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Hahnemann’s proving symptoms of homeopathy remedy Cina from Materia Medica Pura, which Samuel Hahnemann wrote between 1811 to 1821…

(Semen cinoe, Semen santonici, contra.)

(From vol. I, 3rd edit., 1830.)

(The tincture obtained by macerating, for a week, without heat, one part of the unpowdered buds with twenty parts of spirits of wine; twenty drops of this represent one grain of the drug.)

Even the best generally consists only of small oblong, light yellowish-green buds, mixed with a few stalks, from a shrub-like plant, Artemisia contra. The finest comes to us from Allepo. It has also been improperly called zedoary seed. Semen zedoariae, merely because its odour has a great resemblance to that of the zedoary root.

For centuries no other use has been made of this very important vegetable substance, except for the explusion of lumbrici in children, in doses of 10, 20, 30, 60, and more grains. I pass over the not unfrequently dangerous, or even fatal, effects of such doses, nor will I dwell on the fact that a few lumbrici are not to be considered as an important disease in otherwise healthy children, and are common in childhood (where psora is still latent., and generally unattended by morbid symptoms. On the other hand, this much is true, that when they are present in large numbers, the cause of this is always some morbid condition of the body, namely, the evolution of psora, and unless this be cured, though large numbers of the lumbrici may be expelled by cina, they are soon reproduced. Hence, by such forcible explusion of the worms not only is nothing gained, but such improper treatment, if persisted in, often ends in the death of the tortured children.

This vegetable substance has much more valuable curative properties, which may be easily inferred from the subjoined characteristic morbid symptoms produced by it in the healthy.

Experience of what it can do, for instance, in whooping-cough, and in certain intermittent fevers accompanied by vomiting and ravenous hunger will excite astonishment. I will not dwell on the other morbid states for which it is adapted, as the initiated homoeopathic physician will be able to discover these by himself.

Formerly I used to employ the tincture potentised to the trillion-fold dilution, but I have found that when raised to the decillion-fold development of potency, it displays its medical powers still more perfectly. One, two, or three smallest globules moistened with this serve for a dose.

[ In this proving HAHNEMANN was assisted by AHNER, GROSS, LANGHAMMER. RUCKERT, jun., STAPF.

The medical writers quoted are:

ANDRY, De Generations Vermium.

BERGUIS, Mat. Medorrhinum

PELARGUS, Observ., tom. i. ii.

In the 1st edition of the R. A. M. L. cina had 48 symptoms, in the 2nd edition 287, the 3rd, as we see, has 301. ]


On rising from bed blackness before the eyes, dizziness in the head, faintness; he staggers to and fro; on lying down he is immediately better.

Violent headache. [PELARGUS, (Observation of effects of over-dosing. The symptoms occurred in a child, with; S. 242 and 291.) Observat., tom. I, pp. 8. 31, 275.]

Headache, with a feeling of general discomfort. [L. Rkt.]

On the middle of the vertex intemittent pressure, as from a heavy weight, as if the brain were pressed down; pressing upon it increases and renews the pain. [Gss.]

5. A pain, pressing from above downwards, externally on the forehead, as if a weight gradually sank down there (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

All day long some headache, a tearing aching, spreading even into the zygoma.

Aching pain in the head all day, in the evening also in the forehead. [L. Rkt.]

When walking in the open air stupefying, internal headache, especially in the sinciput, afterwards also in the occiput (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

On waking from sleep an out-pressing pain in the right side of the forehead.

10. (While sitting) pressive stupefying pain externally on the forehead and temples, which at length involved the whole head (aft. 36 h.). [Lr.]

Pressure on the frontal bone, and at the same time internally a fluctation like the beating of waves. [Gss.]

Headache, as if the whole head were screwed in, with numbness. [Gss.]

Pain, as if the upper part of the frontal bone were strongly pressed together from both sides. [Gss.]

Immediately after a meal and later, a dull drawing pain in the interior of the head, increased by reading and mental work. [L. Rkt.]

15. The headache is increased by reading and thinking, relieved by stooping. [Gss.]

Cramp-like drawing in the temples, increased by pressing on them. [Gss.]

Stretching tearing pain in the right temple. [L. Rkt.]

On the left side of the sinciput drawing aching. [Gss.]

Aching pain, like fine tearing, in the temporal region, that went off on moving the head (aft. 11 h.). [Lr.]

20. Confusing drawing from the left frontal protuberance towards the root of the nose. [Gss.]

In the left frontal protuberance a paralytic tearing with stupefaction of the head; immediately afterwards in the right frontal protuberance. [Gss.]

Drawing tearing pain on the whole left side of the head. [Ar.]

A small spot on the right parietal bone feels numb and as if asleep. [Gss.]

Obtuse stitches in the brain, especially in the left side of the crown.(aft. 1.1/2 h.). [L. Rkt.]

25. In the frontal bone over the right temple severe obtuse stitches deep into the brain, which threaten to stupefy him. [Gss.]

When the headache goes off there occurs an aching pain in the abdomen, and when this goes off the headache returns.

Over the upper orbital border a slow obtuse stitch extending deep into the brain. [Gss.]

Palpitation of the muscle of the eyebrow, a kind of convulsion. [Gss.]

Dull headache, affecting the eyes, in the morning. [L. Rkt.]

30. Obtuse pain in the eyes while reading, and during mental labour. [L. Rkt.]

Pressing ache in the interior of the eye, generally wit dilatation of the pupils. [L. Rkt.]

Dilated pupils (aft. ½ h.). [Lr.]

Contracted pupils (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Great contraction of the pupils (aft. 1 h.). [L. Rkt.]

35. In the evening when he wishes to see accurately (read) by candle-light, he sees everything as through a veil; on wiping the eyes he sees better for a short time. [Gss.]

On reading a book there comes a dimness before the eyes, so that he can only read again after rubbing the eyes strongly with the finger. [Ar.]

(In the morning) fatigue in the eyes; the upper lids were so weak he could scarcely open them, lasting all the forenoon.[Ar.]

Burning pain in the outer canthus of the eye, mingled with itching, and on the border of the upper lid (aft. 2 h.).

(Burning in the eyelids, especially in the inner canthus, in the evening, by candle-light.) [Gss.]

40. In the evening, by candle-light. Dryness of the eyelids and an aching feeling in them, as if sand had got into them. [Gss.]

Feeling of dryness in the interior of the eye, and drawing aching pain, when he only exerts the eyes a little in reading. [L. Rkt.]

Formication in the eyelids, so that he must rub them. [Gss.]

Tickling itching in the right inner canthus, compelling him to rub (aft. 1 h.). [Lr.]

Tickling itching on the left outer canthus, compelling him to rub (aft. 26 h.). [Lr.]

45. (In the morning, after rising, the inner canthi are stuck together, as with matter.) [Gss.]

He looks ill about the eyes and pale in the face. [Gss.]

On the lower border of the orbit an obtuse pressure; by pressing on it increases, and may be excited anew. [Gss.]

Pain as if both zygomatic arches were seized and compressed by pincers; the pain is aggravated by external pressure. [Gss.]

Cramp-like twitching in the zygoma, a pain which, even after it is gone, can be excited anew by pressing strongly on it, only it then comes as a continued cramp-like or paralytic pain. [Gss.]

50. Periodical, stretching tearing pain in the zygomatic arches, going from one place to another, aggravated by pressure. [L. Rkt.]

In the external ear, cramp-like twitching, like earache. [Gss.]

Under the mastoid process, obtuse shooting, like a pinching pressure; on pressing on it, as from a blow or knock. [Gss.]

White and bluish round the mouth. [PELARGUS, l. c., tom. ii, p. 458.]

Puffy, bluish face. [Stf.]

55. The child often bores so long in his nose that blood comes from it.

On thecheek a boil, with hardness round about it.

Aching pain in the submaxillary glands.

Obtuse shooting pain in the right ramus of the lower maxilla, aggravated by pressure. [Lr. Rkt.]

Single fine pricks as with needles on the left lower maxilla, aggravated by pressing on it with the hand. [Ar.]

60. Twitching pain in the left side of the lower jaw. [Ar.]

Toothache as if excoriation.

The inspired air and cold drinks cause pain in the tooth.

The child leans the head on one side.

Paralytic feeling in the nape. [L. Rkt.]

65. Boring stitches in the right cervical muscles, synchronous with the pulse, which go off on moving the neck (aft. 11 h.). [Lr.]

Dryness and roughness of the interior of the mouth, especially of the palate, with sick qualmishness (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Cannot swallow.

Inability to swallow; liquids roll about in the mouth for a long time. [Stf.]

Great hunger shortly after a meal. [Gss.]

70. Thirst.

In the morning when fasting, empty eructation. [Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.