Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Acidum Nitricum and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….

      Nitric Acid.


      Membrane of the mouth and throat reddened, inflamed, and glazed, with digestive disorders. Syphilitic and other ulcers of the mouth and throat. Scorbutic, strumous and syphilitic subjects Syphilitic warts and condylomata.


      Gums red, swollen and very tender, or looseness of the teeth with bleeding from the gums. Salivation.1. Dyspepsia with colic, foul breath, ulcers of the mouth and throat, headache, feverishness, debility and diarrhoea.2. Hoarseness. Short dry cough.3.


      Acidum nitricum, 10-20 m.

Acidum nitricum dilutum, (10 percent), 15-50 m.

The best therapeutic effects are obtained by small doses (1- 15 m.) of the dilute acid. Larger doses are reserved for tropical and chemical effects. Must be freely diluted and freshly prepared.


      Ulcers of the mouth from stomach disorders.2

Membrane of the mouth and throat reddened, inflamed and glazed, with irritation of the digestive organs.1.

Dyspepsia with excess of oxalic acid, uric acid or phosphates in the urine. Great mental depression.2.

Straining diarrhoea of children.2.

Chronic diarrhoea, marked by pale and pasty motions smelling sour and disagreeable.2.

Dry, tender, fissured rectum.

Chronic bronchitis and hoarseness produced by singing, or by acute catarrh.3. (Ten minim doses of the dilute acid).

Chronic coughs, associated with gastric irritation.3.

Hepatic congestion, biliousness, non-obstructive jaundice and commencing cirrhosis.

Jaundice, congested liver, with dyspeptic symptoms, foul breath and debility.3.

Typhoid and remittent fever.

Intermittent fevers. (Six to eight drops of the acid, thoroughly diluted, through glass tube or straw, every six hours).

Syphilitic and others ulcers of the throat.2. (Gargle and internally.)

Scorbutic, strumous and syphilitic subjects.1-2-3. (Internally and full bath containing two to eight ounces of the acid).


      Gangrenous conditions of wounds, injuries or ulcers. (Pure acid applied on pine stick or glass rod. Protect sound tissues with oil or soap. Neutralize when necessary with alkaline wash.)

Small red piles-strawberry pile. (Use speculum. Apply freely on pine stick. Follow with free use of olive oil to protect surrounding tissue).

Internal piles. (Apply to one or two points on dilated vein).

Bleeding piles. (Use lotion consisting of one drachm acid to one pint water).

Hemorrhage from stomach and bowels. (One to ten drops in water). Hyperchlorhydria. (Five to ten minims before meals).

Syphilitic warts and condylomata. (One or two drachms of the dilute acid to one pint of water. Apply on lint).

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.