Common Cold

Are you suffering from Common Cold? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Common Cold….

Camphor [Camph]

      A person who has been chilled, and cannot get warm For the cold stage, before catarrhal symptoms have ultimated, to prevent.A couple of drops of Camphor (strong tincture) on a lump of sugar, repeat till warm.

But “as Camphor antidotes most of our drugs, the camphor bottle should be put away in the other end of the house.” Kent.

Aconite [Acon]

      Sudden onset from exposure to Cold; To Cold Dry Winds.Nose. Coryza dry, with headache, roaring in ears, fever, thirst,. sleeplessness.

Checked coryza, better open air, worse talking.

Fluent coryza, frequent sneezing; dropping of a clear hot water: fluent morning.

Throat. Acute inflammation of the throat with high fever, dark redness of the parts, burning and stinging in fauces.

Larynx sensitive to touch and inspired air, as if denuded.

Laryngitis with inflammatory fever; also with suffocative spasms (spasm of glottis).

Croup:Child in agony, tosses about: dry short cough not much wheezing.

After exposure to dry, cold winds.

Chest. Tightness and oppression. Stitches when breathing.

Cough clear ringing and whistling, caused by burning, pricking in larynx and Trachea.

Cough hoarse, dry, loud: spasmodic. Breath hot.

Cough wakes him from sleep. is dry, croupy, suffocating: Great anxiety.

Sputum absent-scanty: bloody or blood- streaked: bright red blood.

Early stages of pneumonia, bronchitis, croup.

Aconite is Restless, Anxious, Frightened:

Onset sudden. Worse at night.

Allium cepa. [All-c]

      Coryza streaming eyes and nose, with headache; frequent sneezing, profuse acrid discharge from nose, corroding lip and nose.Lachrymation also profuse, but bland (reverse of Euphrasia).

Hot and thirsty: worse evening: indoors: warm room. Better open air.

Violent catarrhal laryngitis. Tickling in larynx

Cough seems to split and tear larynx: grasps larynx, feels as if cough will tear it.

Cough from inhaling cold air.

Belladonna. [Bell]

      Suppressed catarrh with maddening headache.Throat raw and sore: very red and shining.

Hoarseness with painful dryness of larynx.

As if larynx inflamed and swollen, with snoring breathing and danger of suffocation.

Acute catarrhal laryngitis.

Cough with red, injected throat.

Dry, tearing cough, which scrapes throat.

Belladonna is red, and hot, and dry.

Bryonia [Bry]

      Often begins in the nose, sneezing, coryza, running at nose, lachrymation, aching eyes, nose and head the first dry. then trouble goes down to posterior nares, throat, larynx, with hoarseness, and a bronchitis comes on: may end in pleurisy and pneumonia.Trouble travels down from the beginning of respiratory tract. (Reverse of Lyc)

Dry, spasmodic cough, worse at night; after eating and drinking; on entering a warm room; on taking a deep inspiration.

Cough with stitches in chest, with headache as as if the head would fly to pieces.

Cough shaking the whole body.,

Stitches in chest and pleura: worse breathing and coughing.

Cough dry, hard, racking, expectoration scanty

Bryonia is irritable: thirsty for long drinks: wants to lie still and be let alone. Dryness of mucous membranes. ( Bell)

Lips parched and dry.

Worse cold, dry weather.

Euphrasia [Euphr]

      Nasal catarrh bland, with lachrymation which is excoriating (exact opposite of Allium cepa)Severe fluent coryza, apt to extend down to larynx with hard cough.

Coryza worse at night: lying down: cough worse by day, and better lying down.

Hepar [Hep]

      From cold, dry weather ( Aconite, Nux) Catarrh of nose, ears, throat, larynx and chest.Cold in nose, with much discharge: with sneezing every time he goes into a cold wind.

Sneezing and running from nose, first watery: then thick, yellow, offensive.

Every time he goes into dry, cold wind, gets hoarse, and coughs: worse inspiring cold air: or putting hand or foot out of bed.

Sweating all night without relief ( Merc)

Hypersensitive, to touch, pain, draught, cold air. Wants to hit any body who makes a draught in room.

Better moist, wet weather (reverse of Gelsemium

(Farrington (only) stays, Hepar is not indicated in the early stages of a cold; apt to stop it in the nose, while it goes down to chest: “here Phos, follows and cures:.).

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      Colds from Dry Cold Weather ( Acon) reverse of Dulc). Acon is anxious: Nux irritable.Nose stuffed and drug, initial stage: throat rough as if scraped’; raw, sore.

Sneezing, nose stuffed up at night and in open air.

Fluent coryza in warm room and by day.

Coldness of whole body, not better by warmth of stove, or by any amount covering.

Chills, back, limbs, or whole body, not relieved by warmth.

Can’t stir from fire.

Shivering after drinking: from slightest contract with open air; from slightest motion.

Chill as soon a s he moves the bed clothes.

Chill alternating with heat. Heat with internal chilliness.

Nux is oversensitive: irritable; touchy; sensitive to least draught. ( Hepar).

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      Colds from Cold Wet Weather ( Rhus) and snow.From getting wet, or chilled when heated.

Worse sudden changes from hot to cold.

Dry coryza, sore throat, stiff neck.

Coryza worse in open air.

More fluent in house, in warmth; less fluent in cold air-cold room ( Nux)

Starts sneezing in a cold room.

Eyes become red and sore with every cold.

Nose stuffs up when there is cold rain.

Profuse discharge of water from nose and eyes., worse in the open air.

Stiff neck: sore throat, neck and limbs painful.

Mercurius sol. [Merc]

      Creeping chilliness in the beginning of a coldMuch sneezing, fluent discharge, corrosive.

Acrid, offensive matter flows from nose: greenish, fetid pus.

Nose red, swollen, shining.

Catarrhal inflammation of frontal sinuses, etc.

Hoarse voice; dry, rough, tickling cough.

Feels bad in a warm room, yet cannot bear the cold.

Taste sweet, salty, metallic putrid.

Creeping chilliness.

Profuse offensive sweats, and worse from sweating. (Reverse of Nat sul..)

Swollen, flabby tongue, tooth noticed.

Offensive breath: offensive salivation.

Gelsemium [Gels]

      Catarrhs of warm, moist, relaxing weather.( Carbo veg. (reverse of Hepar and Dulc)

Discharge excoriating: nostrils sore.

As if red-hot water passing through nostrils.

Gels colds “develop several days after exposure: the Aconite cold comes on in a few hours”.

Suits the colds and fevers of mild winters.

Teasing, tickling cough, better near the fire.

Great weight and tiredness of the whole body.

Chills up and down the back.


(One of the greatest of flu medicines).

Iodium [Iod]

      Loss of smell. Nose and stuffed up.Dry coryza, fluent in open air.

Severe coryza, with fever, severe headache, excessive secretion and much sneezing.

Catarrh, thin, excoriating. Hot water drops out.

The Iodine patient is lean and hungry and can’t stand heat.

Kali iod [Kali-i]

      Colds from every exposure-from DampNose red, swollen Acrid watery discharge.

Eyes smart and lachrymate.

Catarrhal headaches with inflammation of mucous membranes of Frontal Sinuses, eyes, throat, and chest.

Forehead heavy; dull and stupid.

Violent sneezing, eyes bloated profuse lachrymation. Violent acrid coryza.

Nose tender, face red. Uneasy. Tongue white.

Nasal voice;violent thirst.

Catarrhal inflammation of frontal sinuses, antra and fauces.

Hot and dry, them, alternately drenched with sweat. Alternate heat and chill.

Heat with intermittent shuddering.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Thin watery discharge from nose which excoriates upper lip: while nose is stuffed up all the time.”Sneezing no joke”-and affords no relief.

Sneezing from irritation in one spot (like a tickling feather) after sneeze, irritation as before.

Always taking colds in the nose, and sneezes from every change of weather.

Colds begin in the nose and to down to the chest.

Always chilly, suffers from draughts ( Hepar).

Always freezing: hovers round fire can’t get enough clothes to keep warm. ( Nux).

Arsenicum is chilly: with burnings, relieved by heat:

Is restless: anxious morbidly fastidious

During rigors and chills feels as if blood flowing through vessels were ice-cold water: a rushing through body of ice-cold waves.

With fever, intensely hot, with feeling of boiling water going through blood vessels.

Natrum mur [Nat-m]

      Catarrhs watery, or thick whitish, like white of egg “raw or cooked”.Catarrhs with abnormal quantity of secretion.

Paroxysms of sneezing.

Fluent alternating with dry catarrh.

Worse exposure to fresh air

Watery vesicles about lips and wings of nose.

Cough with bursting headache ( Bry).


Urine spurts when coughing ( Causticum, Scilla.).

Nat Mur. loves salt:hates fuss: weepy, but no one to see. Depressed.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      “One of our sheet anchors in old catarrhs with loss of smell;, thick yellow discharge, and amelioration in the open air (in the nervous timid, yielding). Discharge Not excoriating.Stuffing up of the nose at night and copious flow in the morning.”

Fluent in open air: stopped up in house. (Reverse f Nux)

Well in open air, but violent catarrh as soon as he enters a room, and in the evening.

Lips chapped and peel.

Stuffed coryza, with blowing of blood from nose.

A weepy patient; craves sympathy. Craves air; cool air; better motion.

Rhus tox [Rhus-t]

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.