Secale cornutum – Medicine

Eructations: having the odor of burnt horn.

Appetite much increased; was very hungry, ashamed to eat as much as desired.

Felt as though I had dined on chopped cabbage.

Nausea after leaving table.

Felt too full, fermented; much flatulence. Flatulence rumbling through stomach and bowels.

A tired sensation-one of distress and oppression-over region below the stomach, was present much of the time during the proving.


      Ravenous, insatiable appetite, even when dying from exhausting discharges from bowels.

Hunger as from long fasting.

Disgust for food, especially for meat and fatty things.

Thirst: during all stages of fever, unquenchable; for acids.

Great thirst and dryness of mouth and throat, with burning and tingling of tongue.

Desire for: sour things; lemonade.

Hiccough, belching, nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations: with disagreeable taste; sour, tasteless but with subjective disagreeable, empyreumatic odor; empty.

Nausea: inclination to vomit; painful retchings; constant, agg. after eating.

Excessive nausea and debility, with very little vomiting of a dark brown coffee-grounds fluid.

Vomiting: of food, of bile; of mucus, of green, offensive, watery fluid, painless and without effort, with great weakness, immediately after eating, of lumbrici; of blood; black vomit.

Hematemesis, patient lies still; great weakness but no pain; abdomen soft.


      Distension of abdomen, tympanites; meteorism.

Flatulence with rumbling.

Painful sensitiveness and rumbling, with continual nausea and confusion of head.

Inclination to colic, diarrhoea, and bloated abdomen.

Pain in lower belly, preventing and upright position, even forcing him to lie doubled up in bed.

Colic with convulsions.

Pain in abdomen with burning in stomach.

Pain in hypogastric region.

Pain in loins as from false labor pains.

Continual bearing down in lower abdomen.

Burning in abdomen.

Cold feeling in abdomen and back.

Strong pulsation in umbilical region.

Lumps and welts in abdomen, in affection of uterus.

Aneurism of mesenteric artery, in women.

Abdomen much distended.

Distension of abdomen; much flatulence as though soon to suffer from diarrhoea.

Spasmodic jerking of small intestines near sigmoid flexure as though tied about with strings, which were interruptedly pulled.

Worse evening, and better by pressure and lying on affected side.

This lasted for about three weeks.

Bowels felt weak, sick, faint, as in summer from eating too much fruit, no pain but hot and dry internally.

Bowels did not pain, and seemingly would have been relieved of heat, dryness and uncomfortable feeling if I could have drunk water enough to reach them, which I was unable to do. Neither drinking water nor an enema gave relief.


      Enlargement of the liver.

Inflammation and gangrene of liver; acute pains in hepatic region; tongue thickly coated with a brown tenacious substance, burning in throat, unquenchable thirst, great weakness, but no pain; limbs cold and covered with cold sweat.

Burning in spleen; thrombosis of abdominal vessels.


      Diarrhoea: very exhausting; pernicious; very offensive; involuntary, profuse, watery, putrid, brown, discharged with great force; very exhausting; urine suppressed; painful with great prostration; painless with tingling and numbness in limbs; putrid, fetid, colliquative, patient does not want to be covered or to be near the heat, but prefers to be in the air or wishes to be fanned, sudden attacks; of children, discharges whitish, watery; chronic in over fed children, great prostration; during August; great stools undigested, or watery, at times yellowish, also greenish, with forcible expulsion, accompanied by discharge of flatus; paralytic weakness of sphincter ani with involuntary discharges.

Stools: yellowish; greenish; brownish; watery and flocculent; colorless, watery; profuse; frequent; putrid; gushing; involuntary; watery, slimy; thin, olive green; offensive, watery; fetid, dark colored; thin, involuntary; watery, yellowish or greenish, discharged rapidly with great force and even involuntarily; painless, without effort and with great weakness.

Before stool; cutting and rumbling in abdomen.

During stool: cutting great exhaustion; coldness.

After stool: exhaustion.

Five to ten minutes after taking least quantity of food, severe colic which made her bend double and cry out; pain begins between region of stomach and navel, extends thence to sides and rest of abdomen and down to sacral region, accompanied by severe urging and tenesmus, followed by a thin, slimy, yellowish stool with some relief of pain; four to five such attacks follow each other; then relief until she eats again, four or five evacuations during night; she compares pains to labor pains; great thirst; thick mucous coating on tongue, sleep disturbed; prostration. Diarrhoea.

Uncomfortable fullness of abdomen, with transient pinching pains in upper abdomen as from flatus; at night severe cutting pains throughout whole abdomen; restless anxious tossing about, with short and unrefreshing naps, during night anus firmly closed, “as if locked up;” in morning frequent short watery evacuation, in gushes, preceded by cutting pains in abdomen.

Stools yellowish-white, slimy, undigested, escaping involuntarily, agg. at break of day. Diarrhoea.

Interminable diarrhoea in summer, which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children, putrid, fetid and colliquative; choleraic symptoms, with cold, clammy perspiration; sinking spells at 3 A.M. (not the restless anguish of Arsenicum).

Colliquative diarrhoea.

Cholerine with more retching than vomiting.

Cholera infantum; profuse undigested stools, watery and very offensive, discharged by fits and starts and followed by intense prostration; pale face, sunken eyes, dry heat, quick pulse, restlessness and sleeplessness; great aversion to heat and to being covered. Cholera infantum.

Vertigo, cramps or drawing in calves of legs, rumbling in abdomen, nausea, stools in rapid succession, brownish or colorless, rapid prostration, coldness of limbs, tongue but slightly coated.

Profuse prostrating evacuations severe painful cramps in feet, toes, hands and fingers which are spread apart or extended towards back of hands; cramping pressure in stomach; dry, wrinkled, cold skin; cyanotic color. Cholera.

Cholera infantum; cholera morbus; cholera Asiatica.

Patient cold, almost pulseless, with spasmodic twitching of muscles in various parts of body, spreads finger asunder; eyes sunken, features pinched; much spasmodic retching although not much vomiting; skin harsh, shrivelled, dry, as if there were no moisture left in system; urine suppressed; tingling or formication all over body; stools profuse, watery, ejected with great violence; is cold but cannot bear to be covered. Cholera.

Aversion to heat or being covered, with icy coldness of extremities.

Diarrhoea after cholera.

Cholera Asiatica, with collapse, sunken, distorted face, particularly mouth, crawling sensation as from ants.

Paralysis of rectum, anus wide open.

Hemorrhage from bowels.


Constipated; dry, dark, detached, yet difficult to expel.

No desire for days, feels as though rectum was full.

Frequent stools; light colored, soft.

Diarrhoea: stool small, scanty. Almost every time urine was passed during the day, a small stool.

Constant desire for stool.

Urinary organs

      Retention of urine; urine pale or bloody; discharge of thick black blood from kidneys; obstruction of sight. Scarlatina.

Diabetes; great general lassitude; heaviness of limbs; loss of strength; emaciation; gangrene; skin dry and withered; furuncles; petechiae, fever, with unquenchable thirst; diminished power of senses; dryness of mouth, morbidly great appetite, cardialgia; costiveness; diarrhoea, watery urine, increased quantity of urine.

Hematuria in a boy suffering from suppuration of the glands of neck after scarlet fever, urine also very albuminous; anasarca; great thirst.

Passive hemorrhage, blood thin; blood corpuscles wanting in consequence or dissolution; or painless discharge of thick black blood in consequence of kidney disease; coldness of body, cold perspiration on forehead; great weakness. Hematuria.

Urine suppressed; on introducing catheter a gill of dark, prune colored urine passed, which appeared to be full of gritty sediment emitting a very disagreeable odor.

Unsuccessful urging to urinate.

Ischuria paralytica.

Paralysis of bladder.

Enuresis: old people; pale, watery or bloody urine.

Urinary deposit looking like white cheese.

Bloody, albuminous urine.

Discharge of thick black blood from bladder; kidney affections.

Urine increased in quantity, lighter color, passed more frequently, especially at night. Milky on standing a short time.

Pressure in bladder at night.

Male Genitalia

      After lightness in occiput, violent dragging in spermatic cord causing sensation as if testicle were being drawn up to inguinal ring.

After sexual excess palpitation of heart.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.