Compound tablet


C.F. 8x

K.P. 6x

F.P. 6x

Digitalis 6x

Convallaria 3x

Crateg. Ox 3x

Cactus G. 3x

Heart weakness and valvular troubles.

P. 37.

F.P. 6x

N.M. 6x

Ceanothus A. 3x

Rubia Tin. 3x

Mentha Pul. 3x

Lyco 12x

Origanum 3x

A very good remedy for anaemia, malnutrition and weakness of the spleen. Advanced cases call for 30c remedies.



P. 38

N.S. 6x

N.P. 6x

Cholest 6x

Chelidon 6x

Carduus M. 6x

Myrica C. 6x

Disordered gall bladder. Gall stones. May be used for liver troubles in conjunction with P. 15 or P. 30

P. 39.

Alumina 6x

Lyco 6x

Hay fever and general debility.

P. 40

C.F. 6x

Silicea 8x

Stannum 6x

Iris Flor. 3x

Graphites 6x

Hamam. 6x

A remedy for diseased nails: ribbed, spilt easily, crumbling.

P. 41.

Kali Bich 3x

K.M. 3x

N.P. 3x

Iris Flor. 3x

Cina 3x

Mentha Pul. 3x

Hydrastis 3x

Duodenal weakness and ulceration.



P. 42

F.P. 6x

Euphrasia 6x

Weak and inflamed eyes. Also over active mammary glands.

P. 43

N.P. 2x

N.S. 1x

Mag. Sulph 1x

Nat. Bi-carb 2x

Rhamnus P. 2x

Acute acidity, acid dyspepsia and constipation. May be useful in some cases of obesity.

P. 44 Aurum Met. 6x

K.M. 6x

Thuja 3x

Trit. Rep. 3x

Echinacea 3x

Helpful in deeply seated blood disorders, plus indicated remedies in 30c potency.

P. 45

N.S. 6x

Lyco. 12x

Chamom. 3x

Berb V. 3x

Uranium Nit. 6x

Uva-Ursi 3x

Syzigium 2x

To be given in conjunction with 30c remedies in diabetes. Tones the pancreas. P.8 and P. 30 also useful.




F.P. 6x

N.S. 6x

K.M. 6x

Gelsem 3x

Baptis 3x

Bella 3x

Bryonia 3x

Eupatorium 3x

Feverish colds and influenza. A remedy that has proved its value over many years.

P. 46 B.

Cad. Sulph. 6x

Cinnam 6x The remedy for true influenza. Usually satisfactory on its own, but may be given alternately with P. 46

P. 47 F.P. 4x

C.P. 3x

C.F. 6x

K.M. 4x

Silicea 6x

Hydrastis 3x

Helps to build healthy teeth and bones.

Tones the gums.



P.48 M.P. 6x

Lyco 12x

Dioscorea 3x

Viburnum O. 3x

Hyoscya 6x

Cyprip 3x

Ignatia 3x

Anacard. 3x

Antispasmodic and nervine. A useful remedy in neurasthenia and hysteria.

P. 49.

K.P. 6x

M.P. 6x

Daphne 6x

Coffea 6x

Passiflora I. 0

Insomnia. Nervous excitement. An effective antispasmodic.

P. 50

N.M. 6x

Puls 6x

Mild “weepy” people. Also helpful for those who cannot tolerate fats.




Stannum 6x

K.M. 6x

Inula 6x

Palladium 6x

Crot. H. 6x

Causticum 6x

Solidago 6x

Naja 12x

Iris Flor. 6x

Rhus Tox. 6x

A remedy for affections associated with strep. and staph. very effective in many septic conditions where well chosen remedies fail to act.

P. 52.

Ant Crud. 6x

K.M. 6x

K.S. 6x

Silicea 6x

Thuja 3x

Euphorbium 3x

Castoreum 3x

A remedy for warts and skin growths.

P. 53

C.F. 8x

F.P. 6x

Ranunculus Fic. 0

Ruta 3x

Hydrastis 3x

Galium 3x

Hamam 3x

Hamam. 3x

Haemorrhoids and rectal weakness.



P. 54

F.P. 3x

K.P. 3x

M.P. 3x

Camphora 1x

Capsic 2x

Scutell 0

Dioscorea 0

Lobelia I. 0

Valeriana 0

Emergency stimulant and anti-spasmodic. Fainting, heart turns, flatulence. Given in time may abort effects of chill.

P. 55 N.P. 2x

Ant. Crud. 3x

Cuprum 6x

Ol.Cade 2x

Santonium 3x

Parasites. Pin and thread worms.

P. 56

Plumbum 30x

Platina 30x

Cad. Sulph. 30x

Gelsem. 30x

Hyperic 30x

Sepia 30x

Anacard 30x

Worry, anxiety, morbid mental states. (See Mental States.) This is the only compound formula in 30x, the reason being that the very low potencies are not, as a rule, satisfactory for the treatment of mental-emotional conditions.



P. 57

C.P. 3x

Silicea 8x

Lyco. 8x

Ceanothus A. 3x

Pilocarpus 3x

Mainly for alopecia. A tonic to scalp and hair.

P. 58

M.P. 6x

Apis M. 3x

Dirca 3x

Quin. Sul 6x

Helleb. N. 3x

Lachesis 12x

Ignatia 3x

Hydrangea 3x

Over sensitivity to external circumstances: people, light noise. This remedy has achieved most, pleasing effects in cases of sensitive people not responding to well-chosen remedies. Higher potencies may be called for. Works well with P. 56.

P. 59

K.P. 6x

ArgentumNit. 6x

Kali Bm. 6x

Plumb 6x

Lobelia E. 3x

Veratrum Alb. 3x

Equisetum 3x

Hydrastis 3x

Gelsem 3x

A tonic and normalising formula for the brain and spinal cord. Useful in brain fag, epilepsy, paralysis.



P. 60

M.P. 6x

Cuprum 6x

Colocyn. 6x

Spigelia 3x

Kalmia 3x

Cactus G. 3x

Acute pains, cramps, contractions.

P. 25 is more for congestive pains;

P. 60 for sharp pains of a spasmodic nature.


(And Antispasmodic)

Rx Tin. Dioscorea 1 oz.

Tin. Capsicum 12 ozs.

Tin. Lobelia Inf. 1 oz.

Tin Anthemis Nob. 1 oz

DOSE: Half to one drachm in hot water repeated every fifteen to thirty minutes. Sweeten if desired.

For neuralgia and toothache pour about ten drops (warm) into the ear on the affected side. Massage a little into the temple and behind the ear. Then place the warm hand over the area for a few minutes. Do the same for earache.

Cotton wool soaked in the solution may be placed in contact with aching teeth.

As a medicine this formula is a very powerful, yet harmless, stimulant and antispasmodic. Ideal for nerve pains, cramp, spasm and collapse. Should be in every home for use in emergency. Give in hot water for fainting, heart turns, flatulence, exhaustion. Sweetened, it forms an invigorating beverage in cold weather.

A full dose with a teaspoonful of the fluid extract of Yarrow (Achillea Mill) added in a tumbler of hot water, taken on retiring, will sweat out a cold and help throw off influenza.

With some people ten to fifteen drops act better than large doses. A little experimenting will decide the ideal quantity to use.

Eric F. W. Powell
Eric Frederick William Powell 1895 – 1991, Phys B, MNCA England, PhD, NB, was a Nature Cure Practitioner and lay homeopath, who also taught Kythymic Physical Culture.
Powell wrote Kelp the Health Giver, The Group Remedy Prescriber, Health secrets of all ages, Biochemic prescriber, A Home Course in Nutrition, Tranquillization with Harmless Herbs and other Natural Methods, Life Abundant: A Practical Handbook on the Divine Laws of Health and Healing, Salud en la cocina (Health in the Kitchen), Herbal Remedies and Nature Cure, Water Treatments: Plain and Medicated, The Natural Home Physician, Biochemistry, The Biochemic Pocket Book, Biochemistry Up to Date, Building a Healthy Heart, A Simple Way to Successful Living, Health Secrets of All Ages, Cell Nutrition and Medication for Layman, Health from Earth, Air and Water, Modern Botanic Prescriber, Balance – Physical – Spiritual – Intellectual, Healing by Auto-induction, Lady be Beautiful: Guide to Natural Health and Beauty,