
Homeopathy medicine Sepia from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Urine:-

(a) Turbid, clay-colored, with reddish sediment adhering to vessel; very offensive.

(b) Thick, slimy and very offensive.

(c) Deposits a yellowish, pasty sediment; putrid; fetid.

(d) Becomes turbid offensive, with white sediment.

(e) Red sand; urine offensive. (Red sand is characteristic of Lycopodium; but in Lycopodium, urine is not offensive.)

(f) Blood red, with white sediment and a pellicle on surface; very offensive.

(g) Putrid, pale, yellow, with a slight transparent, gelatinous sediment, or a turbid, flocculent, clay-like, mucous sediment, mixed with white or whitish-gray, and later a reddish, mealy sediment (Agar, Berberis).

(h) So putrid that it cannot be allowed to remain in room.

(i) Fetid, depositing a clay-colored sediment, which adheres to vessel with great tenacity.

(j) Deposits a reddish, clay-colored sediment, which adheres to bottom and sides of vessel like burnt clay.

3 Coagulated mucus clogs up urethra.

5 Continual desire to urinate, with painful bearing down in pelvis, in morning.

7 Difficulty in urinating, especially in morning, with feeling as if drops came out of bladder, which is not true.

9 Enuresis; bed is wet almost as soon as child goes to sleep; always during first sleep.

11 Enuresis; involuntary micturition at night, especially during first sleep. 13 Frequent urination, even at night.

15 Feeling as if bladder were greatly distended.

17 Intense burning and cutting pain during micturition.

19 Lithiasis; increase of uric acid and urates; urine voided with much difficulty, as if sphincters were paralyzed.

21 Pressure on bladder, with urging to urinate.

23 Smarting or burning in urethra during micturition.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.