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Colds Catarrhs

With the **pulsatilla cold there is usually loss of smell and taste, and there is relief in the open air, even though the patient be chilly. **Magnesia muriatica. Loss of taste and smell after catarrh. **Drosera suits the last of colds with a cough coming on by fits.

Camphora. [Camph]

      First stage of cold in the head when nose is stopped up and is dry, and the inspired air feels cooler than usual. It will often check an incipient cold when the chill is first felt, and is a useful remedy in chronic or rather paroxysmal coryzas, which occur upon every change;of weather; it may be used by olfaction. The patient feels chilly, frontal sinuses involved, dull headache. Increased secretion of watery mucus from nose, with and without sneezing. It really comes in along with or even before **Aconite, but it has not the wide range of application that **Aconite has.

Kali iodatum. [Kali-i]

      Thin, excoriating and very profuse, scalding discharges from the nose and coryzas, which involve the frontal sinuses and antrum of Highmore in scrofulous or mercurialized individuals, with profuse, watery discharges, call for this remedy. The eyes smart, lachrymate and become puffed. The throat is irritated and the nose is apt to be red.

**Kali bichromicum. Discharge tough and stringy, sometimes extending to throat, causing choking. It often follows **Aconite well, catarrhs involving whole respiratory tract. It is a frequently indicated remedy in chronic nasal catarrh, hypertrophic rhinitis, first fluent acrid coryza relieved by warmth, then tough, stringy, discharge; wants to blow nose; no discharge; feeling of dryness in nose.

**Lemna minor. Putrid smell, putrid taste. Nasal polypi, atrophic rhinitis, glairy mucus, post-nasal discharge.

Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]

      Colds with watery, transparent discharges, causing vesicular eruptions about mouth and nose, with watery, clear frothy discharge, worse on going into colds air and on exertion; great dryness of posterior nares. There is entire loss of taste. This is the Schuessler remedy for coryzas, the watery exudations being the biochemic indication for coryzas, its use. Dropping of mucus from naso-pharynx in the morning. It also removes the tendency to take cold.

**Sticta. Constant desire to blow the nose, though nothing escapes; stuffed feeling at root of nose. The leading and most annoying symptom is dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose (**Senega), secretion dries rapidly, forming scabs difficult to dislodge. Clarke considers **Natrum muriaticum one of the most valuable remedies we possess for colds. The use of salt baths by the old school and the popular use of salt food would seem to verify this observation.

Dulcamara. [Dulc]

      Dry coryza renewed by slightest exposure, worse after getting wet, in the open air and at night. It suits especially torpid phlegmatic constitutions, those who take cold when the weather changes to a lower temperature, and so it becomes of great use in nasal catarrhs and influenzas of autumn. The **Nux coryza is worse in the house and better in the open air, which will easily distinguish. Colds which come on from change of weather and gradually involve the whole respiratory tract may indicate **Dulcamara. “Cold sores” may accompany the colds. Colds which come on suddenly, with a discharge dropping at times like clear water from the nose, should call for **Calcarea and it will be found of great service.

**Sanguinaria nitrate. Acute colds with sneezing, profuse discharge, burning and rawness in posterior nares. **Chronic catarrh, thick, yellow discharge, with much burning and irritation, husky voice must clear throat before speaking.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.