KALI FERRO-CYANICUM signs and symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from the Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies by Oscar Hansen. Find out the indications for the use of homeopathy medicine KALI FERRO-CYANICUM…

      Kalium ferro-cyanatum).


      Has relieved bearing down in the uterus, pus-like leucorrhoea, profuse but not irritating; sadness even to tears. Sinking sensation at the epigastrium. Passive uterine haemorrhage with consequent debility. The gastric sinking is connected with weakness of the heart. the beats diminished, with coldness, vertigo and numbness (Kali carb.). Chlorosis with puffiness, weakness of the heart, dyspnoea and tendency to dropsy. Good remedy in uterine flexions.

Oscar Hansen
Dr. Oscar Hansen, M.D., from Denmark, was a corresponding member of the British Homeopathic Society and the American Institute of Homeopathy. His book 'Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies' was published in 1899.