
Homeopathy medicine Mezereum from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Urine:-

(a) Flaky; burning; with reddish sediment.

(b) Hot and often bloody.

3 Sticking in kidneys, which pain as if torn.

5 After urinating, drops of blood are passed.

7 Frequent and copious discharges of pale urine in morning.

9 Sticking, tearing pains in region of kidneys.

11 Haematuria preceded by crampy pain in bladder.

13 Blood is discharged instead of urine.

15 Sore and itching feeling in urethra when urinating.

17 Sore pain on touch, or when urinating.

19 Burning and biting in forepart of urethra at close of micturition during stool.

21 Discharge of mucus from urethra.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.