Depressed Mentality

Are you suffering from Depressed Mentality? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Depressed Mentality….

Silica [Sil]

      Mental weakness, embarrassment, dread, yielding. Hates disputes and arguments.

Dreads to appear in public (Lycopodium, Ag. nit., Gelsemium). Worn out by prolonged effort or mental work.

Nervous exhaustion from brain-fag. Never the same since great mental effort.

“Anything for a quiet life.”

Dread of failure: that he will fail with his mental effort-yet does it well (Lycopodium).

Irritable: retiring: wants to shirk everything: mild, gentle, tearful.

“Pulsatilla- only more so.”

Dreads undertaking anything. Chronic of Pulsatilla (Kali sulph.).

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Mind tired: forgetful: worried business men when times have been difficult: can’t think.

Aversion to work: to undertaking new things.

Apprehension before the event: that he will forget something: make mistake:-yet goes through it fluently; i.e. a public speech.

No self-confidence (Silicea). Conscientious scruples.

Distrustful: suspicious: fault-finding.

Fear of men (Natrum carb., Platina, Pulsatilla, etc.).

Aversion to company; yet dreads solitude.

Wants to be alone with someone in the next room. Doesn’t want to talk.

Weeps at least joy: weeps when thanked.

Worse afternoon, especially 4-8 p.m. Not worse morning, except “wakes ugly.(P.44.).

Manganum [Mang]

      “Anxiety and fear. Great apprehensiveness.

“Something awful is going to happen.

“Cannot think. Business difficulties because he cannot do good thinking.

“The queerest thing is how he gets relief. He lies down, and it all passes away.

“His very life is excited, tired and anxious: he lies down and says, `Why didn’t I think of that before?” (Kent).

Phosphoric acid “Mental enfeeblement.” Mind tired (Lycopodium).

From prolonged business worry: of feeble overtaxed school children.

Answers slowly, or not: looks at the questioner.

“Don’t talk: let me alone: I’m tired.”

Mental prostration: profound indifference.

Ambra grisea [Ambr]

      Loss comprehension (Aethusa): reads a sentence over and over again, and then dose not understand it. Thinking powers impaired.

Asks question after question, never waiting to have them answered.

The presence of others, even the nurse, unbearable during stool, or during urination (Nat. mur.).

Presence of another person aggravates symptoms.

Mind runs on unpleasant fancies, diabolical faces and sights. Melancholy.

Baryta carb [Bar-c]

      Mentally and physically dwarfish.

Cannot grasp ordinary ideas.

Great aversion to strangers. Shy.

Cannot be taught because cannot remember.

Development suspended.

Coca-Cocaine Bashful: timid: ill at ease in society.

Want of will-power: shakiness and depression.

Fear of falling when walking (Gelsemium, etc.).

Sensation as of small foreign bodies or of worms under the skin (“cocaine bugs”).

(Cures of various conditions, as rheumatism, recorded, where this symptom was present.).

Picric acid [Pic-ac]

      Great indifference: lack of will power.

Brain-fag: mental prostration after least intellectual work (Phosphorus acid).

Disinclined for mental and physical work.

From the least study, burning along spine (comp. Phosphorus, Zincum met.).

Useful in neurasthenia; pernicious anaemia.

Burnett verified a characteristic symptom,:- Sensation of coldness, male genitalia.

Aethusa cyn [Aeth]

      “Fool’s Parsley,” Clarke’s great remedy for examination funk (Argentum nit.). He gives cases. Inability to think, or to fix the attention.

Loss of comprehension (Ambra) as if a barrier were between the senses and external objects.

In delirium sees cats and dogs: tried to jump out of bed: out of window (Belladonna).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.