Secale cornutum – Medicine

Left: hemicrania; nose stopped up; throat sore; protrusion in hypochondrium; thumb spasmodically drawn toward dorsum of hand.

Rest, Position and Motion

      Must lie doubled up in bed; pain in belly.

Sitting: stitches in vertebra, constant; cannot bend forward or backward without losing his equilibrium.

Holds hands with fingers spread widely apart.

Standing: stitches in vertebra intermittent.

Inability to stand erect: vertigo.

Every exertion: tenderness of cervical process agg.

Motion: hemorrhage agg.; giddiness; after labor pains agg.; pains over chest agg.; pains in sacrum agg.; tearing in thighs agg.

Walking: heaviness of legs amel.; impossible from gangrene.

Every attempt to walk knees sink from under him.

Cannot walk; giddiness.


      As if intoxicated while undressing; as if eyes were spasmodically rotated; as of a solid plug in nose; as if tongue were paralyzed; as if there were some resistance to overcome in speech: as of a heavy weight in stomach; region of stomach as if contracted; anus as if locked up; as if testicles were being drawn up to inguinal ring; uterus as if burnt; as if contents of uterus would fall forward; as if soft air were creeping through back; as if sacrum would be forced out; as if something alive were creeping under skin; as if fingers were asleep; as if limbs had been a long time in hot water; as if sparks of fire were falling upon different parts of body; in lumbar region; as if mice were creeping under skin.

Pain: in occiput; in eyes; in pit of stomach; in epigastrium; in lower belly; in abdomen; in hypogastric region; in loins; in ovaries and uterus; in sacrum, down thighs and into lower abdomen; over front part of chest; in small of back; in sacrum.

Excruciating pains; in spine.

Violent pains: in back; in finger tips.

Acute pains: in hepatic region.

Severe pains: in stomach; in abdomen and small of back; in sole of foot and toes.

Cutting: in abdomen.

Tearing pains: in both thighs; in foot.

Throbbing, tearing pains: in thighs.

Tearing, stinging pains: in extremities.

Pinching pains: in abdomen.

Forcing pain: in uterus.

Stitches: in upper dorsal vertebrae.

Stitching pains: in eyes; in legs.

Stitch: in back.

Sudden catch: in back.

Throbbing: in temples.

Cramps: in calves of legs; in feet, toes, hands and fingers; in chest.

Cramping pains: in stomach.

Cramping pressure: in stomach.

Rheumatic pains: in joints.

Tensive pain: in limbs.

Drawing pains: in calves of legs.

Drawing: in limbs.

Dragging: violent in spermatic cord; in abdomen.

Stinging: on mamma.

Burning: in throat; of tongue; at pit of stomach; in spleen; in abdomen; in uterus; in hands; in feet.

Soreness: of throat; in abdomen.

Tenderness: of epigastrium; of lower cervical and upper dorsal spinous processes.

Distress: of stomach.

Painful constriction: of epigastrium.

Painful jerking: in limbs.

Jerking: under skin.

Pulsations: in head.

Pressure: in eyeballs; in pit of stomach; in occiput; in uterine region.

Heaviness: of head; in epigastrium.

Lightness: of head.

Peculiar prickling feeling: in tips of fingers.

Tingling: in face; in throat and tongue; of legs; on tongue; in limbs; all over body; in fourth and fifth fingers; in back; in toes.

Crawling: on tongue; in tips of fingers; in limbs; all over body; between skin and flesh; in upper lip; all about mouth.

Formication: in face; in gums; in extremities; in tips of fingers; over whole body.

Gentle creeping sensation: in back.

Fuzzy feeling: in limbs.

Dryness: of soft palate, throat and esophagus; of mouth.

Numbness: in limbs; of feet; of right hand; of tips of fingers.

Cold feeling: in abdomen and back; in limbs; of body; of right hand; in stomach.

Temperature and weather

      Open air: palpitation less.

Wants to be in air or be fanned: with diarrhoea.

Warm application: suppuration of cornea agg.; ulcers agg.

Warm drinks: coldness of stomach agg.

Does not wish to be covered; diarrhoea; uterine hemorrhage.

Heat: could not bear it and would throw off all covering, in post-diphtheritic paralysis; with diarrhoea, did not wish to be near; aversion to, with cholera, internal pain much agg.; gangrene agg.

Wet bandages: Amel. labor pains.

Cold: ulcers amel.; gangrene amel.

Attacks and Periodicity

      Sudden attacks: diarrhoea.

Alternation: of heat and cold, in hands and feet.

Five to ten minutes after taking least quantity of food severe colic.

Every two or three hours: paroxysms of palpitation.

Several times a day: convulsive movements of limbs.

For several weeks: formication in tips of fingers.

Every two weeks: excessive menstrual flow; lasting seven to nine days.

For two weeks: profuse corrosive foot sweat.

For four weeks: flow is continuous.

During August: diarrhoea.

In summer: interminable diarrhoea.

For several years: tenderness of cervical process.


At 3 A.M.: sinking spells.

At break of day: diarrhoea.

In morning: frequent short evacuations.

During day: warmth on tongue; unusual drowsiness; toes drawn up continuously.

During night: anus firmly closed; cramps in calves and twitching of limbs; dreamed she was ascending stairs; palpitation; toes drawn up occasionally.

Jerking in limbs; staggered about house with chorea; ulcers agg.

Touch, Passive motion and Injuries

      Touch: pit of stomach very sensitive to; right ovary sensitive to; uterus painful; ulcers agg.

Pressure: upon abdomen amel. labor pains; upon vertebra stitches.

After lifting heavy weight: during sixth month of pregnancy; severe pain in stomach, abdomen and small of back.

External injuries: gangrene.

Heart pulse and circulation

      Palpitation; hot forehead; inclination to sleep; spasmodic shocks from right half of chest into right arm and leg; in paroxysm every two or three hours; more often in night, after each meal; less in open air; coldness and numbness of right hand, with tingling in fourth and fifth fingers; loss of muscular power and feeling in hand; after sexual excess.

Palpitation of heart: with contracted and frequently intermitting pulse.

Pulse: often unchanged even during violent attacks; generally slow and contracted, at times intermittent or suppressed; somewhat accelerated during heat; small, empty, weak; threadlike, in hemorrhages.

During the entire proving palpitation of the heart (something I never had before in my life); could feel the heart flutter remit.

Palpitation nearly all the afternoon.

Violent throbbing of the carotids; faint for several hours.

Was attacked while at lectures with palpitation which continued about eight hours.

Pulse 108 and 110.

Taste and Tongue

      Tongue: thickly coated with yellowish-white, dry, tenacious substance, discolored, brown or blackish; deathly pale, cold and livid; clean, with dry, red tip; red tip and edges, center coated.

Slight but unpleasant warmth on tongue, during day.

Spasm of tongue, projecting it from mouth, forcing it between teeth and rendering speech indistinct.

Feeble, stuttering, indistinct speech, as if tongue were paralyzed.

Coated yellowish brown through middle, sides clean.

In the evening (second day) a sore spot felt on the back of the tongue, left side, as though a “canker sore” were making its appearance.

In the evening of the third day the same sore feeling on the tongue, but on right side. This is not felt at all during the day time.

Teeth and gums

      Looseness of teeth.

Grinding of teeth.

Bleeding from gums.

Difficult dentition; great weakness; vomiting of everything taken; great thirst, pale face, eyes dim, sunken, dry heat, with rapid pulse, restlessness and sleeplessness.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.