Fetches short deep breath, with great elevation of the chest. [Stf.]

A burning pain under the sternum up into the mouth.

245. A burning in the chest with stupidity of the head, (See 9, 10, 14, 15, 17. 18, 19 to 26, 298) as if he did not know where he was, with anxiety.

The chest internally is painful, as if bruised (aft. 24 h.).

An aching pain under the sternum, which does not interfere with breathing, and is not increased either by breathing or by the touch (aft. 12 h.).

A pressive pain under the sternum that tightens the breath (aft. 10 h)

It lies heavy on his stomach, pain in the pit of the stomach as if it were pressed down. (The word here translated stomach is “Herz,” respecting which Hahnemann says in a note, “Common people mean by this usually the pit of he stomach; see also 167; where “Herz” is also the word used. This being so the symptom ought properly to be laced beside 167.

250. Quick stitches at the heart when moving, which oppress the breathing. [Stf.].

A drawing pain, or sensation as if the right side of the chest were repeatedly drawn inwards (aft. 12, 16 h.).

Contraction of the chest.

Oppression of the chest.

Tensive pain over the chest on inspiring.

255. Across the upper part of the chest a squeezing pain (in the evening) (aft. 5 h.).

Oppression of the chest, as from flatulence which is dammed up in the epigastrium, with pressive pain; at the same time stomachache, as at the commencement of heart-burn; afterwards a burning in the spinal column.

Constriction of the upper part of the chest, which then also is painful on coughing (aft. 4 h.).

Suffocative tightness of the chest (the larynx feels constricted) in the region of the pit of the throat, with constant irritation to cough (aft.1/4 h.).

About midnight a fit of coughing, whereby something seems to rise up in the throat, as if she would suffocate.

260. Almost uninterrupted tickling irritation to cough under the upper part of the sternum, but it does not always result in coughing.

Dry cough on account of an itching irritation and constant tickle in the part of the trachea behind the pit of the throat (aft. 4 h.).

A severe dry cough in sleep (aft. 11 h.).

Dry cough four or five times daily.

(The child gets angry and then has cough.)

265. Before midnight, stitches radiating from the abdomen into the chest, with constant thirst, without heat.

(Rather obtuse) stitches, which dart from the abdomen into the middle of the chest, as from flatulence (aft. 2, 4 h.).

After every start, waking or sleeping, stitches from the abdomen up into the chest.

Stitches in the side of the chest, under the ribs and scapulae, on breathing (aft. 4 h.).

Pricking in the chest like needle-pricks.

270. At times single severe stitches in the chest (aft. 2, 4 h.).

Stitches right through the chest at every breath.

Stitches from the middle of the chest towards the right side, after every expiration (aft. 1.5 h.).

Scirrhous hardness of the mammary glands.

A hard lump under the nipple, painful when touched, and also sometimes with drawing tearing pains per se.

275. In the region of the clavicle and neck tearing paid (aft. 2 h.).

(Tensive stiffness of the cervical muscles.)

Drawing pain in the scapulae, chest and hands, as from a chill (aft. 15, 16 h,).

Fine shooting pains in the back.

Tearing in the back.

280. Drawing pain in the back, for an hour (aft.1 h.).

Contractive sensation in the spine.

Drawing tearing pain in the back.

Pain in the sacrum, especially at night.

Sacrum as if bruised.

285. (A kind of irregular labour-pains) from the sacrum into the thighs, a drawing paralytic pain (aft. 1, 2 h.).

After sitting a stiff pain in the loins (aft. 16 h.).

At night, intolerable pain in the loins and hip-joint, when he lies on the opposite side.

From midnight onwards an uninterrupted fine, painful aching in the articular ligaments and the periosteum of the arm, from the shoulder to the fingers, which resembles a drawing or tearing (almost as bad when not moving as when moving); late at night it is at its worst, especially when lying on the back, and it is easiest when lying on the painful arm (aft. 8 h.).

A crawling tearing in the shafts of the arm-bones to the fingers, as if the arm were numb or asleep, or had no feeling.

290. A stiffness of the arm, as if it would go to sleep, on grasping anything with the hand.

The arms go to sleep immediately, when she grasps anything strongly; she must immediately let it go.

The left arm goes to sleep without having lain on it. [Stf.]

Drawing paralytic pain in the elbows and hands.

Late in the evening a drawing pain in the interior of the arm, from the elbow to the tips of the fingers (aft. 1 h.).

295. Drawing pain in the wrist-joint.

Pain of the thumb and index finger, as from a sprain, or as from too great exertion, or as if they were broken, felt when moving them.

Burning pain in the hand, in the afternoon (aft. 72 h.).

The hands are cold; she feels a paralytic stiffness in them, and cloudiness of the head; she is sensitive to the open air as if she would easily take cold.

Coldness of the hands, with cold sweat on the palms, the rest of the body being sufficiently warm (aft. 2. h.).

300. The fingers become cold and have a tendency to go to sleep, when sitting (aft. 1 h.).

In the morning the fingers go to sleep (aft. 12 h.).

Tearing pain in the thighs and legs.

In the hip-joint pain as if dislocated, on treading after sitting (in the evening) (aft. 5 h.).

Lame stiffness with weakness in the thigh like a paralytic stroke.

305. In the thigh an indescribable pain, on attempting to rise after sitting, and when lying on stretching out the leg.

Transient bruised pain in the thighs (aft. 1/4h.).

Creaking and cracking in the knee on moving it (aft. 3 h.).

Tension in the knee. [Stf.]

Late in the evening, drawing pain from the knee through the leg.

310. In the knee a drawing tearing pain down into the ankles.

Sensation in the legs as if they would go to sleep.

He must stretch out the legs from time to time in order to get rest.

At night in bed, on stretching out and pressing the feet against something he gets cramp in the calves, which is relieved by flexing the knees (aft. 8 h.).

Cramp in the calves (aft. 10 h.),

315. Especial tendency to cramp in the calves.

Tensive cramp-like pain in the calves on moving the feet (aft. 8 h.).

Tension in the legs up the calves. [Stf.]

She must draw the legs up on account of pain in the calves and knees; when she stretches herself out they go to sleep. [Stf.]

Nocturnal paralytic powerlessness of the feet; they have no strength, he cannot tread, and when he stands up he sinks down to the ground, with drawing pain in the leg and stiffness and numbness of the soles of the feet.

320. Feet are as if paralysed. (The paralytic sensation of camomile in any part is never without accompanying drawing or tearing pain, and the drawing or tearing of camomile is almost always accompaind by paralytic of numb sensation in the part. See 285, 293 (288,289),320, 347 (357, 364).)

Tearing pain in the feet; he dare not cover them with the bed clothes.

In the night the soles of the feet burn, and he puts his feet out of bed.

In the feet a burning and itching as if they had been frost-bitten (aft. 3 h.).

Rapid swelling of one foot and of the sole.

325. In the interior of the heel an itching pain (aft. 3 h.).

Itching on the sole of the foot.

Spasmodic contraction of the toes with tearing pain in the limbs.

Feeling as if the toes would bend and go to sleep, while sitting, especially the big toes (aft. 1 h,).

Great dread of the wind.

330. The hands and feet easily become benumbed in the cold, as if they would be frost-bitten (aft: 5h.).

Pain compounded of itching and pricking, now in one part now in another, in a small spot; after scratching the pain increases (aft. 4 h.).

A slightly elevated cutaneous eruption in the nape, which causes a smarting sensation that compels scratching.

Pustule-like pimples here and there in the face, which are not painful and only itch when touched.

Red miliary eruption on the cheeks and forehead, without heat.

335. Small red spots on the skin, which are covered with miliary papules.

Thick eruption of red papules, which are crowded together on a red spot on the skin, which itches and smarts somewhat, particularly at night, on the lumbar vertebrae and the side of the abdomen; from time to time, especially in the evening, there occurs a shudder round about.

The akin becomes oedematous, unhealthy, and every injury takes on a bad character and tends to suppurate.

An existing ulcer becomes painful (aft3/4 h.).

In the ulcer there occurs twitching and shooting pain.

340. In the ulcer there occurs at night a burning and smarting pain, with creeping in it and painful over-sensitiveness to the touch.

(Round the ulcer on the foot there occurs redness, swelling, and bruised pain.)

There arise around the ulcer papules covered with a scab and going on to suppuration with itching (the border round the base of the ulcer is very red)

Cracking in the joints, especially of the lower limbs, and pains in them, as if bruised, and yet no proper feeling of fatigue (aft. 8 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.