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In the whole right side of the abdomen, as far as the hepatic region and chest, drawing bruised pain, more internally than externally, especially when inspiring (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

135. Pinching pain in the hypogastrium, especially the umbilical region (aft. 7.1/2 h.). [Hrr.]

In the right side of the hypogastrium a shooting drawing heaviness, which is still more distinctly felt on pressing on it. [Fz.]

Hard pressure in the left side of the hypogastrium (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Drawing in the left side of the hypogastrium with a tensive bruised sensation (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]

Burning shooting on a spot the size of the hand, below the anterior crst of the ilium towards the grion. [Fz.]

140. Aching on the left side of the pubes at the root of the penis, in the groin, when standing (aft. 10. h.). [Fz.]

Itching formication in the right groin, which goes off on rubbing it (aft. ¼ h.). [Ws.]

Out-pressing on the pubes in the groin, at the root of the penis, as if a hernia would come out (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]

Ascites of short duration. [HERGT, (From three grains twice daily.) in [Hufel. Journ., xxvii, I, p. 151.]

Urging to stool: the stool is of the ordinary character, but little is passed, whereupon there is again urging with the evacuation of a still smaller quantity (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

145. Urging to stool (aft. 4 h.). [Hrr.]

The first day two stools after some pinching in the abdomen, the second day no stool, the third day rather hard and difficult stool. [Fz.]


The excrements are passed with difficulty, not without exertion of the abdominal muscles, just as if the perstlaltic movement of the bowels were diminished, and at the same time the rectum were contracted (aft. 24 h.).

Obstinate constipation of the bowels. (Alexander simply states that he was “Extremely costive at stool the day after.” Swallowing the dose.) [ALEXANDER, l. c.]

150. The rectum is as if contracted, swollen and painful when flatus is expelled.

Soreness in the rectum. [Stf.]

Greenish-yellow turbid urine of a mouldy smell (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]

He passes turbid urine, which on standing becomes quite turbid and thick, of a whitish-green colour, without depositing a sediment. [Hrr.]

Red urine.

155. Red urine. (“Very rarely,” the author says.) [Fr. Hoffmann, l. c.]

In the first hours, little urine and without suffering, but after several hours (in the afternoon) when urinating a smartingpain, for several days, in the posterior part of the urethra, and after urinating pressure in the vesical region, like a fresh call to urinate. [Fz.]

Diminished power of the bladder; although there is no mechanical obstruction the urine passes very slowly out of the bladder when urinating (aft. 20 h.).

Thin streamof the urine discharged.

The urine passes in a very thin stream, as in stricture of the urethra (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Hrr.]

160. Retention of urine with urging to urinate and tenesmus of the neck of the bladder.

Retention of the urine the first twelve hours, with constant pressure in the bladder and call to urinate, during which nothing passed; but after twenty-four hours, frequent urination in the ordinary quantity, therefore on the holw increased quantity of urine discharged, but after forty-eight hours more frequent and more copious urination. [Hrr.]

In the first ten hours, no urine is passed. [Ws.]

Strangury almost immediately [HEBERDEN. (Effects of large doses in patients.) Medic, Trans., I, p. 471.]

Involuntary urination after great urging to urinate.

165. Almost involuntary urination, and after urinating pain in the urethra, like a contraction from before backwards.

Painful urination.

Scalding urine.

Shooting itching on the inner surface of the prepuce. [Hrr.]

( A contractive sensation in the testicles.) [Stf.]

170. The first two days, weakness of the genital organs, and loss of sexual desire. [Ws.]

The first two days, relaxation of the scrotum, deficiency of erection of the penis, loss of sexual desire, but after 48 hours much stronger erections than in ordinary times. (The loss of sexual desire, erections, and seminal emissions, is as is obvious from these observations, only primary action of camphor, and hence it only acts in a palliative manner when we attempt to combat with it inordinate sexual desire, erections, and the frequent nocturnal seminal emissions which have lasted long; there follows then an increase of the malady by the opposite reaction of the organism (secondary action). (Comp. 173.) [Hrr.]

Tendency to nocturnal seminal emissions.

For several nights, seminal emissions (aft. 60 h.). [Fz.]

Exalted sexual desire. [BREYNIUS and PAULINUS, in Murray’s Appar. Medorrhinum, iv., p. 518.]

175.Sexual ecstasy. [KOOLHAAS, (Not accessible.) in Medorrhinum Nat. Zeit., 1799.]

Impotence in the male. [LOSS, (From continual smelling of camphor in a man, aet. 40.) Obs. Medorrhinum, p. 314.]

A kind of violent labour pains, as if during pains, as if during parturitions. (In a Widow.) [HEBERDEN, (From forty grains given in enema. Nothing is said about the patient being a widow.) l. c.]

In the morning, on rising (and in the evening on going to sleep?), discharge of thin nasal mucus, without sneezing and without true coryza (aft. 18 h.)

Coryza (aft. 10 h.).

180. Stuffed coryza.

Deep and slow respiration.

Oppressed, anxious, panting respiration. [ORTEL, l. c.]

Heavy, slow, difficult breathing (aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Hrr.]

Almost complete suspension of the respiration.

185. The breathing almost entirely ceases. (In the original – “the breathing seems to have almost entirely ceased.” [CULLEN, l. c.]

On the sternum superiorly, pressure as from a weight. [Fz.]

Pressure on the sternum when standing (aft. 27 h.). [Fz.]

Soft pressure internally on the chest under the sternum, with difficult inspiration, and a chilling sensation, which rose out of the chest into the mouth (aft. 29 h.). [Fz.]

Mucus in the wind-pipe, which makes the voice not clear, and is not removed by hacking cough and hawking.

190. Pain in the trachea and bronchial tubes, most when coughing, but also by clearing the throat and hawking.

Complaint of a constrictive feeling in the larynx, as from sulphur fumes. [ORTEL, l. c.]

Feels as if he would be suffocated, and the larynx constricted. [SOMMER, (From gr. Viij to xij given in lead-colic.) in Hufel. Jour., p. 87.]

Suffocating tightness of the chest, as if arose from a pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 1 h.).

Stitches in the left side of the chest when walking (aft. ½ h.). [Fz.]

195. Painful sensation in the chest like stitches. [Stf.]

Shooting in the chest and tussiculation, as if caused by a cutting, chilling sensation deep in the trachea (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]

The stitches in and on the chest became every day stronger. [Fz.]

Palpitation of the heart.

After a meal he feels and hears the beating of his heart against the ribs (aft. 4.3/4 h.). [Fz.]

Fine shooting in the nipples (aft. 2 h.).

Fine tearing pain on the right side near the nipple down towards the pelvis (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Hrr.]

Tearing pressure on the anterior border of the scapula, which interferes with the movement of the arm (aft. 32 h.). [Fz.]

Drawing painful stitches through the scapulae and between them, extending into the chest, on moving the arms, for two days (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

Tearing pain in the nape on bowing the head (aft. 2 h.).

205. Repeated painless drawing in the cervical vertebrae when moving. [Stf.]

When walking in the open air, painful drawing and stiff feeling on the side of neck and down the nape (aft. 5 h.). [Fz.]

Tensive pain in the nape nad posterior cervical muscles, increased by every movement and by turning the neck (aft. 15 h.). [Hrr.]

Stitches in the nape, near the right shoulder, on moving (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Pressure on top of the shoulder (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]

210. Convulsive circular movement (rotation) of the arms.

Tearing pressure posteriorlt in the middle of the right upper arm. [Hrr.]

Twitching fine tearing from the middle of the inner surface of tle left upper arm to the middle of the forearm (aft. ¾ h.). [Hrr.]

Painful pressure in the right elbow-joint, worse on leaning on it, whereby the pain extents into the hand (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

215. Tearing pressure on the left radius, a little above the wrist-joint (aft. 7 h.). [Hrr.]

Painful pressure on the inner surface of the left forearm (aft. 1.3/4 h.). [Hrr.]

Tearing pressure on the inner surface of the left forearm (aft. 1.3/4 h.). [Hrr.]

Constantly increasing itching combined with pricking pain on the back of the hand and the knuckles of the fingers, going off on scratching (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Itching on the knuckles of the fingers and between them (aft. 25 h.). [Fz.]

220. In the distal joint of the thumb, on moving it, a pain as if sprained (aft. 20 h.).

Itching in the palm of the hand (aft. 5 h.). [Fz.]

Drawing in the glutaeus maximus at its attachment to the crest of the ilium, as if it would lame the thigh. [Fz.]

Difficulty of moving, and fatigue of the thighs.

Drawing bruised pain in the thighs, after walking (aft. 5 h.). [Fz.]

225. In the right thigh and on the inside near and below the patella, drawing bruised pain; he fears that the leg would bend forwards undr him. (aft. 4.1/4 h.). [Fz.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.