Hahnemann’s Occupations


Before that Hahnemann had written to Staff: The prohibition existing in Russia against treating acute disease by homoeopathy is so abominable that it must become of great advantage to using the end. Everyone who knows can see that it must have been invented by the allopathies to remove from the public eye the striking advantages of homoeopathy in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. What will such an ambiguous Government do when a homoeopath cures a pneumonia or a pleurisy in a few hours? Would they cut off his head? No, not in these days, not even in Russia.

19th May, 1832.

Nowhere are homoeopaths better off than in North America. It is the only free country. The day before yesterday a merchant called on me who was well informed and proficient in the practice of homeopathy he told me of the great progress our science is making in that country, particularly through Dr. Ihm, and two others in Bethlehem and Nazareth (two Herrenhuter colonies) of whom I only remember one name, Dr. Freitag. yet it is also progressing in France. The first book of the Bibliotheque homoeopathique in Geneva and Paris by Baillere, which appeared for the months of April and May, has my full approval. There is a good deal in it that you could use for the “Archive.” Hahnemann to Councillar Becker in Gotha:

14th September, 1832.

You could hardly imagine how rapidly homoeopathy is gaining keen adherents and promoters in dear (I wish we could say peaceful) France.

Hahnemann to Stapf: Cothen, 11th February, 1834.

A short time ago good Dr. Dessaix of Lyon who knows German, wrote about the affiliation of the Society of Geneva with that of Lyon, and the names of a large number of homoeopathic physicians were given as members, among others, that of a Dr. Gastien of Thoisley, who directs a homoeopathic hospital of 30 beds.

Cothen, June 30th, 1834

There are already in Paris some German homoeopaths, one (Dr. Donner) is a thorough homoeopath, and the other (Dr. Widenhorn) is only partly so. Brussels and Amsterdam are still altogether in ignorance. In Turin I have discovered a good homeopath Tessier) and in Rome, Dr. Romani has established himself more firmly in our science.

Dr. Roth of Paris to Hahnemann:

Paris August 23rd, 1834.

Haubold has been here in Paris, and will probably report to you on the 10th 0f August, of our united efforts to spread your great and beneficent truth. Mr. Petroz and Mr. Gueyard wish to be remembered to you. Jourdan Cothen with a letter. I will add the name of Mr. Blanc to the three names I mentioned; one of the clearest brains I have ever met. He is an excellent orator, and deeply imbued with the great truth, he will be a professor who will soon proclaim homoeopathy from the pulpit. I recently made the acquaintance of a Dr. Widenhorn (see that doctor’s letter to Hahnemann of July 29th, 1834, Supplement 101-R. H;.). He seems to be a very capable man but I will not allow myself to pass judgment as I have seen to little of his work. This comprises all the homoeopaths of Paris. Otherwise there are some who were previously St. Simonists like Curie and Simon, also some doctors who practice in electricity, and mesmerisers who with no, or only a superficial knowledge of our difficult science, call themselves homoeopaths, and only do harm to the good cause, in the sight of honest people.



The magistrate Carl Ernst Rhost, of Posigk and Cosa, near Kothen, wrote a Latin poem of greeting for the celebration of the 10th of August:

Gaudeamus igitur Dum conjuncti sumus Hahnemann hospites! Bibere ut veteres Ecce Nostrum munus.

The song which consisted of eight verses was again sung at the unveiling of the Leipsic monument (“Allg,. hom. Ztg, ” 1851. Vol.42 page 42). Rhost who had studied law at Leipsic, was managing the estates, Posigk and Cosa, which he had bought, ” but he lived more for science, music and bright hospitality than for the plough, ” writes his brother-in-law, Dr. Summer of Frankfort a.d.O. (on the Oder), Owing to a fall he contracted paralysis of the lower limbs, which kept him to his bed for years. After long and useless allopathic treatment, Hahnemann cured him in six months. From that time onwards she was not only a friend of Hahnemann’s house, but was also an ardent adherent of homoeopathy, and eagerly pursued the treatment of domestic animals by homoeopathy, as well as being a prover of medicines. Hahnemann spent many an afternoon on Rhost’s estate, especially during the last years of his sojourn in Kothen. The young wife, Melanie Hahnemann, made his acquaintance, and that is why Hahnemann’s daughter Amalie, the widow of Dr. Suss, wrote to Madame Hahnemann in Paris on October 17th, 1844:

Imagine-dear good little Mother our food friend Rhost, of Posigk, has recently died; he has soon followed our dear father into eternity. There they will fondly embrace each other.



Councilor Becker of Gotha was editor of the “Nationalzeitung der Deutschen, ” which had existed uninterruptedly from 1784 until 1830. But during 1812 and 1813 it had been suppressed for seventeen month’s, “because it expressed sentiments of German patriotism, ” and during this period the editor was imprisoned. Becker was also the editor of ” Der Anzeiger” from 1793, under the title “Kaiserlich privilegirter Reichsanzeiger”; from 1808 it was called “Allgemeiner Anzeiger der Deutschen,” and after 1830 it had the collective title “Allgemeiner Anzeiger and National zeitung der Deutschen.” The editor of the”Anzeiger:’ and its late issues was Dr. J. Fr. Hennicke, who after he became acquainted with Hahnemann in 1796 always warmly supported his cause, and not infrequently defined homoeopathy by essays of his own. This helped homoeopathy very much among the educated middle classes, as the “Anzeiger etc.,” had an extensive sale all over Germany.

In his ” Allgem Anz., incorporated with the Nationalztg. der Deutschen,” the editor-Dr. J. Fr. Hennicke-published the following on April 27th, 1832.


I dedicate the following short communication to my highly revered friends and patrons with a feeling of deepest gratitude for their sincere sympathy. On April 15th I was suddenly attacked by violent inflammation of the lungs and spleen, and this brought me, in a few days, so much in danger that human help seemed futile. As I have full confidence in the natural and wonderful method of treatment, which the wisdom of God caused to be proclaimed to suffering humanity by the great philosopher of nature, Samuel Hahnemann, I entrusted myself to the care of one of his excellent pupils, my friend Dr. Plaubel. I had quite reconciled myself to the thought of departing very soon, and yet contrary to all human expectation I have had the good fortune to see the burning fever removed within seven days, solely by the use of that great homoeopathic remedy against the most severe inflammation, Aconite, with the help of a few secondary remedies, such as, Bryonia, Cannabis, Nux Vomica, and Pulsatilla, for some of the other symptoms. From the 8th day convalescence began.

You see here, my highly esteemed friends, a new example of the infallibility of the homoeopathic method of treatment when rightly applied. During this treatment there is no need to think of artificial means, such as drawing blood by leeches, venesection, rubbing with mercurial ointments, etc., and they must not be employed.

W.Gross to Hahnemann.

Juterbogk, 20th October, 1832

What do you say to this; by a decree which savours of despotism, the assembly of the Diet wishes to silence the candid “Allg. Anzeiger der deutschen” a paper which has helped what is good for so many years, and has protected many a truth from injustice? O tempora, o mores!

Hennicke to Hahnemann.

Esteemed Friend.

The duty of impartiality demands the publication of the enclosed remarks, on a subject which you have brought up for discussion; the duty of friendship impels me to communicate them to you before publishing them, so that you may add what is necessary; it will be my further duty to mitigate every expression, in those remarks, which contains anything of an offensive nature, so that all offence may be eliminated.

The horizon of your doctrine seems to become obscured rather than brightened. Cannot men who are in touch with Princes, such as Marenzeller and Schmit in Vienna, Aegidi in Dusseldorf, von Stegmann in Carlsruhe, Quin in Brussels (?), Necher in Lucca, Stuler in Berlin (who appears to be physician to be Princess Wilhelm) and others do anything through their connections to promote public recognition and safeguard the sacred rights of man against despotism, inimical police regulations, and common attacks? It is imperative that we should employ all weapons of defence intelligently against the secret machinations of our bitter enemies. the fight is for life or death. it is too dangerous to trust of treatment offers over the old one. Truth will conquer; but how long can party spirit, want of judgment, egotism, wickedness, etc., delay the victory! Let every man work valiantly and energetically at this post against the enemy; not only for himself, but in close unison with others and in a plan agreed upon by common deliberation. I have put much confidence in the noble B.V. Lotzbeck; can he not do something to obtain the public protection of the Grand Duke of Baden, for homoeopathy?

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann