Hpathy Needs Your Help!


A SELECTION of Homoeopathic remedies in a case or chest is invaluable in every house in which there are children. The agreeableness of our remedies is, however, only one advantage, for the diseases of children are most strikingly under their control….


I. Medicines for Children.

A SELECTION of Homoeopathic remedies in a case or chest is invaluable in every house in which there are children. The absence of nauseousness is an advantage which mothers can well understand who have witnessed the natural and proper disgust of children to draughts and pills. The agreeableness of our remedies is, however, only one advantage, for the diseases of children are most strikingly under their control.

In the treatment of infants, perseverance is necessary. Patient attention should be given to the investigation of every ailment, and no case should be abandoned as altogether hopeless. It is well known that children often recover from the most severe diseases, and in the great majority of instances, especially if taken in time, the balance will quickly turn in their favour.

Forms of Medicines.

The medicines used in Homoeopathic practice are prepared in different forms Globules, Pilules, Tinctures and Triturations. Globules are now almost wholly superseded by Pilules; and Triturations are seldom used except in professional practice. A description of the different forms may be found in The Stepping- stone to Homoeopathy and Health, which has now reached its fourteenth edition of 230,000 copies.

II. List of Remedies.


1. Aconitum Napellus

2. Arnica Montana

3. Arsenicum Album

4. Belladonna

5. Bryonia

6. Calcarea Carbonica

7. Calcarea Phosphorata

8. Chamomilla Matricaria

9. China Officinalis

10. Cina

11. Coffea Cruda

12. Drosera Rotundifolia

13. Gelsemium Sempervirens

14. Hepar Sulphuris Calcare

15. Ipecacuanha

16. Mercurius Solubilis.

17. Nux Vomica

18. Phosphorus

19. Pulsatilla Nigricans

20. Rhus Toxicodendron

21. Silicea

22. Spongia Marina Tosta

23. Sulphur

24. Veratrum Album

ABBREVIATION in correspondence to above list 1. Aconite

2. Arnica

3. Arsenicum

4. Belladonna

5. Bryonia

6. Calc-C.

7. Calcarea phos.

8. Chamomilla

9. China

10. Cin.

11. Coffea

12. Drosera

13. Gelsemium

14. Hepar sulph.

15. Ipecac.

16. Mercurius-S

17. Nux V.

18. Phosphorus

19. Pulsatilla

20. Rhus.

21. Silicea

22. Spongia

23. Sulph.

24. Veratrum

ATTENUATION in correspondence to above list 1. 3x

2. 3x

3. 3x

4. 3x

5. 3x

6. 5

7. 3x

8. 3x

9. 3x

10. 3x

11. 3x

12. 3x

13. 3

14. 1x

15. 3

16. 3x

17. 3

18. 3x

19. 3x

20. 6

21. 3x

22. 3

23. 3x

24. 3x

If the foregoing remedies are kept in pilules or globules, the attenuation of some of them must be slightly modified, according to the discretion of a qualified chemist.

EXTERNAL REMEDIES: Arnica, Calendula, Cantharis, and Rhus should also be procured in strong tincture, and kept separate, being invaluable in cases of accident.

III. Direction respecting the Medicines.

Pilules or globules may be taken dry on the tongue, but it is better, when convenient, to dissolve them in pure soft water. If tinctures are used, a little practice is necessary to drop them with accuracy.

Before removing the cork, invert the bottle so as to wet the end of the cork. The required quantity should be dropped into the bottom of a glass by holding the bottle in a slanting manner, with the lip resting against the middle of the end of the cork (see illustration), when the tincture will descend and drop from the lower edge of the cork. The most timid may learn to drop the tinctures with exactness by introducing into the bottle a piece of solid glass, about 3/16 of an inch in diameter, bent at a right angle. 1 These Drop-conductors can be obtained of any Homoeopathic Chemists.

Water, in the proportion of a dessertspoonful to a drop, should be poured upon the medicine. For infants who object to cold water, the medicine may be added to about half a tea-spoonful of water, and the spoon previously warmed by dipping it in hot water. The vessel should be made scrupulously clean; and if it has to stand for sometime after being mixed, the medicine should be covered over, and the spoon wiped after measuring each dose. Fine glazed earthenware spoons are the best for this purpose. If the medicine has to be kept several days, it should be put into a new bottle, care being taken that the cork is new and sound, or into graduated earthenware medicine-cups, with covers, specially made for this purpose.


Generally, the best times for administering the medicines are on rising in the morning, at bedtime, and, if oftener prescribed, about an hour before a meal.


In determining the quantity and strength of doses, several circumstances require consideration, such as age, sex, habits, nature of the disease and the organ involved.

Allowing for any peculiarity of constitution, the following directions may be given as to the dose:

One drop of Tincture or two Pilules. For young infants, one half the above quantities.

A pilule, or one drop, is easily divided into two doses by mixing it with two spoonfuls of water, and giving one spoonful for a dose.


On this point we must be guided by the acute or chronic character of the malady, the urgency and danger of the symptoms, and the effects produced by the medicines. In violent and acute diseases, such as Fevers, Croup, Convulsions, etc., the dose may be repeated every fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes; in less urgent cases, every two, three, or four hours. In chronic maladies the medicine may be administered every six, twelve, or twenty-four hours. In all cases when improvement takes place, the medicines should be taken less frequently, and gradually discontinued.


Before commencing a description of the most common diseases of children, we think it necessary to offer some general instructions on the management of early infancy, touching points which may appear to be of little importance, but which have a direct bearing on the prevention of infantile disease and mortality.

IV. The Newly-born Infant.

Nothing can exceed the helpless weakness which an infant presents at birth. It requires aid of every kind, and if neglected soon perishes.

If an infant be born before the doctor’s arrival, it should receive the attentions pointed out in the Section on “Labour” in the LADY’S MANUAL (sect. 52). If the child is healthy and strong, it will cry vigorously; for the change from a condition of unconscious repose, in a bland fluid, at a temperature of 98* Fahr., to the contact of rough clothes and a comparatively cold temperature, is certainly not agreeable. The act of crying helps to full the lungs with air, and thus the functions of breathing and lung-circulation become established.

The First Wash. As soon as breathing has fairly commenced, and the navel-string been tied, the infant should be enveloped in soft warmed flannel, and, everything being ready beforehand, it should be immediately washed and as quickly as possible. Immediately, for the skin requires cleansing from the sticky fluid which clings to it at birth, in order that its healthy action may be established. A new-born child is often allowed to remain a long time before it is washed, and even then it is not always washed quickly and skilfully, so that it shivers, and the skin becomes blue before it is placed by its mother’s side.

Before beginning to wash, the eyes should be carefully wiped with a piece of soft moist linen, then the remainder of the body should be cleansed by means of a fine sponge, with warm water and a little soap, and carefully dried with a soft warmed towel. If the sticky matter on the skin be considerable, a little fresh lard rubbed upon it previously to the application of the soap and water will render its removal an easy operation. As soon as the cleansing is completed, a little violet powder finely powdered scented starch may be dusted lightly on the surface, especially in the creases of the joints.

Dressing the Navel. This is to be done by folding a piece of soft linen into four or six thicknesses, about six inches by three, and cutting a hole through the centre for the remnant of the cord, winding round it a strip of soft linen: then one half of the folded linen should be doubled over the other half so that the portion of cord lies between the folds and directed upwards towards the chest; the whole is to be kept in opposition by a band, about four inches wide, passed gently round the child’s abdomen, and worn till the remnant of the cord comes away, which is usually about the sixth or seventh day. The separation of the cord may be hastened by the application of a small piece of scorched rag to the juncture of the cord and navel, until which great care should be exercised not to disturb it during washing.

Presenting the Infant to the Breast. As soon as the mother has some what recovered from the exhaustion of labour, the infant should be put to the breast. The disturbances common to the coming of the milk are often prevented or much diminished by applying the child to the breast early after delivery; it also tends to satisfy the cravings of the infant, and enables it better to grasp the nipple than when the breast is over-distended or hard with the milk; further, by favouring contraction of the womb of the mother, the probability of secondary haemorrhage, and also the chance of what is called “Milk fever,” will be much lessened.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."