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Part 13- Successful Cure of Diabetic Patient with Severely Impaired Left Ventricle       

M.M. A man aged 61 was diagnosed with DM 5 years ago due to a failure in his business, in 2007. His partner robbed the whole money i.e. about 500 million tumans that was about 35000 U.S.D. and escaped thus he suffered a severe heart attack 5 months after the painful event. He lost a remarkable amount of his body weight. All cardio surgeons disappointed him of post-surgical recovery and rejected such high risk bypass surgery, except one that did his best to return the patient to life. The God bless him for his nice effort. (The case was sent to the first research conference of Barcelona 2013 along with two other similar cases as a self-controlled case-series abstract.)

Tab. Morn. noon evening
Gliben. ½ ½
Metf. 1 2
Chlordiaz. 1
Nitrog. Retard 6.4 ½ ½
Captop. ½ ½
Furos. ½
Plavix 1
ASA 81mg 1


Clonazepam 1
Digoxin ½
Carvedilol 6.25 ½ ½

The patient could not walk more than 2-3 hundred meters without standing to rest due to dyspnea and severe heart muscle impairment due to necrosis.

Table No.2 ; the chemical drugs the patient had to take!!


He was visited by the author on the 27th of June 2012. He had to take 14 different tablets, two of which were anti-diabetics. The author took his case carefully and repertorized his main rubrics. He was a man that felt very weak and desperate. He would wake up at midnights because of difficult respiration and feeling of suffocation. Then he had to sit up to breathe normally. He could not tolerate tight clothes around his neck. The main and the center of his physical complaints was cardiovascular system with a thick blood that had led to a severe heart attack. He used to internalize his problems and seemed to be introverted. He had been also badly hurt emotionally by his business partner.

The rubrics were repertorized with Radar software. Lachesis turned out to be among the three first remedies according to VES (Vithoulkas Expert System).

CHEST – HEART; complaints of the

MIND – ANGER – easily

MIND – HATRED – revengeful; hatred and


GENERALS – SIDE – right – then left side








MIND – INJUSTICE, cannot support

HEAD – PAIN – pressure, external – amel.





SLEEP – POSITION – changed frequently

RESPIRATION – DIFFICULT – sleep – during

The author used positive phrases to assure him of improvement through homeopathy as the God’s means for his cure. He became happy and a bit hopeful. Twenty drops of the 1st glass of Lachesis mutus 30c was taken by the patient. And the patient was said to continue his allopathic treatment and to be under treatment of his conventional doctors, as well.

He was visited for the 2nd time on 16th of July 2012. After reviewing the patient’s symptoms, 7 positive changes and one new symptom were detected. The new symptom was diarrhea in the 1st three days of taking the remedy. In fact his constipation had improved afterward. He felt an inner calmness and more energetic than before. He had experienced lower FBS.

The patient was visited for the 3rd time on the 8th of August 2012. His physical activity and diet was asked about. He still had difficult respiration during walking and could not take food items like lentils because of severe “bursting flatulence”.  Therefore Lycopodium 30c was prescribed as 2nd prescription.

At the 4th visit on the 15th of October 2012 he said he had become more energetic and goes to a park for walking after his morning prayer. He can walk 1-2 hours a day along with his family and friends. The patient promotes them to jog with him. He really feels more energetic and stronger. Paresthesia has decreased in his lower limbs and circulation has improved so that he has less icy feeling in his feet.  Flatulence has improved and is not bursting any more. His blood pressure was measured and was 120/70 mmHg.

Table no.3 Para clinic findings;

Para clinic evaluation of cardiac activity  Date of evaluation Summary of Results
1)Echocardiocraphy Report 7th of Aug. 2010 Global LV systolic function is severely impaired
  29th of Jul.2012 Global LV systolic function is moderately impaired
2)Exercise Test 4th of Aug. 2010 Max.HR. 98 OF 161 ( 60%)
29th of Jul.2012 Max.HR. 138 OF 170 (81%)


The patient’s medical documents were scanned by his permission to be shown to medical staff that are interested in knowing more of the true effects of homeopathic remedies in severe cardiac dysfunction with deep pathology.

Echocardigraphy done on 7th of Aug. 2010 at the Tehran Heart Center, known to be the top heart center in the Middle East.

The Echocardiography and cardiac scanning of Mr.M.Mansoori was done in July 2012.

Please consider the prominent improvement of the patient that was severely impaired in Aug. of 2010 and compare it with the one done after taking homeopathic remedies of lachesis and lycopodium in July of 2012. That is why he can now walk 1-2 hours daily and his fasting blood glucose has also started lowering gradually to the 107 mg/dl on Oct.29 2012.

When I presented the case to Professor George Vithoulkas on 2012/11/18 through an email he sent me back the following email;

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Your Successful Research at ELENA’s Hospital

Very good results Aghanoor in such deep pathology.

Well done

Best regards,
George Vithoulkas


The professor has been leading classical homeopathy throughout the world. He does not need my recommendation, since 50 years of endeavor and hard humanistic work has made him one of the most famous teachers of Hahnemannian homeopathy. Inventing VES or Vithoulkas Expert System has made diagnosis of proper remedy in each case very simple and more accurate. Making Vithoulkas Compass during the last two years, since 2011 has been another straight way forward, one can diagnose the proper remedy through internet with the possibility of saving interesting cases in his/her home page.

E-learning is another prominent educative method for those who like to learn classical homeopathy by listening carefully to the professor through internet, without travelling to his lively academy in Alonissos. One just feel at the academy by sitting in front of his/her laptop or personal computer and listening to him.

He has cured and palliated about 200000 people that suffered acute and chronic symptoms and syndromes. He has cured so many patients with deep pathology through Homeopathic Medicine.

“Oh our LORD we homeopaths ask you to help us cure all patients the world over.”Amen.



1-Principle of Internal Medicine Harrison 18th Edition;2011
2-Preventive and Social Medicine Park 17th  Edition; 2002
3-Treatment from Epitome of Homoeopathic Practice by J.T.Curtis M.D. and J.Lillie M.D. 1850
4-Indication of Miasms by Harimohan Chaudhary;1st edition 1988
5-Homeopathic Materia Medica by W.Boericke 9th edition; 2000
6-A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clark;1902
7-The Prescriber by J.H. Clark; 1925
8-Soul of Remedies 1st edition by Dr. Rajan Shankran; 1997
9-Synthesis Repertory by Schroyens Fredrik.; 1997
10- Diabetes Mellitus and Homeopathy by Dr. Deepak Sharma at hpathy.com

11-Homeopathy effective in Diabetes Mellitus by Dr. Lynn Hardy N.D. at www.byregion.net

12- Diabetes in W.H.O. website; www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs312/en/

13- Author’s articles on the homeopathic treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus  at hpathy.com/ professional clinical cases

14- Hypoglycemia;  In: Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, Kronenberg HM, eds. Kronenberg: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 34. According to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001423

15- Obesity in American-Indian children By Story M, Stevens J, Himes J, Stone E, Rock BH, Ethelbah B, Davis S. Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA. [email protected] Published by http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

16- Food Plate replaces Food Pyramid; http://fnic.nal.usda.gov/dietary-guidance/myplatefood-pyramid-resources/usda-myplate-food-pyramid-resources

17- Tips on diabetic diet at the author’s websitw; www.nanohomeopathic .com

18-  Organon of the Healing Art, by Dr.S.Hahnemann fifth edition, 1834

19- Systematic Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies, by Dr. K.N.Mathur, 3rd edition 2005

20- The Homeopathic Revolution, Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy, by Dana Ullman 2007

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi
Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website: http://drsadeghihom.ir/en/