Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Hahnemann’s Occupations

This is the most favourable opportunity to demonstrate the higher value of the new teaching in the right light, because the cholera is prevailing here, and the efforts made with the old treatment are not very successful, while those of a homoeopathic candidate, who stayed here once for a time proved helpful….




We can only give a few extracts from letters of homoeopathic physicians asking Hahnemann’s advice and instruction in special cases of disease, together with a relating to more general questions on this subject, in order not to make this work too voluminous.

Dr. Rummel wrote to Hahnemann:

Merseburg, 15.6.31. Speaking candidly I am not always successful with it [with intermittent fever-R.H.) even with anti- psoric remedies, although some cases subside quite soon with Bryonia and other remedies. What is the reason of it? Chinin, sulph. helps them quickly in all cases, but another attack always follows. We lack here another specific for intermittent fever, such as Aconite in inflammatory conditions.

After Hahnemann’s reply Rummel wrote further:

Merseburg 15.7.31. I have taken to heart your very instructive letter, and since then I have already cured several cases of intermittent fever which were particularly protracted, with Bryonia and Ant. tart. That I cannot always succeed without China or rather Chinin. is due perhaps to the imperfect knowledge I have of the proved remedies, but I think that I shall progress gradually with it. This is of course fraught with great difficulties in my case, as I cannot increase my knowledge from the teaching of a more experienced homoeopath, hut have had to learn everything from books or by experience.

Dr. Franz of Leipsic seeks Hahnemann’s advice, regarding his own health.

Also Dr. Stapf of Naumburg, repeatedly appeals to Hahnemann for the treatment of his daughter, when he is in doubt.

Dr. H. Frankel, of Sondersleben wrote on November 29th, 1833:

I have openly acknowledged my great esteem for you, and I hope that an essay of mine (a parallel between the ancient and the homoeopathic empirical school) which will appear shortly, will convince you more of it. If I judge you rightly you will not blame me, if I do not intend to follow blindly a great man in all things.

There are further letters from:

Dr. Fleischmann of Vienna (with a detailed report of his own illness).

Anton Fischer, Surgeon and Obstetrician of Raigern, near Brunn (Mahren ) who sends, together with some extraordinary reports of cures,

40 Rth. for the hospital Leipsic from Count Joseph Schafgotsche, and 5 Rth. from himself.

Gregor Capdebo of Bazacrhaza in Temesvares Banal.

Bernardin Czervinka, surgeon of the citizenship of Neusatz, near Peterwardein.

Dr. Kurtz, of Biebrich, had already frequently received remedies for himself from Hahnemann, and wrote desiring further treatment on June 24th, 1836:

And now I add a petition, which you said you would grant me in your first esteemed letter, but which you have not mentioned again. It is that you would kindly name the remedies you have given me from the very beginning of my treatment until now, and in what dilution. It is not curiosity on my part, but in the interest of science, that I entreat you for this disclosure, and you will probably get rid of me more quickly by so doing, as they were the correct remedies for the destruction of Psora in my system. You have lain the foundation-stone for the welfare of humanity; let others continue to build upon it and help then with revelations like the one I am begging from you.

(Hahnemann detailed on the letter a list of remedies (8) which he probably communicated to the writer, from Paris.)

Dr. Luther, sen., Ragusa, on April 20th, 1833, asks for help and advice concerning his daughter aged 3 years and 3 months.

Dr. Mosthoff, practitioner at Dirmstein, in Rheinbayern near Frankenthal, asks for advice concerning a 30 years old patient, whom he has treated wrongly, and encloses a report covering 18 quarto folios.

Hofrath Dr. Muhlenbein of Brunswick, frequently puts cases before, Hahnemann for approval-in November, 30; February, 33; June, 33; and in July, 33.

Dr. Schwarze, of Dresden, a private practitioner of 25 years standing, on August 8th, 1833, asked for Hahnemann’s advice regarding his own health. It was a question of gastric troubles which he describes minutely; he expresses at the same time his regret at being unable to undertake the journey to Kothen on August 10th.

I hope that through your help which I venture to claim again to-day, I may benefit so much that I may have the happiness of making your acquaintance, you who are immortal, so that I may assure you from the depths of my soul, of my great veneration, faithful adherence, and deep gratitude. May God grant it! I have often felt very angry that many so-called homoeopaths follow inexcusable by-paths and wrong ways, and I can well imagine how very much it must hurt you to have such experiences with your pupils. Yet there are only a few of these! They will find out how far their blindness will carry them. But when they publish their views and defend them, the least and mildest I can say of them, is that they show the worst ingratitude towards the immortal founder of Homoeopathy, their great teacher!

Dr. H. Bethmann, of Burgk, near Schleiz, wrote on August 23rd, 1831:

To-day thank God, it is love and joy that guides my pen. My good wife has been, since the 15th of this month, the happy mother of a healthy and well-made daughter.

How deeply I am indebted to you, my dearest fatherly teacher and friend, for this sublime joy! Accept the warmest, and most cordial thanks that a feeling human can give.

What a solemn event is the ushering of a human being into the world! What a transition from care, pain and fear, and from anxious depressing expectation to the blessed consciousness of the sweetest joy in our earthly life! New joys, new cares! This event impresses itself deeply and permanently, strengthening me in all that is good, enlarging my knowledge of myself and of my powers of self-control. And what could I give to this child, this beloved being, the pledge of the love of hearts of like sentiment which kept part for years, what else but a good education? A training that will enable her to seek for her own happiness in her innermost self, and she may find it in doing good and growing in grace. Thus it shall be with God’s help!

With deepest veneration and gratitude, H. BETHMANN (Dr. med., chir. et. art. obstetr.).

(See Hahnemann’s letter to Stapf, Supplement 94.)

Dr. Schreter of Leutschau, and later of Lemberg, wrote to Hahnemann, on May 24th, that thanks to his wife having been treated during the whole of her pregnancy, with anti-psorics, she has now a strong and healthy daughter. Out of joy and gratitude he would like to have Hahnemann’s name registered as Godfather. As the same time he asks for advice regarding some cases of disease.

Dr. Schreter wrote later from Lemberg on August 2nd, 1832:

My most sincere and cordial congratulations for the return of the 10th of August, which you have passed in health and enjoyment. A day of importance to all your pupils and admires; may you spend that for many years yet with the same physical and mental vigour that you enjoy now-every month of your life is an immense gain for the truth which now has spread so much.

Dr. Franz Xaver Kinzel of Vienna, wrote on July 29th, 1833:

My dear worthy friend, or I may say my benefactor, Dr. Schmit, encourages me to fulfil my long cherished wish, to introduce myself to you by letter. The 10th of August would give me an opportunity to see my Hahnemann, whom I venerate most among the earth-born, face to face; but an iron necessity whom I venerate most among the earth-born, face to face; but an iron necessity keeps me back in Vienna, and therefore I shall not be able to be present at this festal day in honour of our revered father homoeopathy. May God preserve to us your precious life until you attain the full triumph, general recognition and appreciation of the whole human race for your beneficent doctrine….For 19 years I groped about in a fog, without finding a sure point of support for the benefit of my patients, until thanks to homoeopathy and its founder, I found the light and the path. Since then I am glad to be a physician…. At the same time I would ask you to honour me be including me among your pupils; it will be my earnest endeavour to make myself worthy of that title.

Extract from a letter from Paris of December 10th, 1833:

The well-known Dr. Broussais is competing with four other physicians in openly making experiments with the homoeopathic treatment, in his hospital, Val de Grace, at Paris, urged and encouraged by his friend, the Military physician, Dr. Jourdan, who has been practising homoeopathy in Alsace with great success.

Homoeopathy makes gigantic strides in France generally. The Materia Medica Pura, and von Boenninghausen’s Repertory have been translated into French, and in two months’ time will appear in print through a Society of French physicians.

There is not a single copy of the French translation of the “organon” and the “Chronic Diseases” left in the book-shops, because the young French physicians are very eager to practise the new method of treatment. In a month the French translation of the fifth edition of the “Organon,” by Hr. Thayer, will appear.

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann