Magnetis Polus australis – Medicine

Tearing colic occasioned by (reading?) and walking, and appeased by sitting, especially in the epigastrium (early in the morning.) Distended abdomen in the evening immediately before going to bed, with colicky pains.

Feeling of repletion in the abdomen, while affected with shortness of breathing.

Emission of a quantity of flatulence.

A few stitches in the left side of the abdomen.

Continuous stitch in the abdomen, toward the cecum, not going off till one turns to the opposite side.

Sensation as if the left abdominal ring were enlarged, and as if hernia protruded; every turn of the cough causes a painful dilation of the ring.


      Frequent desire for stool, causing nausea; but she is unable to accomplish anything.

Sudden desire for stool, which nevertheless is expelled with difficulty.

Cutting in the abdomen, with chilliness, followed by diarrhoea.

Involuntary discharge of thin stool.

Continual contraction and constriction of the rectum and anus, permitting scarcely the least flatulence to be emitted.

The tough stool is mixed with mucous filaments.

Itching of a hemorrhoidal tumor at the anus.

Itching creeping at the anus, while walking.

A few long stitches in the region of the right kidney (immediately).

Urinary organs

      Stitch in the fold near the genital organs. Aching pain in the fold near the genital organs.

Relaxation of the sphincter vesicae (immediately).

Incontinence of urine.

Smarting pain in the forepart of the urethra, during the emission of urine, as if the urine were acrid or sour.

Male Sexual Organs.

Drawing in the spermatic cord, early in the morning when the testicle is hanging down, as if pulled or distended; the testicle is even painful to the touch.

Jerking in the spermatic cord.

Slow, fine, painful drawing in the spermatic cord.

Tearing in the spermatic cord.

Spasmodic drawing up of the testicles, in the night.

Tearing, strangulating jerks in the testicles; they swell.

Fine itching in the scrotum.

Pain in the penis, as if several fleshy fibres were torn or pulled backwards.

Red spot, like a pimple, on the corona glandis and on the internal surface of the prepuce, without sensation.

The glans is red and inflamed, with itching and tension.

Blood dropped from the sycotic condyloma.

The temperature of the genital organs increases in the night.

Creeping and tickling of the glans; semen seemed to be emitted without the person being aware of it.

Nocturnal emission (in a person affected with hemiplegia); it had not taken place for years past. (Note by Hahnemann. After this emission the paralysis became worse; the sick limb seemed dead to him.) Emissions two nights in succession, with much talking during sleep.

During the first two days, the genital organs were greatly excited.

Violent excitement of the sexual desire after dinner.

Impotence: embrace with the proper sensations and erection; but at the moment when the semen is about to be emitted, the voluptuous sensation is suddenly arrested, the semen is not emitted, and the penis becomes relaxed.

Female Sexual Organs

      The menses, which had already lasted the usual time, continue to flow for six days longer, only during motion, not when at rest; every discharge of blood is accompanied with a cutting pain in the abdomen. (Note by Hahnemann. – This woman held the south pole, touching at the same time the middle of the bar. The south pole appears to excite hemorrhage, and especially from the uterus, as its primary effect; the north pole seems to act in the contrary manner.)

The menses, which were to appear in a few days, appeared four hours after the south pole had been touched, but the blood was light-colored and watery.

Heat and burning in the pudendum, with fine stitches.

Respiratory organs

      Coryza, and cough with expectoration of green mucus, and short breath.

Several turns of fetid cough, at night when asleep, not occasioning a complete waking.

Oppression of breathing, along the lower rib.

Deep inspiration, resembling a kind of sobbing, and accompanied with involuntary deglutition (as is generally the case when sobbing). Shortness of breath in the pit of the stomach.

In the evening after getting into bed, he is scarcely able to recover from the shortness of breathing.

Oppression of the chest, as if the breathing were tremulous, and as if the breath which he inspires were cooling (immediately).

Pain in both sides of sternum, consisting in pressure and drawing, accompanied with an anguish which does not permit him to remain anywhere, as if he had done something wrong.


      Pressure in the lower region of the lower end of the sternum, with anxiousness and arrest of thought (immediately).

Palpitation of the heart.

Sharp stitches in the right chest, arresting the breathing.

Pressure in the left chest, making her feel nauseated.

Aching pain in the chest, afternoon and evening.

Dull pressure in the left chest, during motion and rest.

Itching stinging in both nipples at the same time.

A few sudden stitches in the surface of the scapula.

Below the scapula she feels a fine, not entirely pointed stitch (immediately).


      Heat commencing in the cervical vertebrae and extending through the whole of the spinal column.

Pinching in the muscles of the back.

Gnawing and smarting in the back.

Shuddering from the nape of the neck down the back.

Aching, and at the same time burning pain the small of the back, during rest and motion.

Dull stitches in the small of the back.

Pain, as if sprained, in the sacroiliac articulation, afterwards pain as if bruised in that part.

After rising from his seat he feels stiff in the small of the back, hips and knees.

Violent smarting and stinging over the os sacrum and between the lumbar vertebrae, arresting the breathing when stooping.

Upper Extremities

      Intolerable pain, as if bruised, at night when in bed, in the biceps muscle of the upper arm, upon which he does not rest, especially when lifting the arm upward and backward, going off immediately when turning on the affected side.

Crawling in the left arm, from above downward, resembling small snakes.

Sense, as of rumbling and gurgling, down the left arm (immediately).

Rumbling up and down in the veins of both arms, for several hours.

Quick, painful jerking, in the arms, from above downward.

Stinging itching in the upper arm (between the joints), in the evening before and after lying down.

Sense of fullness and puffiness in the arm, as if the arteries in the arm were beating.

Painful stiffness in the elbow-joint of the arm which is touched by the magnet.

Feeling of coldness in the left arm, as if ice were lying upon it, the arm had its natural temperature.

Drawing-paralytic pain, early in the morning; first in the left arm when lifting it, then in the small of the back when bending forward, afterwards in the left hip, and in the muscles of the left thigh and leg when stretching the knee.

Great languor in the right arm in the evening.

Sense of heaviness in the forearm, or as if one had worked too much.

Pain in the arms, as if the blood in the arms had been arrested; now in one, then in another place.

Stiffness of the elbow-joints (immediately).

The left arm is much heavier than the right, accompanied with creeping in the tips of the fingers.

Sensation in the arm as if it had been asleep.

Sensation as if the hand had gone to sleep, with swelling of the veins and quicker pulse (immediately).

Sensation as of a cold breath touching the hands.

Sensation of coldness in the hands, which, nevertheless, felt warm to others.

Painful drawing in the fingers and finger-joints.

Jerking in the fingers which are touched by the magnet.

Pain of the lower joint of the thumb, as if sprained.

Jerk in the right index-finger, occasioning a visible twitching.

The tip of the finger which touched the magnet, became numb and insensible.

Creeping in the tips of fingers.

Sense of heat and jerking in the finger touching the magnet.

Beating in the finger in contact with the magnet.

Beating in the tip of the thumb (immediately).

Ulcerative, beating stinging pain in the root of the nails.

Lower Extremities

      Paralytic and bruised pain in the hip-joints, when lying on the affected side.

The thigh and leg go to sleep easily in the morning, when sitting, not soon going off when rising.

Drawing, with pressure, in the muscles of the thighs, worse during motion.

Paralytic drawing in the evening, from the middle of the thighs down to the feet.

Stinging itching in the thigh, in the evening, also when in bed.

Stinging jerking in the muscles of the thigh next the perineum.

Sense of coldness in the right thigh.

Drawing pain in the outer side of the bend of the knee.

Dull, bruised pain in the tendons of the bend knee; beating and jerking, the limbs being convulsively contracted; most violent during motion.

Violent drawing jerking in the hamstrings, accompanied with a bruised pain; the legs were evidently contracted by the pain, especially during motion.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.