Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Now then, he put the telephone down and he began to hear in his right ear a terrible buzzing, so hard that he could nor answer the telephone, so strong it was. He went, of course, to the doctor, who tried everything, massage, hot and cold injections, everything, but unfortunately it was impossible to cure. He was growing worse and began to be sad, melancholy. He said,”What is life going to be? I have lost my friend, and now I am almost crazy with noise”. It was a case, just a hard case for homoeopathy, like other cases which are lost by the others. What is interesting is to know about the symptoms, mental symptoms, general symptoms and so on.

There is one symptoms above all, I forgot to tell you, above the main symptom, above all other symptoms. This is what we call the etiological symptom. If you know, after a grief or after a sudden indignation, or after anger or after an emotion somebody has been sick, you are dealing with the mind. You are not dealing with mice or guinea pigs, you are dealing with human beings, They can tell you what they feel.

So I gave him the remedy for ailments from indignation and grief. At this time, it was silent grief, because he could not weep, and the only remedy which fitted him, because he was never thirsty, was Gelsemium sempervirens.I gave the 10M, one dose-and you know, since then, two days after the dose, he had none of the buzzing and it was for all his life finished. He had not a single noise in his ear. And the case was so fascinating and everybody was so astonished to see that this man had had, for more than a year, buzzing in the ear and within a few days, it had disappeared with Gelsemium. It is the remedy for any trouble that comes on after grief, silent grief, combined with indignation, because he was indignant that his friend did not come in time.

Now before I finish, I will tell you the case of my mother. I will tell you the case of my mother because it is very interesting. You know, my mother was 89 years old last year. And this is the time when we must think about her departure, When one day I came home I found her in her bed, snoring, comatose; she remained thus for 8 days, without a stool, sweat, or a drop of urine, a body, a corpse in bed, just living, pulse rather slow, pupils small, absolutely like a corpse or cadaver.

I thought, of course, this was the end of her life. I would have been very pleased if she can pass away in this way, without knowing any pain. I was very pleased this way. But I was very sorry in the other way One of my nieces who was young, who was studying Medicine said,”Why should we not give her some cortisone or injections or blood-letting, something modern?” I said,”No. I will not give my mother anything which will aggravate her situation. Now she is in such a stage. I think she is at the end but if there is any hope it must be only homoeopathy”.

When you have before you a body which is doing nothing, no sweating, nothing, you think of only one remedy – Opium. Opium just covers the situation. So I gave her in the corner (of the mouth) there, a few globules of Opium 10,000. Ten minutes later, I saw a blinking of the left eye. Half an hour later, the other eye also started blinking. She looked at me, she could not speak. The next day, she could move an arm, after a few days she was able to move her feet; she could not talk but by & by, everything was better & better every day and in two months she was picking flowers in the mountains and helping in the kitchen.(Cheers)

Now my last case. I must take a case where really one should see whether homoeopathy is really the remedy for children, and not merely for those who believe in it and for those just psychic cases. You know, I was knowing a young assistant of a Professor of Surgery in a hospital, a very good Professor in a marvellous clinic in Paris. He had an assistant of his who was interested in homoeopathy. One day his wife had a child and a few days later she had hardness of the breast, fever and pain at a 12 o’clock. She asked me what to do.

He was preparing to open (incise) it and I came and I found there was hardness and it was better from pressing, and I gave Bryonia 10M. The next morning, no pain, no fever, and in two days, she was able to give her breast to her child, and everything was over. So much touched and pleased was he that he said,”I will be pleased if you will help my children also.” I said,`Sure’ and gave him different remedies and he tried homoeopathy with much success.

Now, one day a boy of 10 years came at the outdoor of the polyclinic. He came with his parents, because his parents found that he had often pain in the abdomen. His mother was fearing appendix and so I examined him and I found there was really nothing, only a little tenderness. There was no case for opening the abdomen and I said he can come again after a few days or a few months when there was something more important. A few days afterwards, at midnight, the child came with his parents, unconscious, belly absolutely rigid with peritonitis. We had to open it at once and when we had opened the abdomen, a jet of pus was coming out of the opening_the abdominal cavity was full of pus. It was a perforated appendix. This, we see sometimes.

So, with our new wonderful medicines, you know, penicillin, Streptomycin, in and out of the body, by mouth, injection etc., within 3 days the child was well and the parents came and thanked the professor. They said they were very pleased. He said,”I think the child is saved and I am very pleased at the modern way of therapeutics and the weapons we have now to fight microbes.” This was all right. Now one day later, the child was not so well. He could not eat anything or tolerate any liquid because he was vomiting at once. So he began to emaciate.

After some days there was complete disintegration, and he could not eat, he could not drink. They tried to give enema. But he could not support it. It was coming out. They tried to give an injection of glucose, different preparations you know, solutions and so on. It was causing a swelling there and was remaining like that. No absorption. Then they became desperate. So I was called in. The boy could not speak. The poor one had emaciated much, he had high fever and the case seemed lost. There was septicaemia.

So the professor called the parents and said,”I am very sorry. I did my best, but the infection came again. We have tried everything. I can do nothing more; the child is probably lost. We tried even at 10 o’clock and then again at 4 o’clock. We tried to give an injection of Penicillin but the child is only 10 years of age and his veins are very small. We must make an incision there and find it and so on; it is very difficult.”

One of his assistants was my pupil. So at 4 o’clock after the professor’s visit, he phoned to me and said,”Doctor, I am so sorry about this child, I have taken him to my heart. I have tried my best. I was so pleased to see him get well and now he is going from bad to worse and he is lost. Have you any advice? Anything whatever that I can do to help him?” Surely, homoeopathy has so many weapons. But it was not a case to be laughed at. It was a very serious case. I said the first thing, you give him Arnica montana 10,000.

Why Arnica? Because there is zymotic disease, there is infection, there is traumatism (by surgery), because he has been opened up- Traumatism. The remedy for traumatism is habitually Arnica. SO,Arnica may help him. It is a marvellous remedy. Give him Arnica at 4 o’clock today and tomorrow in the morning when he wakes up, give him one dose of Pyrogenum 10M. Like William Tell in Switzerland who was asked by the terrible man in Austria (Gessler) to put an apple over the head of his son, and to shoot it with one arrow, you know, the Swiss homoeopaths are also like that (sharp shooters) when they give one dose of the remedy.

So in the evening at 10 o’clock the professor asked his assistants to try to give him an injection of Penicillin. Others were not keen because they knew what it was to go into the vein of a boy of 10 years. Besides this, they had done that before. He was not absorbing Penicillin. So they said,”What is the use, beginning this again? Only to satisfy the parents? To say, we have done something? But this is very wrong.” So he said he will come and see the patient at 10 o’clock for the first time in many days, the patients was asleep. They said,”Sleep is a very good boon. So let him sleep till tomorrow morning.” And the assistant said to the nurse,”Give him the powder tomorrow at 6 o’clock.” At 6 o’clock the nurse gave him the powder, Pyrogenum at 9 o’clock or 10 o’clock when the professor came with his assistants and you know, the corps of the ballet with him, he went into the room with all the white shirts to look at the patient, he found the child smiling and saying,”Please give me something to drink.” But the nurse said,”I will not give him something to drink because I know at once he will again vomit.”The Professor said,”Try it’.

Pierre Schmidt
Pierre Schmidt M.D.(1894-1987)
Dr. Schmidt was introduced to the results of homeopathic treatment during the 1918 flu epidemic while living in London. There he met both J. H. Clarke and John Weir.
In 1922 he came to the United States and began his studies with Alonzo Austin and Frederica Gladwin, who had been a pupil of Kent's. He became the first graduate of the American Foundation for Homeopathy course for doctors. Returning to his native land he set up practice in Geneva, Switzerland. He was responsible for reintroducing classical homeopathy into Europe, teaching several generations of physicians, including Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.
Dr. Schmidt helped edit the "Final General Repertory" of Kent, and translated the Organon into French. In 1925, he was one of the main founders of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathic Internationalis (LIGA).