XVII. Chlorosis-Green-Sickness.

This is a condition of general debility chiefly affecting young women about the age of puberty, in which there is Anaemia, or deficiency of the red corpuscles of the blood, which gives the skin a pale, yellowish, or greenish hue.

The temperature of the body diminished, and the patient morbidly sensitive to cold. Menstruation, though occasionally natural and regular, is more frequently either delayed, suppressed, or imperfectly performed. The breathing is short, the circulation and nervous system are easily disturbed, digestion is imperfect, and the appetite lost or depraved.

SYMPTOMS. Besides thee indications given above, there is a state of habitat inertia and melancholy (Ignatia); the patient is somber and taciturn, weeps without cause, and sighs involuntarily (Pulsatilla, Aurum); the face is bloated, and the expression, as it were, veiled (Arsenicum, Plumb.); the eyes are sad and languishing; the eyelids, which are often swollen, especially in the morning, are encircled by blackish rings, contrasting strongly with the pearly colour of the whites of the eyes and the pallor of the lips; there is also often a dropsical swelling of the ankles; the pulse is frequent, rather full, and easily compressed; the alvine evacuation are white and hard (Plumb.), or fluid; and palpitations and creeping chilly turns are frequent, with debility, lassitude, and a desire for repose.

As the disease advances these symptoms become more strongly marked. Physical or mental exertion is attended by a sense of sinking and fainting, palpitation and hurried breathing; these symptoms often occur also during the night; there is frequently paroxysmal and periodic headache, chiefly affecting one temple, and greatly aggravated by emotional influence; the catamenial discharge is superseded by profuse Leucorrhoea; a slight hacking cough occurs on rising in. the morning, and after exercise; and, in few words, prostration of all the energies, and derangements of almost every function of the body, mark the disease.

Chlorosis has often been confounded with Consumption. But though many symptoms of the latter disease, a slight hacking cough, and dyspnoea, are often observable in Chlorosis, the absence of hectic, and of wasting to any great extent, as well as the low temperature of chlorotic patients, are unmistakable diagnostic sings.

CAUSES. Confinement in over-heated, ill-ventilated, or dark rooms; studious and sedentary habits; disordered menstruation; unrequited love; masturbation; frequent hemorrhages; indigestible food; chronic inflammation of the intestinal canal; enlargement and inaction of the mesenteric glands.

“Mothers should not hesitate,” says Dr. Hempel, “to find out whether the disease may not be induced by secret habits: great delicacy and caution are required in endeavoring to obtain certainty concerning this important subject.”

These and similar cause may develop a condition of the reproductive organs that must lead, sooner or later, to a watery condition of the blood, and to the whole train of symptoms which are incident to such an impoverishment of that vital fluid.

TREATMENT. In so complicated a disease a homeopathic practitioner should be consulted. IF, however, professional advice cannot be obtained, a selection may be made from the following remedies.

Ferrum. This is often a prime remedy for the whole condition.

Calcarea. Inveterate cases, with lost appetite, chronic acidity of the stomach, Leucorrhoea, pallor of face, etc.; especially in the scrofulous.

Pulsatilla. Indigestion, scanty or absent menses, weeping- mood, etc.

Helonias. Atomic conditions of the womb, with defective digestion and assimilation. Our experience fully justifies the designation it has received of a uterine tonic.

Graphites. Too late, scanty, painful menses; constipation with large knotty stools; unhealthy skin.

Sepia. Pelvic congestion with deficient or too profuse menstruation; constipation; Leucorrhoea; sick-headache.

Ignatia. Constant melancholy, or rapid emotional changes, nervousness, etc.

Arsenicum. Shortness of breath, languor, etc.

Natrum M. Sadness, oppression, anxiety, and heat in the face.

Plumbum. With obstinate constipation.

Phosphoric Acid. When traceable to masturbation.

Sulphur. With chronic bad health.

Administration. As dose twice or thrice daily. As soon as improvement is manifest, the medicine should be given at longer intervals, and gradually discontinued.

ACCESSORY MEANS. Good nourishing food, including milk and milk diet generally; frequent fatigue; good ventilation; and cold bathing, particularly in sea water, are much to be commended. In some cases bathing should be commenced with tepid water, and the temperature gradually diminished, so as to suit patient’s strength. Cold bathing is very necessary, and tends to remove the extreme sensitiveness of chlorotic patients to cold.

As a preventive measure it is also important, as may bee inferred from the remarks of Hempel quoted under “Causes,” that girls should be unobtrusively watched, and not allowed, if possible, to remain alone.

XVIII. Hysteria-Hysteric Fits (Hysteria).

The term hysteria is derived from the Greek word hystera, a womb-from its being formerly supposed that the disease depended on the uterus; but since it may exist in those in whom the uterine functions are undeveloped or have ceased, in persons born without a womb, and even sometimes in men, the uterus in not the seat of thee disease. At the same time, derangement of uterine functions may co exist and materially contribute to the intensity of thee malady.

Hysteria is a nervous disease, caused by some irritation supervening upon a condition of depressed nerve-per from emotional causes. A predisposition to the disease may transmitted from the parent, and may be fostered by the force of the example of a nervous mother or elder sister.

SYMPTOMS. Hysteria is remarkable for the wide range and indistinctive character of its symptoms. It usually assumed one of three forms: first, that in which there is the sensation of a ball rising in the throat (globus hystericus), or a sense of suffocation, without convulsions; second, the paroxysmal form, in which there is thee globus hystericus, succeeded by shrieks and screams, irrepressible crying or laughter, convulsions, etc.; third, those irregular forms which often arise in the intervals of severe attacks. There is often a great variation in the discharge of urine, which may be at one time scanty, at another profuse and watery.

It is very common for the patient to imagine herself the victim of some serious disease of the heart, uterus, etc., but the belief rests only on imaginary grounds, the pains and sensations she complains of being of a purely nervous character.

HYSTERICAL FIT AND EPILEPSY. In Hysteria there is not the suddenness of seizure, the complete loss of consciousness, the bitten tongue, the dilated pupils, and the total disregard of injury to person and clothes that mark Epilepsy. There are much sobbing, crying, panting, and exhaustion, but no perfect stupor or profound sleep, after an attack of Hysteria.

TREATMENT. For the condition (to be administered chiefly during the intervals between the fits). Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Cimic., Gelsemium, Platina, Cocc., Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Asafoetida, etc.

For the fits. Camph., Mosc., Aconite, etc.

Ignatia. Frequent changes form high spirits to dejection; sense of a ball or suffocation in the throat; Hysteria associated with grief, or mental excitement.

Pulsatilla. Suppressed or scanty menses, pains in the back, weeping mood, especially when the temperament corresponds with this remedy.

Asafetida. Inertia or irritability of the biliary system; burning dryness of the throat; Crampy pains in the abdomen; nausea; constipation, or diarrhoea, with frequent urging; high- coloured, strong-smelling urine; globus hystericus;; premature, painful menses; uterine excitement; depressed, fitful spirits.

Platina. Excessive menstruation; constipation, and depression.

Cimicifuga. Nervousness, pain under the breast and in various parts of the left side; uterine disturbance; despondency; sinking at the stomach, etc.

Cocculus. Copious discharge of pale urine; irritability; dejection; menstrual colic.

Gelsemium. Nervous shiverings, with chattering of the teeth without chilliness; excessive irritability of body and mind; nervous excitement; pains in the back, etc.

Camphor and Moschus. One of these may be given during a paroxysm. Two or three drops of the former on a piece of sugar, or a few drops of the latter in a little water, thee dose being repeated every few minutes if necessary. Or thee strong tincture may be administered by olfaction.

Chamomilla, Coffea, Valeriana, Senecio, and other remedies, are also sometimes required.

ACCESSORY MEANS. Occupation of both mind and body; removal from sympathizing friends; the shower-bath, in the use of which an oiled silk covering may be applied over the head to keep the long hair dry, tepid water being used at first; the disuse of stimulants. The daily consumption of alcoholic beverages for the debility of Hysteria is a delusion which should be strenuously opposed. Stimulants yield but the semblance of strength, while they tend to confirm the worst symptoms of the complaint. Of this fact the patient is not easily to be persuaded, but Dr. Habershon asserts that the exhaustion arising from defective nervous supplied “is really increased by the stimulant; and that is she will withhold the irritating draught, the nerve-power will recover, the appetite return, and the functions be restored.” Crowded and badly-ventilated buildings, theatrical exhibitions, sensational novel-reading, late hours in retiring and rising, and tight stays, should be resolutely avoided.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."