Magnetis Polus australis – Medicine

When walking she felt a sticking in the knee.

Tearing with pressure in the patella (worse during motion), and aggravated by feeling the part.

The knees gave way in walking.

Cracking of the knee-joint during motion.

Very painful drawing in the hamstrings, sometimes accompanied with painful jerkings in the calves.

Dull pain in the knee after dinner, aching and tearing, aggravated by touching the part.

Cramp-pain, extending from the left tarsal joint to beyond the knee; stretching did not relieve the pain.

Beating in the muscles of the legs on sitting down after walking.

Drawing or tearing with pressure, in the tibia.

Cramp-like drawing pain in the calves.

Intolerably-painful jerking in the calves, accompanied with painful drawing in the hamstrings.

His legs ache when hanging down while sitting; beating in the legs all over.

Itching-burning, slow stitch in the side of the calf.

Drawing or tearing with pressure, in both tarsal joints and ankles.

Sticking below the ankles, followed by drawing in the hamstrings and painful jerkings in the calves.

The tarsal joint is liable to become strained on making a wrong step.

Pain as if sprained in the tarsal joint, when making a wrong step.

Cramp of the sole of the foot, when bending the foot backwards.

Stitches in the soles of the feet, especially during motion.

Stinging in the dorsa of the toes, and in the sides of the feet (in the evening), as if they had been frozen.

Soreness of the inner side of the nail of the big toe in the flesh, as if the nail had grown into the flesh on one side; very painful, even when slightly touched.

Pinching occasioned by the shoes on top and on the sides of the toes, and near the nail of the big toe when walking, as from corns.

Drawing from before backwards, in the middle three toes, only when walking (in the open air).


      Miss, Nov. 8th, 1878. For three weeks, aching in the middle front of left lower leg (where she had varicose veins for eight months), when standing, or when leg is hanging down. Removed by placing it horizontally; frequent feeling of hot water running down affected part, but only when leg is down, at times throbbing there, when leg hangs down. Magnetis Australis, c.m., one dose.

1879, June 11th. Reports that the hot water feeling never returned, and the pain quite ceased in two days. – Berridge.

Mr. C. suffered two years from an inverted toe-nail; had tried three of the best physicians and an endless variety of remedies without any relief. About a year ago he submitted to the painful operation of having his nail pulled out by the root, but in three months it grew in and troubled him more than before. He took Magnetis Australis 1M, and in about five weeks was entirely cured.-Swan.

Mrs. D., nervo-sanguine temperament, has suffered for five years from an ingrowing toe-nail, outer side of left great toe. During most of this time she has not been able to wear a shoe on this foot – and never without greatly increasing the pain – or even bear the weight of the body on it. Any misstep would be followed by a discharge of blood and pus. The outer side of toe was very much inflamed and swollen, so that nearly half the nail was hidden. No treatment, even cutting out half the nail, gave more than temporary relief. One drop of Magnetis Australis 1M was given. Relief soon followed. The toe looked better, was less sensitive to pressure, and she could wear her boot without causing much pain. The swelling had nearly disappeared at the root of the nail, giving the appearance of a piece having been cut out. Gave three doses of the same remedy, one every night, and in a few days the toe was perfectly well. – Ballard.

Mrs. C. S., aged 31, blonde, complains of a pain in left lower jaw as if out of joint; worse in morning and on moving it, sensation as if the head of the bone were squeezed and crowded into the socket. Magnetic Arcticus 1M, three doses, one every night, removed all the symptoms. – Conaut.

A young married lady rapidly gained flesh and weight after her confinement; this, with the unnatural pressure on the ball of the foot, induced by high-heeled shoes, caused the flesh on inner side of left great toe to grow over the corner of nail. Through neglect and injudicious local medication, ulceration and large unhealthy granulations followed. The attendant pain was so great as to prevent the use of the foot. Magnetis Australis 1M every night for a week. In ten days the toe was well, and has remained so. – Ostrom.


      Frequent yawning (with chilliness).

Sleepless and wakeful before midnight, and no disposition to go to sleep.

Great desire to sleep at day-break, without feeling able to sleep.

Restless, frequently turns from side to side, in the night when in bed.

Frequent loud talking during sleep, with a number of confused dreams.

He starts in a dream; this wakes him.

Dreams about fires.

He dreams that a horse is biting him in the upper arm, and is giving him a kick on the chest, on waking he felt a pain on the outer side of the chest.

He quarrels and fights in a dream.

He dreams about the same subject for a long time uninterruptedly, exerting his mind.

Vexed dreams.

Slow, whizzing expiration during sleep, before midnight.

Slow, loud whizzing inspiration after midnight.

Quick shaking of the arms and hands during the siesta.

Unusual beating in the region of the heart.


      Disagreeable feeling in the periosteum of the long bones as is felt at the commencement of an attack of fever and ague.

Seems to predispose one for colds.

Short shuddering in the afternoon.

In the afternoon he is frequently attacked with a short shuddering all over; when walking in the open air, her sight was obscured, and when standing still, she had a shaking and tossing of the muscles of the limbs, being unable to hold them still, for several minutes, without feeling chilly; on sitting down he was attacked with heat in the head and face.

Chills in the room the whole day, especially after an evening nap.

Chilliness of the legs up to the knee, with ascension of heat and blood to the head.

Shaking chilliness, with feeling of coldness, for two hours, without being either thirsty or cold; followed by great warmth, even while walking in the open air, with thirst, and sweat on the forehead and chest, especially in the pit of the stomach (immediately).

Feeling of coldness on the left arm, as if ice were lying on


Feeling of coldness in the region of the knees (immediately).

Shuddering in the calves when drinking.

Sensation of coldness in both arms and the left side.

A good deal of itching of the back, during chilliness.

Sensation as of a breeze blowing into the ear, during the chilliness.

Feeling of coldness all over, in the evening (without shuddering), without thirst (except at the commencement of the chilliness), and without being actually cold; at the same time he feels out of humor, everything was disagreeable to him, even the meal; two hours after he was covered with heat and sweat all over, without thirst.

Internal coldness in the affected part.

The left hand seems to him much colder, but has the same temperature as usual, or it is even increased (immediately).

Internal dry warmth, a few hours after the sensation of coldness, during a walk.

Increase of coldness of the thighs, with feeling of coldness to the prover, and heat of the genital organs.

During the chilliness, or the feeling of coldness, he was quite warm, but he was obliged to lie down, and to cover himself well; his mouth was very dry; afterwards he was covered with a profuse sweat all over, without feeling hot; on the contrary, he felt a constant shuddering over the perspiring parts, as if they were covered with goose-skin; accompanied with a sensation as of a breeze blowing into the ears.

Wakes in the morning with a violent headache, heat and alternate chilliness, and was unable to leave the bed.

Increase of internal warmth, without thirst.

Heat in the face after a meal.

Warm sensation in the region where the magnet was applied.

Hot hands after midnight, while in bed.

Warmth all over, especially in the back.

Sweat during sleep, two mornings in succession.

General sweat in the night.

Thirst for two days, without heat.

Great aversion to the open air, even when not cold, it penetrates bone and marrow, accompanied with a weeping mood and ill-humor.

Sensation as if cool water were poured over the head as far as the chest (immediately).

Small, scarcely perceptible pulse.

Uncomfortable, unusual warmth, accompanied with a peevish mood.

Flush of heat from one part of the body to the other, at different times, for instance, from the thigh down to the tibia.

Sensation as if the blood were jumping in the veins, when lying down, in the evening when in bed.


      Corrosive itching in the evening, when in bed, on the back and other parts of the body.

Itching-stinging, tearing, here or there, in the evening, when in bed.

Fine itching, here and there, in the evening, when in bed, and on waking, easily going off by scratching.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.