Ustilago – Medicine

Gave Mrs. _ Ustilago 1M., four doses, for aching distress and extreme soreness of os uteri. After twenty-four hours she was cured, but had the following symptoms, never before felt by her: Headache in temples. Pain at root of nose, extending in toward canthi, and up and out at each eyebrow. Pain in back of neck.

Great pains in bones all over body, and especially in calves, which are somewhat cramped. Pain in both shoulders, especially in raising arms. Stiffness in shoulder-joints on bringing down the arms on waking-the arms are extended over head when sleeping.

Thirst for cold drinks. Felt chilly extremely, but not internally. Frequent urination, with pain at meatus as the last drops and passing.

Respiratory organs

      Feeling as if there were a lump behind larynx, which produces constant inclination to swallow.


      Spasmodic tearing at top of left side and passing to sixth or seventh rib, at 3 P.M. when standing or reading, agg. breathing.

Pain in left infraclavicular region in morning.

Drawing pain in left inframammary region, waking me at 3 A.M., amel. turning on back from right side.

Aching, burning distress in sternum and under it in stomach, with neuralgic pains.

Oppression along median line.

Constriction with pain.

Heat and pressure.


      Sudden flying pain from heart to stomach, arresting breathing.

Burning pain in cardiac region.

Back and neck

      Pain in back extending to extreme end of spine.

Severe rheumatic pain in lumbar region, agg. by walking; aching distress in small of back.

Pain in back of neck.

Pain in region of right kidney, agg. sitting still; next day in region of left kidney amel. moving about, with heat, fullness, soreness on deep pressure (but relieved the pain), with uneasiness in left thigh, frequent desire to urinate, stream very small, the following day it requires considerable effort of will to empty the bladder, which is done slowly, pain and soreness in left loin continue; heavy in lumbar region, in bed with uneasiness about bladder (had no desire to urinate on going to bed), woke early in morning with distended feeling in bladder, micturition slow and difficult, urine scarcely colored, pain in back, agg. next night, agg. lying on face, amel. lying on right side.

Bearing down in sacral region as in dysmenorrhea, changing to left ovarian region and gradually extending through hip.

Upper limbs

      Pain in both shoulders, especially in raising arms.

Pain in shoulder joints; rheumatic, in muscles of right shoulder, all night.

Intermittent, numb tingling sensation in right arm and hand every day.

Stiffness in shoulder-joints on bringing down the arms on waking-arms extended over head when sleeping.

Pain in right elbow, agg. by motion.

Stitching along metacarpal bone of right index.

Rheumatic drawing pain in finger-joints, agg. second joint of right index, all afternoon.

Hypertrophy or loss of nails.

Rheumatic pains in arms, hands and fingers.

Dull rheumatic pains in right elbow joint on motion.

Severe drawing pains in joints of all fingers.

Fine, sticking pains along metacarpal bone of right forefinger, every few seconds.

Sharp, cutting pains along metacarpal bones of right hand.

Lower limbs

Pain in left knee when walking, increasing to cramp, obliging me to lean upon the arm of a friend; the pain, with occasional cramps, lasted all the evening, agg. raising foot so as to press upon toes.

Cramp-like stiffness in left leg, agg. raising foot so as to press upon toes.

Feet swollen in morning.

Cutting in bones of right hand and foot.

Frequent rheumatic symptoms in arms, fingers and legs.

Rheumatic pains in legs.

Flying rheumatic pains in metatarsal bones of right foot.

Great pains in bones all over body, and especially in calves which are somewhat cramped.


      Difficult falling asleep and then unpleasant dreams.

Restless night; with fever, with troubled dreams.

Sexual dreams; without emission; and disgusting, waking him, arose and urinated with difficulty and tenesmus.


      Chills running up and down back.

Heat at night, during sleep.

Internal heat; with vertigo; agg. eyes, which are inflamed and sensitive to light, eyeball sore to touch; intermittent; pulse normal.

Burning in face and scalp.

Skin dry; at night; and hot.

Relapsing; very profuse sweat; slight nausea; oppression of chest, cerebral disturbance, and great irritability.

Thirst for cold drinks.

Chilly externally, but not internally.

Chills running up and down back.

Heat at night, during sleep.

Internal heat; with vertigo; agg. eyes, which are inflamed and sensitive to light, eyeball sore to touch; intermittent; pulse normal.

Burning in face and scalp.

Skin dry; at night; and hot.

Relapsing; very profuse sweat; slight nausea; oppression of chest, cerebral disturbance, and great irritability.

Thirst for cold drinks.

Chilly externally, but not internally.


      The scalp became one filthy mass of inflammation, two-third of the hair came out, the rest matted together, with oozing of watery semen from scalp, eruption like rubeola on neck and chest, gradually extending to feet, thickest on chest and joints, itching agg. night, rubbing any part brought out the eruption, on face and neck it was the patches like ringworm, but not vesicular.

Tendency to small boils.

Boils on nape.

Congested feeling in skin.

Skin dry and hot; congested.

Painful, destructive disease of nails.

Paresthesia of the skin; pricking, burning, itching, a marked erythema of the skin of the uncovered parts of the body, followed by a parchment-like, dark brown skin with rhagades agg. by warmth.

Roulin observed loss of hair and sometimes the teeth occurred both in animals and men; that mules fed on it often cast their hoofs, and that fowls laid eggs without shells; it has caused loss of hair on animals, and cured complete alopecia.

Pustular ulceration of the skin, scald-head and various forms of eczema.

Copper-colored spots on skin; secondary syphilis; macula.

Negro, urticaria of six years standing, troubled more or less all the time; every night itching, scratching parts produces large pale welts on body, arms and legs.


      Compare: USTILAGO – Burning; in esophagus, stomach, ovaries, heart face, scalp; less on the skin. Faintness and oppression in a warm room; agg. from warmth less marked. Adapted to weak, relaxed, atonic patients; irritable, despondent, weak mentally. Hemorrhage; passive, oozing, dark, clotted, bloody, forming long, black, string clots; partly dark, partly clotted and stringy, or thin and watery. SECALE – Burning; in all parts of the body, as if sparks of fire were falling on patient. Agg. warmth, covering affected, feeble agg. from heat, all diseases. Adapted to thin, scrawny, feeble cachectic women; irritable, nervous pale, sunken countenance. Hemorrhage; copious, thin, black watery, decomposed, bloody; hemorrhagic diathesis; the slightest wound may bleed for weeks; defibrinated.

Compare: Melilotus, Medorrhinum, Mez., Psorinum, Vinc. m., in crusta lactea and other scalp affections of childhood; Bryonia, Hamamelis, Millefolium, Phosphorus, in vicarious menstruation; Agaricus, Murex, Sepia, in bearing down an uterine collapse; Helonias, Lyssinum, Nat. h. Secale, delayed subinvolution; Mala., Secale, affections of the hair and nails; Actea, Caulophyllum, Thuja, Sul., Vib. o. in left ovarian pain; Bovista, Elaps, Graphites, Hamamelis, in intermittent flow; Sanguinaria, Urt. ur., pain and rheumatic affections of right shoulder; Sanguinaria, left inframammary pain extending to scapula; Lac-c., Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla, erratic rheumatic pains; Sul., faint all-gone sensation at 11 A.M.; Cob., backache and seminal emissions; Bovista, flow midway between the periods; Cantharis, Pyrogen, Secale, in expelling foreign bodies from the uterus.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.