An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Iodum from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, with dark hair and eyes; a low cachectic condition, with profound debility and great emaciation:

Great weakness and loss of breath on going upstairs; also during the menses.

Eats freely, yet loses flesh all the time.

Empty eructations from morning till evening, as if every particle of food was turned into air.

Itching: low down in the lungs, behind the sternum; causing cough; extends through bronchi to nasal cavity.

Hypertrophy and induration of the glands.

Palpitation, worse from least exertion.

Sensation as if the heart were squeezed together.

Iodum and Lycopodium are complementary.

Increase of saliva.

Salty taste.

Ravenous hunger.

Pain in the stomach, relieved by eating.

Emaciation great.

Stools: watery, foamy, whitish mucus; whey-like; fatty.

Menses: premature, copious, and violent; retarded.

Great weariness, especially when going up-stairs.

Leucorrhoea: thick, yellow, corroding.

Sad and melancholy mood.

Excessive nervous irritation, with constant inclination to be moving about.

Illusionary feeling.

Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles.

Induration of the uterus.

The breasts dwindle away and become flabby.

Quartan fever, with a constant diarrhoea on the days free from fever.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.