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Organon’s introduction is a rich source of history of medicine on the 18th Century. Hahnemann gives a detail insight into the way medicine was practiced in his times and the reason why he became so disenchanted with the so-called modern medicine….

Aphorism 1 to 10

The first ten aphorisms of the Organon cover the physicion’s mission, ideal cure, knowledge of physician, unprejudiced observer and role of vital force in health….

Aphorism 11 to 20

Aphorisms 11 to 20 focus on the role of vital force in disease and cure. Hahnemann also stresses that the totality of symptoms is the only way to study the dynamic derangement of the vital force. He also says that the dynamic curative power of medicine cannot be ascertained by reason alone….

Aphorism 21 to 30

In these aphorisms Hahnemann discusses what happens when two similar natural disease meat in the body. He lays down the nature’s law of cure with many examples. He also explains how the similar medicine works in the same manner but is safer and more effective….

Aphorism 31 to 40

In these aphorisms Hahnemann discusses why human body is more susceptible to the action of the similar medicine as compared to the natural disease. In later aphorisms he discusses what happens when two dissimilar diseases meet in the body….

Aphorism 41 to 50

In these aphorisms of the Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann discusses what happens when the dissimilar disease is caused by allopathic medicines, the formation of complex diseases, and what happens when two similar diseases meet in the body….

Aphorism 51 to 60

In these aphorisms, Hahnemann discusses the different modes of applying medicines – antipathy, allopathy and homeopathy. He discusses the pros and cons of each approach, suggesting the superiority of the homeopathic approach….

Aphorism 61 to 70

These aphorisms focus on the primary and secondary action of the drugs. The primary action is the action of the drug on the vital force, whereas the secondary action is the reaction of the vital force to the influence of the drug….

Aphorism 71 to 80

This is the beginning of the practical part of Organon, which starts with Hahnemanns disease classification. His clinical classification was acute (indisposition, acute miasmatic) and chronic (artificial (medicinal), pseudochronic (occupational), chronic miasmatic)….

Aphorism 81 to 90

The disease classification continues till aphorism 83, after which Hahnemann starts describing the process of homeopathic case taking (84-104) in detail….

Aphorism 91 to 100

An elaborate discussion on how to take a chronic case with focus on different types of patients (eg reticent/introvert or loquacious/hysterical etc)…

Aphorism 101 to 110

The first 3 aphorisms deal with the case taking in epidemic diseases and finding the genus epidemicus. After that a discussion starts on the need for homeopathic drug provings on healthy human beings….

Aphorism 111 to 120

Discussion on drug proving continues with focus on alternating action of drugs and idiosyncratic provers or patients….

Aphorism 121 to 130

The method of preparation of homeopathy drugs for provings and the required diet and lifestyle of provers during drug proving….

Aphorism 131 to 140

The physician is the best prover but how to conduct a proving if the prover is not present in person….

Aphorism 141 to 150

From aphorism 146 begins the third part of Organon which focuses on the clinical application of the proved drugs on the sick patients….

Aphorism 151 to 160

These aphorisms elaborate the need for uncommon, rare and strange symptoms both in drug provings, as well as in the treatment of the sick person….

Aphorism 161 to 170

A close simillimum is needed for a rapid and gentle cure. In case of a partial similar remedy, the case must be reassessed afresh on each visit and the medicine may change according to the changing symptoms….

Aphorism 171 to 180

These aphorisms deal with one-sided diseases, which are apparently predominantly physical or psychical….

Aphorism 181 to 190

The imperfect selection of the medicament, serves to complete the display of the symptoms of the disease, and in this way facilitates the discovery of a second, more accurately suitable, homoeopathic medicine. These aphorisms also stress upon the internal treatment of external maladies….

Aphorism 191 to 200

In the treatment of skin diseases local application of medicines must be avoided as it leads to suppression of the disease. A homeopathic similar remedy must be given for all external local diseases….

Aphorism 201 to 210

In chronic venereal disease also the local treatment should be avoided. A detail history must be noted in all cases to ascertain the past miasmatic infections in all chronic cases….

Aphorism 211 to 220

The state of the disposition of the patient, the mental and emotional changes that come with sickness, chiefly determine the choice of the homeopathic remedy…….

Aphorism 221 to 230

In treatment of mental and emotional diseases, in acute was an acute non-miasmatic remedy be given, followed by an antipsoric remedy of choice. The need for gentle and humane treatment of psychiatric patients is also discussed….

Aphorism 231 to 240

Aphorism 231 to 240 deal with homeopathic treatment of intermittent diseases like ague (malaria). At what stage of fever the medicine should be give?…

Aphorism 241 to 250

The discussion on treatment of endemic and epidemic intermittent fever continues. It is followed by discussion on homeopathy posology, especially the repetition of dose….

Aphorism 251 to 260

A discussion about observing the action of the first dose and deciding about the second prescription. Importance of obstacles to cure and maintaining cause of diseases is also stressed. …

Aphorism 261 to 270

These aphorisms lay down the method preparing homeopathic medicines from plant, animal and mineral sources. The preparation of homeopathic medicine in 50 millecimal scale is also given….

Aphorism 271 to 280

Further discussion on posology and repetition. A remedy becomes similar not just with symptoms but also with the right dose. The dose should be as small as possible….

Aphorism 281 to 290

More discussion on homeopathy posology, homeopathic aggravation, application of medicines by rubbing and olfaction. This is followed by exploring other alternative treatments like Mesmerism and Massage….

Aphorism 291 to 294

These concluding aphorisms continue the discussion on other alternative treatments like mineral baths and Mesmerism etc….