
Swallowing difficult: distorts face and draws head down.

Swallowing even a teaspoonful f fluid causes violent pain extending to ear ( Phyto)

Suddenly appearing, or slowly creeping ulcers on fauces and soft palate.

Large deep ulcers, with bluish margins.

Nit.a. is chilly: loves salt and fat: is depressed and anxious. Its pains are splinter- like, as if sticking in the part, worse for touch.

Aurum [Aur]

      Tonsils red and swollen; parotid gland on affected side feels sore ( Phyto)

Ulceration of palate and throat (Nit.a.) and especially after Mercury and Syphilis.

Aurum especially where the patient is depressed to the verge of suicide. Loathing of life.

Kali bich [Kali-bi]

      Ulcers, throat, which tend to perforate.

Tonsils swollen and inflamed: ulcerated: deep ulcers: dropsical, shiny, red, puffy.

Discharges ropy and stringy.

Nose, throat, bronchi, bladder, all partake of this catarrhal condition, with discharges thick, yellow, ropy and stick like glue: tough, jelly-like; form hard masses.

Exudate in throat looks like fine ashes sprinkled on the part.

Cantharis [Canth]

      Inflammation of throat with severe burning and rawness. Vesication.

Great constriction of throat and larynx, with suffocation on any attempt to swallow water.

(Belladonna, Mercurius cor., Arsenicum m, Arum triph., Caps.).

Mercurius cor [Merc-c]

      Symptoms “almost identical with Canth

But Mercurius cor. has more swelling, throat and tongue, and deep ulcers, rather than the extensive vesication of Cantharis”

Intense burning in throat ( Arsenicum, Arsenicum, iod., Caps.).

Uvula swollen, elongated, dark-red.

Throat symptoms very violent.

“Any attempt to swallow=violent spasms of throat ( Bell) with ejection of the solid or liquid; but distinguished from Belladonna by its intense destructive inflammation of throat.”.

Mercurius cynatus [Merc-cy]

      Throat feels raw and sore.

Looks raw in spots, as if denuded.

Broken-down appearance of mucous membrane, bordering on suppuration.

One of our most frequently-useful remedies in follicular tonsillitis: in diphtheria also, for which it has a great reputation.

In poisoning Mercurius cy. has produced membrane in throat, mistaken for diphtheria.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Has peculiar hours of aggravation: 4-8 p.m.

Affects right side (in throats, quinsy, diphtheria): but may extend across to left side.

Also extends from above downwards, as when diphtheria begins in upper part of pharynx, or in nose, and spreads downwards.

Generally better from swallowing warm fluids: or better from holding cold water in mouth. ( Lachesis is better for cold, and has spasms of throat from attempting to drink warm drinks). “The throat is extremely painful, it has all the violence of the worse cases of diphtheria.”.

Lachesis [Lach]

      Left throat especially affected: left tonsil: tends to pass from left to right (opp. to Lycopodium, which toes from right to left). Lac. can. (in throats also, and in diphtheria)goes from side to side and then back again.

Throat bluish-red ( Phytolacca, Nat ars., Lachesis).

Sense of constriction: “Throat suddenly closing up “or:” lump in throat that he must constantly swallow.”

Rawness and burning.

External throat is excessively sensitive to touch ( Hepar)

Can swallow solids better than liquids: worse empty. swallowing. Even relief from swallowing solids.

Nothing must touch larynx or throat.

All worse after sleep: sleeps into an aggravation: or wakes smothering.

One of our great diphtheria remedies-left side, or left to right; with above symptoms; but without the filthy mouth and tongue of the Mercs.

Mercurius iod. flav [Merc-i-f]

      Throat right side, then left (Lyc). Left to right ( Lachesis, Mercurius iod. rub).

Tongue yellow at base. Better cold drinks.

Lac caninum [Lac-c]

      “Throat closing: will choke”

Very sensitive to external tough ( Lach)

Swallowing almost impossible

Pain in throat pushes towards left ear. ( Phyto., shoot to ears.)

Pain, membrane,. goes forms side to side and back.

Throat dry, husky, as if scalded.

Sore throat before menses since diphtheria, with patches of exudation on tonsil, Glazed, shiny red throat. A grew, fuzzy, coating.

Better cold, or warm drink:Worse empty swallowing.

Has cured tonsillitis, diphtheria: has been used as prophylactic against diphtheria.

Lac can, is intensely sensitive and obsessed: seems faces; sees spiders, snakes vermin.

Cannot bear to be alone.

Thinks she has a loathsome disease; that everything she says is a lie.

Baptisia [Bapt]

      Pain and soreness of fauces.

Fauces dark-red; dark putrid ulcers: tonsils and parotids swollen.

Unusual absence of pain, in an extremely bad throat, is a characteristic of Baptisia.

Oesophagus feels constricted: can only swallow water.

But all this with the Baptisia”typhoid condition”: drowsy, dull red: as if drugged; lapses into a comatose condition.

Rapid onset of very severe symptoms, and rapidly curative in the Baptisia case.

Pyrogen [Pyrog]

      Septic throats, with extreme fetor.

Taste as if mouth full of pus. Carrion-like odour. Offensive sweats, Tongue, red glazed; then dark red, intensely, dry, or flabby: yellow-brown streak down centre.

Pulse very high: or out of proportion to temp.

Diphtheria with extreme fetor.

Quinsy with rapid suppuration.

A symptom of Pyrog. extreme restlessness.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.