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Dr. Dewey discusses the homeopathy treatment of Spermatorrhoea in his bestselling book Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics….

Phosphoric acid. [Ph-ac]

      This remedy corresponds to the chronic effects of loss of seminal fluid, while **Cinchona is more suitable for the acute effects, such as emissions on three or four consecutive nights, weakening the patient greatly. Under **Phosphoric acid the whole system is weakened; the legs are weak, and there is burning in the spine worse at night, the genitals are relaxed, the scrotum and testicles are flabby, the penis has no power of erection, or the erection are imperfect and the semen escapes too soon during coitus. Formication or a sensation of crawling on the scrotum is also sometimes present. Impotence when the sensibility of the part is excessive, and the semen is discharged shortly after or even before erection. There is a sudden relaxation of the penis during coitus due to exhaustion rather than to spasmodic action, as under **Nux vomica. Hughes regards **Phosphoric acid as probably the most useful remedy for spermatorrhoea in the materia medica, but much depends on the potency used, as the lower ones often fail. There is dragging in the testicles, and above all the mental condition is important; the patient is distressed on account of the culpability of his acts, and is anxious about the future of his health or else perfect indifference is present. It is never to be used when general irritability is present, and probably many failures are owing to its misuse in this particular.

**Phosphorus has impotence preceded by over-excitation of the genital organs. It also has discharge of prostatic juice during a hard stool and frequently involuntary seminal emissions.

**Picric acid has disturbed sleep from erections and too frequent seminal emissions. Spermatorrhoea, with great desire, followed by great prostration. King, in his work on spermatorrhoea, advises the higher potencies as the lower ones are apt to aggravate.

Gelsemium. [Gels]

      Characteristic of **Gelsemium are frequent involuntary emissions at night, with relaxation of the organs; the whole system is relaxed and emissions occur from the slightest exertion or excitation. There are no lascivious dreams, and it is particularly the remedy in cases arising from masturbation.

**Dioscorea has atonic seminal emissions; there is a passive state, and the patient will have two or three dreams a night, with emission of semen and the day following will feel very weak about the knees. Farrington advises it first in the 12th and then in the 30th potency.

**Eryngium aquaticum. General debility, seminal emissions without erections.

**Digitalis has also involuntary emissions during sleep, without dreams, followed with great weakness. Baehr recommends **Digitalis 3rd trituration in spermatorrhoea and claims that it usually suffices. It should be given early in the morning. Dickinson claims better results from this remedy than from any other.

Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]

      When night sweats follow every emission, and when coitus is followed by weakness in mind and body, **calcarea is the remedy. It is especially useful in shattered constitutions where the patient sweats from any exertion. The sexual desire is excessive and the nocturnal emissions occurs about three in the morning or later. The erection are weak and excitable, there is sensitiveness of the urethra and irritable impotence. There is tendency to cold clammy sweat on the hands after emissions, there is pain in the back and head and trembling of the legs. Great weakness follows all indulgence. **Calcarea suits these conditions in young people who grow too rapidly.

**Caladium. Here, after masturbation, the penis is a flabby as a rag, the prepuce when withdrawn behind the glands does not have sufficient contractility to replace itself. Nocturnal emissions occur with or without dreams. It is indicated in the advanced stages when there are no erections. Emissions occurring without any sexual excitement whatever is a good indication for **Caladium. Feeling of coldness and cold perspiration about the genitals is also a useful symptom for the remedy.

Staphisagria. [Staph]

      **Staphisagria is the remedy for the bad effects of masturbation where there is great emaciation with dark rings under the eyes, sallow face, peevishness and shyness. The patient is hypochondriacal and permits the mind to dwell too long on sexual subjects; the boy becomes apathetic and gloomy and he has sunken face and he becomes uneasy about the state of his health. There may also be irritability of the prostatic portion of the urethra. In the female, **Staphisagria is the remedy when the organs are in a state of irritability. It is the remedy for the advanced stages and in cases of long standing. It is the best remedy in anxious and imaginary persons who are uneasy about the state of the health.

Agnus castus. [Agn]

      This remedy is suitable to old men who have spent most of their lives in excessive venery. These so called “old sinners” are just as excitable in their sexual passions at 60 as at 18, and yet they are physically impotent. It is also useful in paralytic impotence, where there is loss of both sexual desire and erection, and there is coldness of the sexual organs. This condition oftentimes comes from gonorrhoea and gleet.

**Nuphar lutea has absence of sexual desire; voluptuous thoughts do not cause erections. There are losses of semen during sleep. Atonic spermatorrhoea occurring from weakness of the sexual organs.

**Agnus castus is also a remedy in sexual melancholia and simple impotence.

Nux vomica. [Nux-v]

      For the bad effects of early masturbation, Nux is an important remedy. It should be given when the patient suffers from headache, frequent involuntary emissions at night, especially toward morning, and the digestive organs are weak. There is an irritable condition from sexual excesses, erections taking place, but they are not under the control of the mind and may subside at any time during an embrace; this is a common complaint of city men who have been high livers and drinkers all their lives.

**Strychnia is perhaps better than **Nux where there is a great spinal exhaustion; spermatorrhoea arising from plethora; irresistible desire to masturbate. The higher attenuations act better than the lower.

Sulphur. [Sulph]

      In sexual conditions **Sulphur is useful when the patient is weak and debilitated, suffers from gastric ailments, and has frequent involuntary emissions at night, exhausting him greatly. The seminal flow is thin and watery and has lost its characteristic properties. The genital organs are relaxed, the scrotum and penis are flabby, the penis is cold and the erections are few and far between. In coitus the semen escapes too soon, almost at first contact; the patient suffers from backache and weakness of the limbs, and he is low spirited and hypochondrical. Complete prostration and loss of sexual desire is a marked symptom of **Sulphur.

Conium. [Con]

      The remedy, on account of its mental conditions, is of great utility in the treatment of sexual excesses. It produces a perfect picture of hypochondriasis; the patient is melancholic, naturally excitable, but has gone over to this weakness.

There is no local irritability as under **Zincum. **Sepia has seminal weakness, with erethisms and easy emissions.

**Conium is especially the remedy where nocturnal emissions are brought on by suppression of the natural desire and there are pains in the testicles. Emissions on the slightest provocation.

Zincum. [Zinc]

      This remedy corresponds to long-lasting abuse of the genital organs, with great hypochondriasis. The patient has a pale sunken face with blue rings about the eyes, and there is with this drug great local local irritation, the testicles being drawn up against the external ring.

**Aurum may be useful when despondency predominates.

Lycopodium. [Lyc]

      **Lycopodium is the remedy for cases which have gone on to complete impotency; the erections are absent or imperfect and the genital organs are cold and shrivelled. Exhausting pollutions without erections. Lilienthal termed **Lycopodium “the old man’s balm.” It corresponds especially to the impotency of old age where there is great despondency.

**Kobalt has backache following seminal emissions.

**Sarsaparilla has nocturnal erections with lascivious dreams, followed by pain in the back down to the spermatic cords; prostration, the least excitement causing ejaculation without sexual feeling.

Selenium. [Sel]

      Seminal emissions, voluntary or involuntary, make the patient worse. The patient is so relaxed that the semen dribbles involuntarily. Lack of confidence is also a factor. The mental condition of inability is more of a leading symptom, according to Halbert, than that of timidity; in fact, this writer rightly lays great stress on the mental symptoms of the drug.

**Graphites has want of sensation during coitus, with no discharge of semen.

**Selenium has the symptom that the prostatic fluid oozes while sitting, during sleep, when walking and during stool. It is useful in advanced cases where the organs are in a state of irritability.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.