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Symptoms of the homeopathic medicine CARBO ANIMALIS from A Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A.C. Cowperthwaite. Find all the symptoms of CARBO ANIMALIS …

      Common name. – Animal charcoal. Preparation. – Triturations of charred ox-hide.


Acts especially upon the granular system and upon the digestive organs; on the former producing painful swellings, inflammations, indurations and ulcerations, and on the latter symptoms of a dyspeptic nature. The glandular action (often of a scirrhous nature) is its most characteristic feature.


Mind Desire to be alone (Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Rhus tox.; reverse, Stramonium); sad and reflective; avoid conversation. Homesickness (Caps.). Anxiety and orgasm of blood at night; must sit up.

Head. Confusion in morning; did not know whether he had been asleep or awake. Vertigo, with nausea, on rising after stooping. Heaviness in the head at night, with weariness; in forehead on stooping, as if a weight lay over the eyes. Tearing in the right side of the head. Pain in vertex as if the skull had been split or torn asunder; holds the head with the hands; also at night; worse in wet weather. Throbbing in the occiput.

Eyes. A net seems to swim before the eyes.

Ears. Hearing confused; does not know from what direction sounds come.

Nose. Nosebleed in the morning (Bryonia, Calcarea c.); preceded by vertigo, or confusion in head. Coryza, scraping in throat; worse evening, night, and when swallowing. Tip of nose red, painful to touch; skin feels tight, as chapped; little boils inside. hard, bluish tumor on end of nose.

Face. Cachectic appearance, earthy look. Erysipelas of face; copper- colored eruption. *Acne; young, scrofulous persons. Vesicles or cracks on the lips.

Mouth. Burning on tip of tongue, and rawness of mouth (Calcarea c., Coloc.). Teeth loose, sensitive on chewing (Mercurius, Nitr. ac.). Bitter taste every morning (Nux v., Calcarea phos., Pulsatilla). Burning blisters in the mouth.,

Throat. Mucus in the throat; frequent hawking and raising. Burning in throat (Arsenicum, Cantharis, Caps.). Painful swallowing. Raw sensation in throat, extending to stomach; not increased on swallowing. Raw feeling, like heartburn, better after eating.

Stomach. Eructations tasting of food eaten long before (Antim crud., Pulsatilla). Heartburn (Calcarea phos.). Long-continued nausea after eating meat (Carb. v.)

Abdomen. Great distension of the abdomen; much annoyed by flatus (Aloe, Carb. v., Cinchona, Lycopodium). Painful sensation in right lower abdomen, as if something would be squeezed through. Sticking pains in groins. Feeling after sitting down as if a large heavy body were lying in groins; better after pressure, by passage of flatus. Tearing across pubes, through pudenda to anus. *Hard buboes suppurate, or maltreated cases, with callous edges; ichorous, offensive discharges. Stool and Anus. Burning in rectum and anus (Arsenicum, Cantharis, Caps.). Soreness. Viscid moisture oozes form anus (Silicea) Haemorrhoids much swollen; burn on walking. Stool scanty, delayed. Soft stool. Passage of blood during stool.

Urinary Organs. Burning soreness in the urethra while urinating (Can. sat.). Frequent urination at night.

Male Organs. Seminal emissions; parts feel weak; exhausted mentally and bodily. *Syphilis; buboes. Sticky, odorless moisture behind scrotum.

Female Organs. Menses too early and too profuse (Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Borax, Calcarea c., Nux v.). *During menstrual flow so exhausted that she could hardly speak (Alum, Coccul). Leucorrhoea staining the linen yellow (Kreosotum). *Induration and ulceration of neck of womb (Coni.); burning (Arsenicum). *Burning into thighs; labor-like pains in pelvis and sacrum; slimy, bloody discharge, very weak; cancer of uterus. *Darting pains in mammae of nursing women, arresting breathing; worse from pressure; hard, painful spots; swollen, inflamed (erysipelatous) during confinement. *Hard tumor in mammae, uneven, skin loose; burning pain; dirty, blue-red spots; pains drawing toward axillae; night sweats; low spirited; scirrhus of mammae.

Respiratory Organs. Rawness and hoarseness, morning, after rising (Causticum, Coffea, Phosphorus). Hoarseness; worse evenings (Carb. v.) Tickling cough, with constriction of larynx and chest. Severe dry cough; shakes the abdomen as if it would fall out; must support the bowels; loose rales until something is coughed up; mornings on rising, and nearly all day. Burning in chest, with pressive pain. Sensation of coldness in chest.

Neck and Back. Glands of neck indurated, swollen, painful (Borax, Calcareac.). Pressing, drawing and stiffness in small of back, as if broken. Sharp drawing across small of back, sensitive to every step. Bruised pain in coccyx, burning when touched.


Limbs. Numbness of all the limbs. Bruised sensation in all the limbs.

Upper Limbs. The wrists pain as if sprained. The hands go to sleep daily.

Lower Limbs. Stitches in left hip when sitting. Corns painful to touch. Legs, far as calves, go to sleep during the day. Cramp in forepart of lower leg, near tibia. Painful tension in calves when walking.

Generalities. Weakness and want of energy; confusion of head; prostration. Induration of glands. *Indolent tumors; with burning pains.

Skin. Pimples on face; red spots on cheeks. *Erysipelatous swellings with burning pains.

Skin. Pimples on face; red spots on cheeks. *Erysipelatous swellings with burning pain (Arsenicum)

Sleep. Sleepiness and yawning in forenoon. Sleep full of horrid fancies. Vivid dreams.

Fever. Chilliness during the day; fever awakens at night. Exhausting sweats. Offensive debilitating night sweats (Silicea), staining linen yellow.

Conditions. Especially useful in scrofulous, venous constitutions. Young, scrofulous subjects. Old people.

Compare Arsenicum, Aurum, Calcareac., Caps., Carb. v., Coni., Hydras., Nux v.

Antidotes. Arsenicum, Camph., Nux v., Vinum.


Carbo Animalis is used chiefly in enlargements, indurations and ulcerations of glands, and is invaluable in scirrhus. Scirrhus of the breast, hand, nodulated, looks blue; axillary glands involved; burning, drawing pains. Scirrhus of the uterus; induration of cervix, haemorrhage, offensive discharges, burning pains extending into thighs. Useful in other affections of the female organs as already noted in the symptoms under that head. Indolent tumors with burning pains. Syphilitic buboes, hard with blue look. Old buboes which do not heal, but remain hard and secrete an offensive ichor. Syphilitic copper colored eruptions. Erysipelas, Acne punctata in young scrofulous persons. An excellent remedy in Acne rosacea. A valuable remedy in dyspepsia, when there is much flatulence and tasting of food eaten long before, especially with glandular troubles in scrofulous subjects. Said to be indicate after debilitating diseases, especially when the veins are distended, and the skin looks blue, venous plethora being an indication for the drug. May be used in bronchitis and pneumonia, hoarse cough, profuse purulent offensive expectoration, much rattling in the chest.

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).