Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Zincum and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….

      Zincum met.


      Powerful escharotic. Mummifies tissue. May be used about blood vessels. Epithelioma. Rodent ulcer. Naevus. Eczema. Conjunctivitis. Catarrhal gastro-enteritis. Sweating.


      Loss of flesh. Debility, cough, dyspnoea. Vomiting, gastro- intestinal catarrh, colic, diarrhoea.1. Myelitis, muscular tremors and spasms, anaesthesia. Neuralgia.2.


      Zinci sulphas, 1/2-3 gr.

Zinci oxidum, 1-5 gr.

Zinci valerianas, 1/4-1 gr.

Zinci chloridum. A powerful escharotic, for external uses only.


      Chronic painful inflammation of the stomach.1. (Small doses of the sulphate well diluted).

Catarrhal gastro-enteritis with diarrhoea, nausea, colic and pain after meals.1. (Five or more grains of the oxide before meals).

Infantile diarrhoea.1. (One-half to two grains of the oxide every two hours).

Dysentery.1. (Oxide).

Gastralgia.1-2. (Oxide).

Neuralgia from ovarian or uterine irritation.2. (Valerianate of zinc).

Sores and abrasions requiring a mild astringent. (Zinc oxide one part, benzoated lard four parts).

Eczema with much secretion. (Zinc oxide, two drams, glycerin two ounces, solution subacetate of lead one and one-half drams, lime water to six ounces).

Excessive offensive perspiration. (Oleate of zinc three parts, starch four parts, thymol one five-hundredth part).

Night sweats. (Zinc oxide, two to four grains at night).

Conjunctivitis, first stage. (Zinc sulphate, one grain to the ounce of distilled water).

Ulcers and soft tumors about the vagina, anus or urethra. (Zinc sulphate forty grains, glycerin one ounce).

Cancerous cervix uteri. (Zinc chloride four parts, zinc oxide one part, flour parts. Enclose in gauze and apply after curette. Remove in about six hours., and apply iodoform gauze).

Hemorrhagic endometritis. (As for cancerous cervix).

Epithelioma. (Remove cuticle with strong ammonia. Apply Bougard’s paste. Poultice after twenty-four hours).

Nasal polypi. (Inject with one per cent. Zinc chloride).

Rodent and gangrenous ulcers. (Saturate gauze with deliquesced zinc chloride. Dry. Cut to required size when needed).

Naevi. (Chloride).

Gonorrhoea. (Zinc chloride one grain to one-half or one pint of water. Inject every hour or two).

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.