Armpit Glands

The does was repeated on April 13, and afterwards Hepar 30 was given four times a day.

June 24.-The arms are more painful fourteen days before the monthly period. Still eczematous skin and little nodes.

Rx Juglans Regia 12, one drop with Sacch. lact. three times a day.

July 3. -Still a red spot in left axilla; all the time lumps have kept coming, but smaller and lasting a shorter time.

Rx Luesin 200, one does, then Calcarea c. 30 at bedtime.

July 12. – Has over-exerted herself and is not so well. There is a hard mass of inflamed tissue in left axilla, but less tender than it was. R. Rhus t. 30 every two hours.

July 15.- Much less tenderness. Repeat.

July 22.- A very red round patch, somewhat raised and rather moist.

Rx Mercurius sol. 30 four times a day.

July 28.- Much itching on exposure to air.

Rx Elaps. 200, one dose.

Aug. 5.- Rx Tellur 5 three times a day.

Sept. 6.- Arms well.

I will now relate two cases of acute inflammation of glands of the neck.


Herbert C., 3, fair, thin, was brought to me on Sept. 30, 1882, with acute inflammation of the glands on the right side of the neck, which had been noticed only three days. He had had whooping – cough, for which he was taken to Yarmouth. There had been no sore throat. The tongue was white, and the appetite bad. He complained of pain in the lumps, but he could swallow without difficulty and was not deaf. Belladonna 3 and Baryta carb. 6 made some improvement, but not very marked.

Oct. 14.- Lachesis 6, one pilule three times a day. p73

Oct. 21.- Gland very much better, much smaller, no tenderness at all. The medicine was repeated, and general health became markedly improved and the swelling disappeared.


Wm. M., 20, pale, sallow, anaemic, consulted me at the hospital on Nov. 8th, 1882. Four weeks before, he had a cold, and felt cold all over. After that he had pains round the loins, and noticed the swelling in the neck. No sore throat. General health good. Now has a large glandular swelling under the left jaw. It is painful at times, but not constantly.

Calcarea iod. 3x three times a day.

Nov. 15.- Glandular mass smaller; glands separating. Repeat. Nov. 29. – About the same.

Baryta c. 6, one pilule four times a day for a week; to be followed by Arum triphyllum 1, one pilule four times a day for the following week.

Dec. 12.- Noticed much improvement during the first week; none during the second. Repeat Baryta c. alone.

Jan. 3, 1883. – Lump almost gone.

I will conclude this part by relating a case which I published originally in the Homoeopathic World of Dec. 1, 1892. In this case the patient had already undergone an operation, and was on the eve of submitting to a second, when a few doses of a homoeopathic remedy saved him all the suffering, and the surgeons their work.


On the 4th of July 1892, I was consulted by Mr.-, aged 31, holding a responsible position in a London house of business; naturally of excellent physique, but at the time looking anything but well or happy. He gave the following history :- Eighteen months before, he had had influenza badly.

His eyes were affected, especially the right, and for a day or two he was blind. He became well enough to return to work, but his eyes had never got right, and the had never been anything like so well as he used to be formerly. Before the influenza he had never known what illness was.

In January of the same year, after a week of unusual physical exertion, though without any definite strain that he is aware of, he noticed in the left groin a little painless lump, which gradually increased. This he showed to his usual medical attendant, who painted it with iodine, gradually increasing the strength of the paint until the patient rebelled on account of p73 the pain it gave him.

This treatment continued for a month. As things were getting worse, he was persuaded to consult an eminent surgeon connected with one of the Metropolitan Medical Schools, who advised operation. Arrangements were made, and under ether the swelling was opened, the incision being made parallel with Poupart’s ligament- for some inscrutable reason- and pus evacuated. This was in February. There followed a long, painful, and tedious convalescence. A gaping wound was left, and complete healing never took place up to the time I saw him.

Just prior to his coming to me he had been in the hands of an allopathic medical man, who, after diligently probing the wound in various directions for three weeks, finally informed the patient that there was no chance of its healing until it had been laid open again under an anaesthetic. The patient’s previous experience of an operation did not encourage him to face another; and before consenting, he resolved to try another system of treatment altogether, especially as he had been urged by friends to do so.

When he came to me, I found the following local condition. There were two linear scars in the left groin, parallel to Poupart’s ligament, with several fistulous openings discharging slightly.

I told him that in my opinion it would be a piece of cruelty to operate; that no good could be done by it, but that it would have the result of making an invalid of him and laying him aside for some time.

The fistulous openings in themselves presented tolerably clear indications for one medicine, Silica. The constitutional symptoms were meagre, but a tendency to moist feet, and a preference for hot weather, and sensitiveness to chills, supported this selection.

I told him to take reasonable care of himself, especially to avoid colds and anything like over-exertion, and to be careful about his diet.

He was to use no lotion or antiseptic (or any application except what was required for cleanliness) to the wound, and as a medicine I ordered him one tablet of Silica 30 three times a day. He was to return and report himself to me in a month.

This he did. In fourteen days from the time he came to me all discharge had ceased. The wound had healed perfectly, and he was himself in better health than he had been any time since the attack of influenza the year before. In addition to this, his mind was relieved of the haunting nightmare of a second p73 operation.

There still remained the eye trouble, which had lasted ever since the influenza attack. After ten minutes reading he was obliged to desist from intense pain at the back of both eyes, with pain at the back of the head. For this I gave him Conium 30 and a lotion of Ruta. I have seen him recently, but not professionally, and he tells me that the eyes soon became quite well, and he has remained perfectly well in other respects ever since.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica