We comprehend most easily the animation, the presence of vital energy, in the animal kingdom, and medicine has long sought cure through the medium of substances derived from this source. That these substances have a tremendous power we know to be true. Homoeopathy, however, in distinction from ordinary medicine, believes that there, too, the release of power from the minimum of substance through potentization is that which will most quickly and accurately influence the disordered vital force of man on all three planes.

We believe that vital energy as we comprehend it is not a mass power, but an infinite number of egocentric sparks. We believe also that material substance, mass power, in medication, would completely overwhelm the individual vital energy to complete annihilation or would subvert it to eventual decay and death. We believe that the mathematical law of quantity extends through all nature, and applies to all vital energy in whatever form, and that if this is so, it is peculiarly applicable when we are dealing with that infinitely delicate balance of vital force in the individual.


If vital energy is the fundamental power, the motivating factor of the universe, balance must be one expression of the law. If the very planets are kept in their place through the influence of vital energy, this must be an infinitely delicate balance. We see the effects of balance all through nature and natural expressions and therefore we realize that balance, power, is one manifestation of the law.

Since the earth upon which we live is so delicately poised that it holds its regular position and movements without deviation, according to law, anything upon the earth which lives or is subject to the influence of vital energy must therefore in some degree be susceptible to balance. We recognize more susceptibility to the manifestations and interplay of vital energy and balance in the individuals of the human race than in any other form of existence, since we so often see the effects of the imbalance of the individual. This is doubtless due to the influence of his power of choice, which often influences his own dynamis and the dynamis of those with whom he comes in contact. In other words, his very existence is an expression of vital energy, but he is also exposed to the influence of the vital energy of others and the interplay of vital energy and balance from many sources may imperil his own balance. The resultant lack of balance in his own vital energy is disorder that manifests itself in a train of symptoms of disease.

Mathematics is the science which treats of the measuring of quantities and the ascertainment of their properties and relations; this is an exact science. It is a part of the study of astronomy, among other natural studies, and it must be applicable in all spheres where they concept of measurement or relationship exists. Balance is the state of perfect relationship, the result of perfect computation, and the desired goal of all mathematics. We might say that mathematics in its highest form is the perception of balance in its highest degree. Thus we realize that the laws that apply to mathematics must be equally applicable to every condition where balance is a factor.

Lack of balance in the individual may be engendered by the interplay of forces resulting from his privilege of choice, from the interplay of forces engendered by others and over which he has little or no control, or by the released power of an infinitesimal amount of almost say any substance, animal vegetable, or mineral, which has in itself the susceptibility of permeation of activation of vital energy. Here we see the applicability of the mathematical law. *The quantity of action (the actual quantity of substance susceptible to action) *necessary to effect any change in nature (necessary to affect the balance of any living thing or the relationship between any living thing and circumstances) *is the least possible. The decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.

All the elements, and all forms of matter, are capable of being moved, activated, by vital energy, although they may not themselves possess this energy within themselves. All the elements and all forms of matter possess the possibility of divisibility to an almost infinite degree. The greater the mass (quantity) of elements or matter, the more inert they become. Thus, massed iron becomes useful to man as iron or steel rails, bridges, utensils, or other material objects. Iron is a divided state enters into the human physical body as a component part of that which is activated by the vital energy, and as a part of the physical body the vital energy plays through it. Iron, even when massed and inert, has the power of attracting vital energy in the form of electricity, but iron in mass formation is not capable of balance and direction within itself to the degree that is possible when its divisibility is greater.

It is a question whether matter itself, which we call at times inert, does not manifest active properties; in other words, is possessed by activity and motion. This has been demonstrated in Madame Curie’s investigations of radioactive substances, and again in the far-reaching discoveries of Languin in his demonstration of the activity within the atom of the physical cells.

*The greater the divisibility of elements or matter, the more they exhibit the possibility of permeability by the vital energy; the energy being not dependent upon the mass, but on the play or balance between the positive and negative poles of the atom.

Vital force is capable of three forms of action: motion, direction, and balance. These manifestations of energy are an integral part of any exhibition of vital energy. Growth and development are directed motion, and in the degree of their perfection do we find the manifestation of balance.

What do we mean by vital energy?

What is the influence of energy on growth and development?

What is the effect of potentization on material substances?

How is the energy inherent in plants released for their use in remedies?

State the mathematical law of least action.

How does the law of least action apply to the administration of homoeopathic potentized remedies?

What influence has divisibility upon matter?

What three forms of action has vital force.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.