After a meal, eructation with the taste of the food. [Gss.]

Not long after a meal, belching of a bitter-sour fluid up into the mouth. [Gss.]

Qualmish feeling in the scrobiculus cordis with a shudder running over him (immediately). [Gss.]

75. (Several lumbrici come up through the child’s mouth.) [Stf.]

Sickness, with empty feeling in the head. [Ar.]

Frequent hiccup (aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Lr.]

(At night, a continued pressure in the stomach.)

Transversely across the epigastrium, in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, a pinching or cramp-like pressure, after a meal. [Gss.]

80. In the scrobiculus cordis, a pain that hinders respiration (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

A digging, wriggling pain in the epigastric region (scrobiculus cordis), as if bruised. [Gss.]

Obtuse shooting, on the left below the scrobiculus cordis, aggravated by pressure, and relieved by deep breathing. [Gss.]

Boring pain above the navel, going off by pressure. [Lr.]

Continued pinching in the abdomen. [PELARGUS, l. c., t, i.]

85. Intermitting needle-pricks in the left side of the abdomen, like colic, when sitting (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]

Sudden, deep, sharp, intermitting stitches internally, on the left near the navel, especially on inspiring, and always at the same time stitches on the internal side of the scapula, towards evening (aft. 12 h.). [L. Rkt.]

Cutting pinching in the abdomen, that does not cease until he has been to stool (aft. 48 h.). [Lr.]

Violent pain in the navel and in the umbilical region, as if the navel were forcibly pressed in, or as if he had been struck there, at first for a short time, afterwards for a longer time, when it was aggravated by breathing. [Ar.]

About the navel a painful twisting, also pain when pressing on the navel. [Gss.]

90. After a meal an aching pain in the navel, also when pressing on it. [Gss.]

Cutting in the small intestines, in the morning. [Gss.]

Disagreeable warm feeling in the abdomen, that at last changed into pinching. (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

Labour-like, frequently – recurring pains in the abdomen, as if he felt the pulse beat in the interior. [Gss.]

95. Flatus explodes with little noise and goes quietly about in the bowels. [Gss.]

During discharge of flatus single in the lower part of the rectum. [Ar.]

Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, with silent discharge of flatus (aft. 1 h.). [Lr.]

(A voluptuous itching on the anterior part of the anus, which compels him to scratch) (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

Frequent urging to pass water, with copious discharge of urine, all day (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

100. Turbid urine (immediately).

Urine that soon becomes turbid.

Uterine haemorrhage as long as she (a girl of ten years) taken cina seeds. [BERGIUS, (Observation.) Mater. Medorrhinum, p. 709.]

In the left nostril, deep in, a not disagreeable, hot, burning sensation, as if blood would come, or as if brandy had been sniffed up. [Gss.]

In the left nostril on the septum narium a burning pain, as if a scab had been scratched off; aggravated by external touch. [Gss.]

105. Violent sneezing (aft. 1/8 h.). [L. Rkt. – Lr.]

Sneezing so violent that it rushed into the head and pressed out at the temples; the headache pressing out through the temples remained some time afterwards. [Gss.]

Sneezing so violent that it seems as if it would burst the thorax on both sides; afterwards he still feels a pain, especially in the right side. [Gss.]

Fluent coryza (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

A kind of coryza; in the morning he must frequently blow his nose, the nose is always full of loose mucus (aft. a few days). [Gss.]

110. Discharge of purulent matter from the nose. (With S. 2, 242, 291.) [PELARGUS, l. c. t. i.]

In the evening the nose is stuffed, after having had fluent coryza in the forenoon. [Gss.]

Mucus in the larynx, which he expels by voluntary tussiculation and hacking cough (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

On walking in the open air short, rattling respiration, as if he had much mucus in the chest, without being obliged to cough (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

Difficult, loud breathing (aft. ½ h.).

115. Very short, rattling respiration.

Very short breathing, sometimes with interruptions, so that some respiration are awanting.

The child is very short breathed, with loud rattling in the chest. [Stf.]

On inspiring a loud whistling whooping in the windpipe, not audible during expiration (aft. 12 h.). [Lr.]

In the morning after getting up, mucus adheres to the larynx, so that he must often hawk, after which, however, it is soon formed again. [Gss.]

120. In the morning he must always hack, and scrape, and clear the throat on account of mucus, which is constantly produced at the back of the throat and in the larynx. [Gss.]

In the morning great dryness at the back of the throat (trachea); a feeling of catarrh. [Gss.]

Inclination to cough is caused by deep breathing. [Gss.]

Tickling irritation to cough, rather deep in the wind-pipe, and if he does actually cough there occurs expectoration of whitish phlegm (aft. 24 h.). [Lr.]

Tickling irritation to cough in the region of the trachea, under the sternum, with expectoration of white mucus (aft. 16 h.). [Lr.]

125. Before the cough the child suddenly rises up, stares about, the whole body is somewhat stiff; she is unconscious; just as if going to have an epileptic fit, and then the cough comes.

After the cough the child whines. Au, Au! A gurgling- down sound is hear; she is anxious, grasps for breath, and becomes at the same time quite pale in the face – in fits of two minutes’ duration.

Attacks of violent coughing from time to time.

Hoarse hacking cough consisting of few impulses, with long pauses before the exciting irritation recurs; in the evening. [Gss.]

In the morning, after rising, hoarse hacking cough, the exciting irritation to which (as if from feather dust) occurs after a long pause on inspiring. [Gss.]

130. In the morning, after rising, hollow cough; violent succusions against the upper part of the wind-pipe, whereby mucus is detached, though with difficulty (after several days). [Gss.]

In the morning, in order to get rid of the mucus accumulated during the night, he must cough so violently that tears come into the eyes. [Gss.]

During the morning cough, the upper part of the chest (under the top of the sternum) is painful, and when he detaches something with difficulty this part continues to have raw and burning pain for a long time, as if something were torn away. [Gss.]

Squeezing on the chest during inspiration. [Gss.]

Tightness of the chest when standing (lasting half an hour) with anxiety, during which he perspires profusely on the chest. [Ar.]

135. A kind of oppression of the chest; the sternum seems to press on the lungs and the breathing is somewhat impeded. [L. Rkt.]

In the left half of the chest, cramp-like contraction. [Gss.]

Pain anteriorly under the sternum only per se. [Gss.]

When running, a squeezing pain on the sternum. [Gss.]

Sudden oppressive pain in the left side of the chest. [Ar.]

140. Under the sternum cramp-like digging pain, as if the thorax would burst asunder. [Ar.]

On the clavicle, a fine squeezing, like the pressure of a blunt point. [Gss.]

An out-pressing pain sometimes in the left side of the ches, sometimes in the sacrum, the latter as from prolonged stooping, especially during expiration (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

Painful digging superiorly under the sternum. [Gss.]

In the left side of the chest, pinching pains, increased by every inspiration (aft. 30 h.). [Ar.]

145. Pinching pain in the left side of the chest, between the second and third ribs. [Ar.]

Pinching, shooting pain in the left side of the chest (lasting a quarter of an hour.[Ar.]

From time to time single stitches in the chest. [L. Rkt.]

Prickling burning, intermitting, fine stitches in the side, on one of the true ribs. [Gss.]

Obtuse stitches near the sternum on one of the costal cartilages, increased by pressing on it and by expiration, diminished by inspiration. [Gss.]

150. Near the sternum underneath the left clavicle on deep inspiration, two obtuse, penetrating stitches, in rapid succession; during expiration he feels nothing, on pressing on it is very painful. [Gss.]

In the right side of the chest, between the sixth and eighth ribs, twitching shooting pains, not affected by pressing or by inspiration or expiration. [Ar.]

Sudden twitching stitch in the left side of the chest, between the fifth and sixth ribs.[Ar.]

In the middle of the right side under the ribs, a boring shooting pain, that goes off on pressing thereon. [Ar.]

Bruised pain in the sacrum, not increased by movement (aft. 35 h.). [Ar.]

155. Tearing in the left hip and buttock.

Paralytic drawing in the loins. [Gss.]

After a meal, sensation as if the lumbar region just above the hips were constricted by a tight ligature. [Gss.]

In the loins, a weary pain as if he had stood long. [Gss.]

Pain of the loins and spine when he bends to the side or backward, as if he had over-fatigued himself. [Gss.]

160. Tearing twitching pain in the middle of the spine. [Ar.]

Shooting pain in the middle of the spine, that went off on moving the body, but returned when at rest. [Ar.]

In the evening in bed, when lying on the side, the spine is painful, as if broken. [Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.