
Homeopathy medicine Lycopodium from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Severe backache, relieved by urinating.

3 Terrific pain in back before every urination, with relief as soon as urine begins to flow.

5 Frequent micturition during night, scanty and infrequent during day.

7 Frequent desire to urinate, with profuse pale urine.

9 Feeling of heaviness in bladder.

11 Burning in urethra during urination (in female).

13 Dull pressing and bearing down in region of bladder; desires to but cannot urinate; supports abdomen with hands.

15 Involuntary urination; incontinence of urine.

17 Pressing near anus in perinaeum during and after urinating.

19 Haematuria (from gravel or chronic catarrh).

21 Haematuria; large clots of blood in urine, with constipation and almost total paralysis of feet.

23 Before urinating, child screams with pain; there is red sand on diaper.

25 During urination, soreness or burning in urethra and glans penis.

27 After urination, sensation of crawling and burning in urethra and bladder; jerking and cutting in urethra.

29 Bearing down over bladder, with frequent desire to urinate; pains worse when lying down, especially at night; better from horseback riding.

31 Retention of urine, with violent pain in back; urine flowing in “fits and starts.”

33 Urging to urinate, but must wait a long time before it will pass. 35 Urging to urinate; but cannot pass anything; child is impatient and grasps abdomen with hand.

37 No urine secreted.

39 Diabetes mellitus; aching in kidneys, worse before and better after urinating.

41 Stitches in neck of bladder and anus at same time.

43 Itching in urethra during and after urinating.

45 Jerking and cutting in urethra after urinating.

47 Chronic cystitis, with milky deposit of offensive odor.

49 Urine:-

(a) Scanty, with red sediment.

(b) Strong, pungent odor, dribbling, worse after 4 o’clock P.M.

(c) Has red, sandy sediment (Arn, China, Cocc-c, Natr-m, Phosphorus), with renal colic. (Sepia has red sand in urine, but urine is offensive.)

(d) Has brickdust sediment.

(e) Turbid, milky, with an offensive purulent sediment (in cystitis).

(f) Has greasy pellicle after standing.

(g) Foamy (Lachesis).

(h) With excess of lithic acid.

(i) Pale during night.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.