Ophthalmic Therapeutics

Even after the deeper structures have become inflamed, benefit has been derived form Nux vomica, as in a case of chorio- retinitis, in which there was much throbbing pain, especially in the left eye and in the morning, ball sore to touch, upper part of the sclera bright red, burning pain in the eye not relieved by bathing and aggravation of the symptoms on lying down.

Of late years strychnia has been employed very extensively by the old school in the treatment of atrophy of the optic nerve and various forms of amblyopia. It is used chiefly by hypodermic injection, and in many cases with marked success. We also often find Nux vomica useful in atrophy of the optic nerve, checking the progress of the disease and in many cases restoring the vision to a limited extent, thought it is, of course, impossible to restore the sight wholly if genuine atrophy has once commenced.

In amblyopia potatorum, or impairment of the vision due chiefly to the use of intoxicating drinks, or even to dissipation in general, no remedy will more frequently restore to power the function of the benumbed nerve than this.

Tobacco amaurosis or amblyopia will also often be benefited by the use of Nux.

Dr. Boyle reports a case of retro-bulbar neuritis in a young girl where the loss of vision occurred suddenly; two weeks later when first seen the vision was 20/70. The ophthalmoscope showed nothing abnormal in the fundus, the field or white normal, but for red very much contracted. There was soreness of the eyeball on pressing it backward, and the patient complained of feeling much worse in the mornings. Nux vomica was given and in three days the vision was improved to 20/20 and field for red nearly normal.

Its action upon the muscles should not be overlooked, for though it is not often called for in strabismus, still it has benefited some cases, periodic in character, especially aggravated by mental excitement or when caused by an injury.

For paralytic affections of the muscles it may sometimes be useful, especially when caused or made worse by stimulants or tobacco.

Very favorable results have followed the use of this drug in asthenopia, especially when the symptoms are more pronounced in the morning; also when aggravated by stomach derangements.


The following symptoms of this drug are taken from the proving by Dr. W.E. Green: Hahnemannian Monthly, 1885. The ophthalmoscope shows the optic disc hyperaemic, and the retinal vessels engorged, worse in the left eye.

Subjective.- Heaviness and dullness of the eyes.- The eyes feel as though she had lost much sleep. Heaviness of the lids. Dull, heavy pains and soreness of the eyeballs. Eyes feel as though they were very wide open, and he feels as though he wanted to look at objects very far away. Far-off objects look large. It is disagreeable for him to look at objects near by. Tense, drawing and tired feeling in the ocular muscles. Pain in and over the left eye. Pain in the upper portion of the left orbit with a feeling of expansion. Pains in the left side of the head and over the left eye extending around the left side to the back of the head and neck. Dull, heavy pains in the occiput pressing upward with dizzy sensations. Great muscular prostration and tired feeling over the entire body. The muscles feel unsteady and treacherous, as though you dare trust them to move. Vision impaired. Vision blurred.

We are reminded of Cimicifuga by the pins in the eyeball, and of Kalmia by the tense, stiff feeling of the muscles, but we miss the sharp, shooting pains of the latter. Ruta also bears a close relation to Onosmodium.

Symptoms are always worse on the left side, as shown by case reported by G.S.N.: Mrs. D. had suffered for several months with headaches, which for the last two weeks had been most intense, a constant dull, stupid ache, in the right occiput and eye, worse when tired or form any sudden motion. There was some vertigo and a strained feeling in the right eye. Under Onosmodium 3x all the symptoms were quickly relieved.

This is one of out very best remedies in headaches form eye- strain and in muscular asthenopia.


Pupils contracted.

Eyes dry and weak, with burning and a sensation as if dust were in them. Scintillations before the eyes. Sensation as if eyes were too large for orbits. Eyes half closed, red and burning.

Clinical.- The use of this drug in ophthalmology has been very limited, except as an anodyne.

Two very interesting cases are, however, presented, in which Opium acted very favorably: A woman, aet. 35, had been troubled with her eyes for six weeks. Upon examination, total paralysis of the accommodation with impaired sensibility of the retina of the right eye and partial paralysis of the accommodation of the left eye was found. It was supposed to be due to the use of cosmetic, which probably contained carbonated of lead. The other symptoms present were as follows: Almost constant frontal headache, vertigo with darting pains from the occiput to the forehead, distressing feeling of emptiness in the stomach, especially in the morning, bowels constipated and a sensation of pain and constriction as of a band encircling her chest in the line of the pleura. Nux vomica2 failed. Opium3 cured.-W.A. PHILLIPS.

The second case was one of embolism of the central artery of the retina. The arteries were bloodless, veins engorged and stagnant and haemorrhagic spots on the disc. Came on after a severe attack of neuralgia. The face was very red, numb and drawn to the right side; tongue protruded to the right side; speech was imperfect, nearly voiceless, except with effort; pain in the back. All the pains were on the right side. Under the use of Opium alone he gradually recovered not only his vision but also power over the paralyzed parts.- T.F.A.


Some stitches through the middle of the eye. Jerking and twitching of the right upper lid. The eyeballs seem too large. Eyes feel heavy.

Clinical.- This drug produced a permanent cure of paralysis of the iris and muscle supposed to be due to an injury received two years previous. There was pain drawing from the eye to the back of the head, where there was a sore spot; even pressure with the finger would cause her to cry out. Many black, floating specks before the vision were present.

The following symptoms have also been relieved by Paris: Pain in the eyes as if pulled into the head. Double vision. Headache worse in the evening, with confusion of the whole forehead and sensation as if skin of the forehead were drawn together and the bones scraped sore, with inflamed lids, red margins and sensation as if threads drew from the eye into the middle of the head. Tension around the brow as though the skin were thick and difficult to wrinkle. ” Feeling of contraction in the internal canthi.”- DEADY.


Objective.- An inflamed swelling, as large as a pigeon’s egg, in the inner canthus, like an incipient lachrymal fistula, together with dryness of the right side of the nose. Lachrymation. Conjunctivitis and blepharo-adenitis.

Subjective.- Burning and pressure in the inner canthus. Itching and dryness of the lids. Burning in the eyes and pressure, with dimness on exerting them. Itching and sticking in the eyes.

The visual power is weak.

Clinical.- In disorders of the lachrymal apparatus, especially blennorrhoea of the lachrymal sac, decided benefit has been derived form Petrol; its choice depends mainly upon the concomitant symptoms.

Within the last few years the purified preparations of Petroleum, Cosmoline and Vaseline have been used to a great extent and with much benefit as external applications in cases of blepharitis; they prevent the formation of new scabs and the agglutination of the lids, besides seeming to exert a beneficial influence over the progress of the disease. At the same time the use of Petrol. internally is highly recommended, especially if indicated by the characteristic occipital headache, rough skin, etc. Cases in which ciliary blepharitis has resulted from conjunctivitis granulosa, also when it has been a sequela of small-pox, with smarting and sticking pains in the inner canthus, have been cured by this drug.

It is sometimes indicated in trachoma with pannus, especially when occurring in a scrofulous habit, with considerable white discharge from the eye and roughness of the cheek.

It may be called for in scrofulous ophthalmia, with muco- purulent discharge form the eyes, inflammation of the lid margins and burning, itching or sticking in the eye and lids.

Iritis, with dull pulsating pain in the occiput, may require Petroleum.


Clinical.- The headaches of school children dependent upon over-use of the eyes (asthenopia) are frequently amenable to Phosphorus ac.


Blue rings about the eyes. Even sunken. Pupils contracted. Eyes seem large. Ptosis and paralysis of muscles. Aching and boring pains in the yes. OEdema of lids. Stiffness and heat in the eyes. Dull pain the eyes after reading.

Vision.- He sees more distinctly in the morning and in the twilight, than during the day. Giving out of the eyes while reading. Letters look red when reading. She was obliged to hold objects near in order to see distinctly; at a distance everything seemed enveloped in a smoke or mist; she could see better when the pupils were dilated by shading the eyes with the hand. Cloudiness or dimness of vision. Everything seems in a mist. A green halo about the candle-light in the evening. Flickering before the eyes and roaring in the head. Sparks before the eyes in the dark. It seems as though a black veil were before the right eye. Black floating points before the eye. Dark objects and spots before the eyes.

A. B. Norton
Norton, A. B. (Arthur Brigham), 1856-1919
Professor of Ophthalmology in the College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital; Surgeon to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital. Visiting Oculist to the Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children; Ex-President American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryngological Society. First Vice-President American Institute of Homoeopathy : President Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York ; Editor Homoeopathic Eye. Ear and Throat Journal : Associate Editor. Department of Ophthalmology, North American Journal of Homoeopathy, etc.