3x

Bella 3x

Grindelia 3x

Lobelia I. 3x

Ipecac. 3x

Drosera 3x

Spongia 3x

Oleander 3x

Asthma, bronchitis, coughs, breathlessness.




N.M. 6x

Ruta 3x

Rumex C. 3x

Arnica 3x

Jacaranda 3x

Origanum 3x

Sleepiness, fatigue, irritability. May have some value in sleeping sickness.

Eric F. W. Powell
Eric Frederick William Powell 1895 – 1991, Phys B, MNCA England, PhD, NB, was a Nature Cure Practitioner and lay homeopath, who also taught Kythymic Physical Culture.
Powell wrote Kelp the Health Giver, The Group Remedy Prescriber, Health secrets of all ages, Biochemic prescriber, A Home Course in Nutrition, Tranquillization with Harmless Herbs and other Natural Methods, Life Abundant: A Practical Handbook on the Divine Laws of Health and Healing, Salud en la cocina (Health in the Kitchen), Herbal Remedies and Nature Cure, Water Treatments: Plain and Medicated, The Natural Home Physician, Biochemistry, The Biochemic Pocket Book, Biochemistry Up to Date, Building a Healthy Heart, A Simple Way to Successful Living, Health Secrets of All Ages, Cell Nutrition and Medication for Layman, Health from Earth, Air and Water, Modern Botanic Prescriber, Balance – Physical – Spiritual – Intellectual, Healing by Auto-induction, Lady be Beautiful: Guide to Natural Health and Beauty,