Cannabis Sativa

Homeopathy medicine Cannabis Sativa from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Drawing pain from region of kidneys to inguinal glands, with anxious, nauseating sensation in pit of stomach. 3 Pain in neck of bladder and both kidneys, with urging to urinate every few minutes.

5 Burning and smarting in urethra, from meatus backward; stitches posteriorly during micturition.

7 Urine:- (a) Yellowish-white and at last bloody, scalding as passed. (b) Stream-forked (Cantharis).

9 At close of urination spasmodic closure of urethra and at same time severe, painful contraction and drawing up of anus.

11 Urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch along its whole length; erection causes tensive pain.

13 Burning during micturition, but more immediately after.

15 Lacerating as if in fibers of urethra.

17 Severe pains in kidneys every few minutes, with haematuria.

19 Burning throughout urethra at commencement and end of urinating.

21 Burning pain at meatus when not urinating, which compels him to urinate every opportunity.

23 Stitches along urethra when not urinating (Caps.)

25 Jerking stitches in posterior part of urethra when standing.

27 Tearing as if in fibres of urethra, in form of zigzag.

29 Nephritic colic (in horses).

31 Soreness and inflammation of kidneys and bladder.

33 Chronic dysuria

35 Strangury (in typhoid fever).

37 Urethra feels drawn into knots.

39 Painless discharge of mucus, more or less profuse.

41 Urine white and turbid, or red and turbid.

43 Urethritis; difficulty in urinating from stoppage of flow at intervals, as if from spasmodic stricture.

45 Urethritis, with burning, biting pain extending backward to bladder when urinating, with frequent urging to urinate; urine scalding, with spasmodic contraction of sphincter.

47 Enuresis.

49 Closing meatus by mucus.

(Can-sat. is very analogous to Cantharis Can-sat. has more pain during micturition; Cantharis more cutting, burning pain after urination.).

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.