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Are you suffering from Cough? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Cough….

Aconite [Acon]

      Constant short dry cough, with feeling of suffocation, which increases with every respiration.

Cough hoarse, dry, loud spasmodic: dry, hard ringing.

Cough wakes him from sleep. dry, croup,. suffocating.

Anxiety and fear. Restlessness. Worse at night.

Comes down suddenly after exposure to cold, dry winds.

Dry cough. Sensation of dryness whole chest.

“No expectoration except a little watery mucus and blood. Otherwise dry.”.

Belladonna [Bell]

      Dry cough, from dryness larynx.

Cough with red injected throat.

Violent scraping in larynx exciting dry cough.

Tickling and burning in larynx with violent paroxysms of cough. As if head will burst. ( Phosphorus, Nux., Bryonia, etc.)

Child begins to cry immediately before cough comes on.

Attacks of cough end with sneezing.

The typical Belladonna patient is red, and burning hot, with dialed pupils.

Cough begins with peculiar clutching in larynx as if a speak of something had got into larynx.

Dry cough: spasmodic barking, short.

Kent. The Belladonna cough is peculiar. As soon as its grate violence and effort have raised a little mucus, he gets peace, and stops coughing. Then air passages grow drier, and drier, and begin to tickle, then comes the spasm, as if all air passages were taking apart in it, and the whoop, the gagging and (?) vomiting. (A great whooping-cough medicine with spasms larynx, causing whoop and difficulty of breathing.).

Bryonia [Bry]

      Hard dry cough, with soreness in chest.

Dry spasmodic cough: worse night, after eating and drinking, when entering a warm room, after taking a deep breath.

Cough with stitches in chest: with headache,. as if head would fly to pieces. ( Belladonna, Phosphorus, etc.)

When coughing must press hand to sternum.

Cough compels to spring up in bed.

Cough shakes whole body.

Wants to sigh: to breathe deeply, which hurts.

Bry, is one of the worse cold, dry medicines:” worse East wind ( Hepar, Nux vomica, Spong, etc.).

Bryonia is always worse from movement: better for pressure.

Irritable: wants to be let alone:thirsty.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      Dry, teasing cough with great soreness of chest

Coryza travels down to chest.

Feverishness, when patient cannot move or uncover without feeling chilly.

Spasmodic cough with retching ( Drosera, Rumex).

Worse cold, dry, windy weather.

Cough causes headaches as if skull would burst

Belladonna, Phosphorus, etc.-or bruised pain about umbilicus, as if shattered and torn.

Tickling and pain in larynx with cough.

Acute catarrhal laryngitis: asthma-whooping cough.

“Something torn loose in chest.”

Nux is hypersensitive, mentally and physically.

Angry, easily offended.

Hepar [Hep]

      Worse for cold, dry weather.

Better in warm, noise weather.

Cough when any part of the body becomes uncovered ( Rhus, Rumex).

Worse breathing cold air ( Rumex): worse putting a hand out of bed.

Suffocative coughing spells.

Croup from cold, dry wind, or cold air.

In croup, after Aconite and Spongia.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Dry, tickling cough; irritation in larynx and below sternum.

Hard, dry, tight cough, which racks the patient and is very exhausting.

Racking cough. Violent cough.

Dry cough, with pain in head as if it would burst. ( Belladonna, Nux. etc.)

Violent pain in chest with coughing, obliged to hold chest with hand. ( Bryonia)

Cough with pain chest and abdomen, obliged to hold abdomen with hand. ( Dros)

There may be involuntary stools when coughing.

Oppression and constriction, as if a great weight lying on chest.

Tightness across chest, better external pressure.

Violent, shaking cough. Trembles with cough.

Cough worse laughing, talking, reading aloud eating, lying on left side.

Sputum saltish, yellow, sour, purulent, blood, rusty.

Cold sputum, tasting sour, salt or sweet.

Worse open air. Going from warm to cold room

( Rumex) or vice versa.

The typical Phosphorus patient is chilly, with thirst for cold drinks. Thirst for ice-cold water.

Craves salt.

Sensitive to thunder.

Nervous alone-in the dark.

Suspicious. Anxious. Indifferent.

Causticum [Caust]

      Dryness:rawness: hoarseness: aphonia

Cough hard, and racks the whole chest.

Chest seems full of mucus, “Fells if he could only cough a little deeper he could get it up. Struggles and coughs till exhausted or till he finds that a drink of cold water will relief: ice-cold.”

With each cough escape of urine.

Obliged to swallow the sputum raised.

Inability to expectorate.

Part of the Causticum local paralysis.

Greasy ( Puls) tasting expectoration.

Spongia [Spong]

      Chest dry. No wheezing or rattling, with respiration or cough.

Croupy cough: sounds like a saw driven through a board.

Wakes out of sleep with suffocation, with loud violent cough, great alarm, anxiety and difficult breathing. ( Acon)

Cough worse talking, reading, singing, swallowing, lying with head low.

Later tough mucus, difficult to expectorate: has to be swallowed. ( Caust).

Rhus tox [Rhus-t]

      Dry, teasing cough, from tickling in bronchia; from, uncovering even a hand.

Nocturnal; dry cough

Cough with taste of blood, though no blood to be seen.

Cough during sleep.

Worse cold, wet weather. Worse uncovering.

Restlessness; must move.

Sepia [Sep]

      Violent cough with retching and gagging.

Thick, tenacious, yellow expectoration.

Severe cough on rising in a.m. with much expectation.

No expectoration in the evening.

Or expectoration at night, none by day.

The Sepia patient is tired, indifferent, wants to get away.

Offensive axillary sweat.

Scilla [Squil]

      Gush of tears with coughing.

Cough causes sneezing, flow of tears, spurting of urine ( Causticum, Phosphorus, Rumex, etc.) even involuntary stools.( Phos)

Cough with expectation in a.m. and none in evening.

Stannum [Stann]

      Loose cough, with heavy, green, sweet sputum (or salty)

Sensation of great weakness in chest.

Chest feels empty.

Drosera [Dros]

      Crawling in larynx which provokes coughing.

Violent tickling in larynx brings on cough, and wakes him.

Spasmodic cough till he retches and vomits.

Cough coming from deep down in chest.

Provokes pain in hypochondrium: must hold it in coughing.

Oppression of chest so that breath could not be expelled.

Cough, the impulses follow one another so violently that he can hardly get his breath

Hoarseness. Clutching, cramping, constricting and burning in larynx.

Cough worse at night

Coughs of phthisis: asthma. Whooping-cough.

(Here Hahnemann urges a single dose of Drosera is. not to be lightly repeated.)

N.B.- Drosera is especially indicated when there is a history of weak instance to T.B.

Rumex [Rumx]

      Cough on changing rooms, from breathing cold air. ( phos)

Cough provoked by change from warm to cold.

Covers mouth up.

Every fit of coughing produces the passage of a few drops of urine ( Causticum, etc.)

Tough, stringy, tenacious mucus..

Much tough mucus in larynx with constant desire to hawk it but without relief. Hoarseness.

Dry spasmodic cough like early state of whooping-cough ( Drosera).

Dry at first. In paroxysms, precede by tickling in throat pit with congestion and slight pain in head and wrenching pain right chest.

The most violent paroxysms were a few minutes after lying down at night (11 p.m.), after which slept all night. Paroxysms, also on waking, and through day. Later, expectoration of adhesive mucus in small quantities, detached with difficulty.

Breathlessness, as when passing rapidly through the air. Sensitive to open air.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

      Spasmodic or asthmatic cough. Suffocative cough.

Child becomes blue and stiff.

Respiration wheezing. Rattling.

Violent dyspnoea with wheezing and great weight and anxiety in chest.

Loss of breath with cough: with inclination to vomit without nausea.

Or, more often Ipecac. has intense nausea- nausea unrelieved by vomiting: with clean tongue.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Wheezing respiration with cough and frothy expectoration.

Air passages seem constricted, cannot breath fully.

Asthma type of cough.

Great prostration debility.

Very sensitive to cold.

“Catarrh keeps travelling down. From nose to larynx, with hoarseness; down trachea with burning and smarting worse from coughing. Then constriction of chest, asthmatic dyspnoea, with dry hacking cough and no expectoration. With the Arsenicum anxiety, prostration, restlessness, exhaustion, sweat.

“Then constriction, wheezing, suffocation.

Expectorates great quantities of thin, watery discharge.

Expectoration is excoriating.

Burning in chest.”

Patient is worse after midnight I a.m.

Kali carb [Kali-c]

      Cough at 3 a.m. or worse at 3 a.m.

Cough asthmatic: must lean forward, head on knees.

Cough with cutting or stitching ( Bry) in chest. with respiration or between breathes. ( Bryonia with only.)

Sputum, of small round lumps: of blood-streaked mucus: of pus.

Kali bich [Kali-bi]

      Cough with white mucus, “tongue as pitch can be drawn out into strings.”

Membranous shreds with cough.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Cough caused by inspiration.

Worse warm room: coming into warm room.

Cough in the evening, when lying prevents sleep.

Dry in the evening, loose in the morning.

Cough from tickling or scraping in larynx.

Paroxysmal. Gagging and choking.

Dry, teasing cough, wants windows and doors thrown open. ( Sulph)

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.