1. Medicines Recommended for Children.
A CHEST containing the necessary homoeopathic medicines for the treatment of infantile disease should be always kept in readiness in every house in which there are children. The importance of this recommendation will be fully apparent when the peculiarities of the organism of the little patients are considered.
Active Circulation:
In consequence of the activity of the vital powers, and the quickness and force of the circulation, there is a remarkable susceptibility to inflammatory action in children, so that many of their disease rapidly run on to organic and incurable mischief.
Prompt Administration.
The earliest recognition of an approaching illness, and the most prompt application of treatment, are therefore of the greatest importance. Neglect or delay may prove most disastrous to life, while a few doses of an appropriate remedy timely administered will often be alone sufficient to arrest the morbid process, or they will afford temporary relief till the arrival of a physician.
In the treatment of infants, perseverance and watchfulness are necessary. Patient attention should be given to the investigation of every ailment, and no case should ever be abandoned as altogether hopeless. It is well known that children often recover from the most severe disease, and, in the great majority of instances, especially if taken in time, the balance will quickly turn in the right direction.
The absence of nauseousness from homoeopathic medicines is an advantage which mothers can appreciate who have witnessed the natural and proper disgust of children to to draughts and pills. The agreeableness of the remedies is, however, only a minor advantage of the treatment.
The medicines used in homoeopathic practice are prepared in different forms – Globules, Pilules, Tinctures, and Triturations. Globules are now almost wholly superseded by Pilules; and Triturations are seldom used except in professional practice. A description of the different forms may be found in The Stepping- stone to Homoeopathy and Health, pp.63 (210th thousand); and in the Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery (115th thousand).
2. List of Remedies Recommended for Infants and Children
1. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Acid.-Hydrocy. 3x
2. Acidum Muriaticum Acid.-Mur. 3x
3. Acidum Phosphoricum Acid.-Phos 3x
4. Aconitum Napellus Aconite 3x
5. Agaricus Muscarius Agaricus 3x
6. Ailanthus Glandulosa Ailanth. 1
7. Ammonium Carbonicum Ammonium-Carb. 1
8. Antimonium Tartaricum Antim tart. 3x
9. Antimonium Crudum Ant.-Crud. 3x
10. Apis Mellifica Apis. 3x
11. Aralia Aral. 3x
12. Argentum Nitricum ArgentumNit. 4
13. Arnica Montana Arnica 3x
14. Arsenicum Album Arsenicum 3x
15. Arsenicum Iodidum ArsenicumIodium 3x
16. Aurum Metallicum AurumMet. 5
17. Baptisia Tinctoria Baptisia 1x
18. Belladonna Belladonna 3x
19. Bromium Bromium 1
20. Bryonia Alba Bryonia 3x
21. Calcarea Carbonica Calcarea carb. 5
22. Calcarea Phosphorata Calcarea-P. 3x
23. Cantharis Vesicatoria Cantharis 3x
24. Carbo Vegetabilis Carbo.V. 5
26. Chamomilla Matricaria Charm. 3
27. China Officinalis China 3x
28. Coffea Cruda Coffea 3x
29. Colocynthis Coloc. 3x
30. Croton Tiglium Crot.-T. 6
31. Cuprum Metallicum Cuprum-M. 5
32. Curare Curare 3
33. Drosera Rotundifolia Drosera 3x
34. Dulcamara Dulcamara 3x
35. Euphrasia Officinalis Euphrasia 1
36. Ferrum Iodidum FerrumI. 3x
37. Gelsemium Sempervirens Gelsemium 3x
38. Glonoine Gloninum 3x
39. Graphites Graphites 5
40. Guaiacum Guaia. 1
41. Hamamelis Virginica Hamamelis 1
42. Helleborus Niger Helleborus 3x
43. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hepar sulph. 3x
44. Hyoscyamus Niger Helleborus 3x
45. Ignatia Amara Ignatia 3x
46. Iodium Iodium 3x
47. Ipecacuanha Ipecac. 3x
48. Iris Versicolor Iris 1
49. Kali Hydriodicum K.Hyd. 3x
50. Kreasotum Kreas. 3x
51. Lathyrus Satious Lath.S. 3
52. Mercurius Biniodatus Mercurius-Bin. 3x
53. Mercurius Iodatus Mercurius-Iodium 2x
54. Mercurius Corrosivus Mercurius-Cor. 3x
55. Mercurius Cyanatus Mercurius-Cyna. 6
56. Mercurius Solubilis Mercurius-Sol. 3x and 6x
57. Nux Vomica Nux.V. 3X
58. Opium Opi. 3x
59. Phosphorus Phosphorus 3
60. Plantago Plant 3
61. Podophyllum Peltatum Podoph. 1x
62. Pulsatilla Nigricans Pulsatilla 3x
63. Plumbum Aceticum Plumb.-Ac. 3
64. Rhus Toxicodendron Rhus. 3x
65. Rheum Rheum 1
66. Silicea Silicea 6
67. Spongia Tosta Spongia 3x
68. Stramonium Stramonium 3
69. Staphysagria Staphysagria 3x
70. Sulphur Sulph. 3
71. Veratrum Album Veratrum-A 3x
72. Veratrum Viride Veratrum-V. 3x
73. Zincum Zincum met. 5
Camphor (Rubini’s Tincture, or Camphor Pilules) should also be procured, but kept separate from the rest.
EXTERNAL REMEDIES.- The following remedies, in strong tinctures, will be found invaluable for the accidents to which children are liable:-
Arnica, Calendula, Cantharis, and Rhus Toxicodendron.
In case it is inconvenient to procure a large chest containing all the above remedies, a smaller one filled with the following remedies should be kept in the house :-
1. Aconitum Napellus Aconite 3x
2. Arnica Montana Arnica 3x
3. Arsenicum Album Arsenicum 3x
4. Belladonna Belladonna 3x
5. Bryonia Bryonia 3x
6. Calcarea Carbonica Calcarea-P 5
7. Calcarea Phosphorata Calcarea-P 3x
8. Chamomilla Matricaria Chamomilla 3x
9. China Officinalis China 3x
10. Cina Anthelmintica Cin. 3x
11. Coffea Cruda Coffea 3x
12. Drosera Rotundifolia Drosera 3x
13. Gelsemium Sempervirens Gelsemium 3x
14. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hepar-S 3x
15. Ipecacuanha Ipecac. 3x
16. Mercurius Solubilis Mercurius-Sol. 6
17. Nux Vomica Nux.-V. 3
18. Phosphorous Phosphorus 3
19. Pulsatilla Nigricans Pulsatilla 3x
20. Rhus Toxicodendron Rhus. 3x
21. Silicea Silicea 6
22. Spongia Tosta Spongia 3x
23. Sulphur Sulph. 3x
24. Veratrum Album Veratrum-V. 3x
If the forgoing remedies are kept in Pilules or Globules the attenuation of some of them must be slightly modified, according to the discretion of a qualified homoeopathic chemist.
3. Directions respecting the Medicines.
Pilules or globules may be taken dry on the tongue, but it is better, when convenient, to dissolve them in pure soft water.
If tinctures are used, a little practice is necessary to drop them with accuracy. Before removing the cork, invert the bottle so as to wet the end of the cork. The required quantity should be dropped into the bottom of a glass by holding the bottle in an oblique manner, with the lip resting against the middle of the end of the cord (see Illustration), when the tincture will descend and drop from the lower edge of the cord; or a piece of solid glass, about 1/16 of an inch diameter, bent at a right angle, and introduced into the bottle, will so enable the most timid to drop the tinctures will exactness.
Water, in the portion of a dessert-spoonful to a drop, should then be poured upon the medicine. For infants who object to cold water, the spoon may be warmed by dipping it in hot water, and then the medicine added to about half a teaspoonful of water. The vessel should be scrupulously clean, and, if the mixture has to stand some time after being made, it should be covered over with a saucer or sheet of note paper. The spoon should be always wiped after being used, and put away in a clean place till again required. Fine glazed earthenware or glass spoons are the best for this purpose. If the medicine has to be kept several days, cold boiled water should be employed, but the mixture put into a new bottle, particular care being taken that the cork is new and sound. To protect the medicines from light and dust, and to distinguish them from other liquids graduated earthenware medicine-cups, with covers, specially made for this purpose, are the best, and may be procured of any homoeopathic chemist.
Drop conductors for the above purpose can be obtained of the Homoeopathic Chemists.
HOURS.- The most appropriate times for administering the medicines, and, if oftener prescribed, about an hour before or after a meal.
THE DOSE.- In determining the quantity and strength of doses, several circumstances require consideration, such as age, sex, habits, nature of the disease, organ involved, and susceptibility to the medicine. As before stated, the circulation of children is quicker than that of adults, and the nervous system more impressible; the dose has therefore to be regulated by these peculiarities.
With the above exceptions, and allowing for any peculiarity of constitution, the following general directions may be given as to the dose:-
One drop of Tincture or two Pilules. For young infants, one half or one third of the above quantities.
A Pilule, or one drop, is easily divided into two or more doses, by mixing it with two or more spoonfuls of water, and giving one spoonful for a dose.
REPETITION OF DOSES.- In this matter we must be guided by the acute or chronic character of the malady, the urgency and danger of the symptoms, and the effects produced by the medicines. In violent and acute diseases, such as Croup, Convulsions, etc., the remedies may be repeated every fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes; in less urgent cases, every two, three of four hours. In chronic maladies the medicine may be administered every six, or twenty-four hours. In all cases when improvement takes place, the medicine should be taken less frequently, and gradually relinquished.