Lac Caninum – Medicine

In the use of Lac caninum In diphtheria I have observed an interesting point: “It was twenty-four hours from the appearance to the entire disappearance of the patch in the throat” in the original proving. In prescribing I was just twenty-four hours before repeating the dose or reconsidering the case. If no better at end of twenty-four hours, with symptoms still pointing to Lac- can., I gave another powder of a different potency. I have thus obtained much more prompt and satisfactory results than when the remedy was given in water and repeated every three or four hours. Nichols.


      Nausea, with headache, on waking; continuing all morning.

Nausea amel. by eructations of wind.

At 5 P.M. while smoking a cigar, great nausea with severe pain in stomach-pit; vomiting seemed imminent, but the sensation ceased in four or five minutes.

At 10: 15 A.M. empty, weak feeling in stomach-pit; next day, same at 6 P.M.

Weak, sinking feeling at stomach-pit, on waking in morning.

Burning in epigastric region, feeling of a weight and pressure of a stone in stomach.

Great faintness of stomach and nausea.

Nausea at beginning of diphtheria.

The almost constant diphtheritic discharges from mouth and nose nearly ceased, and she almost immediately had spells of sickness of stomach, and would occasionally vomit pieces of membrane.

Frequent attacks of severe vomiting, and when not so, always feeling of nausea, and fear to eat.

Gnawing, hungry feeling not amel. by eating; everything she eats, except fish, makes her worse; the thought of milk makes her sick.

Dyspeptic pain, a from a stone, or undigested food, in stomach pit at 9: 45 P.M., followed by a stabbing pain in right lung, just below nipple.

Burning in epigastric region, feeling of weight and pressure of stone in stomach; very thirsty; abdomen swollen and burning, with bearing down pains therein; mucous, yellow, liquid stools; pulse 100; pains and throbbing in temples; flushes on left cheek; red, circular spot below right malar bone burning to touch; no appetite, cannot bear food; jaw cracks while eating.

Stomach tender and bloated; cannot eat or drink anything without pain in stomach-pit.

Beating in stomach and bowels.

Severe throbbing in region of solar plexus; when it becomes very severe, which it did daily for hours at a time, it would seem to extend or continue upwards to head, when dizziness and lightness of head would supervene, requiring her to lie down at once, otherwise she would fall violently to the floor.

Gastralgia or cardialgia, agg. at menses, so she would drop to the floor, comes and goes suddenly.


      Appetite improved; increased.

Cannot satisfy her hunger.

Desire for highly-seasoned dishes, which is very unusual; has used pepper, mustard, and salt freely.

No appetite.

Considerable thirst.

Great hunger for large quantities, often.

Craves milk and drinks much of it.

Aversion to anything sweet.

No appetite or thirst.

Thirst for a little at a time, but often, as throat is so dry and hot.


Great thirst for large quantities, often.

Desire for warmish water with a pinch of salt in it.

Aversion to liquids, especially water.

Appetite and strength failing; dislike to food, especially fat or greasy.


      Pain in right side of pelvis; while it lasted there was no pain in left side.

Pain and burning in left side of abdomen and pelvis, with weight and dragging on that side, clothes feel very heavy.

Feeling of tension in left groin; does not want to walk or stand as it agg. the sensation; amel. by flexing leg on abdomen.

Very acute pain in left groin, extending up left side to crest of ilium; amel. by stool; sometimes the pain is in track of colon.

Abdomen swollen, and sensitive to deep pressure, which also nausea, the nausea passes off when pressure is removed.

Felt as though abdomen and chest were firmly compressed all over, as if the skin were contracted.

Abdomen very sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes, entirely amel. by removing them, during very profuse menses.

Pains in abdomen intermittent.

Pain in pelvis, principally over right ovarian region.

Headache (l) on first waking, and great pain in pelvis, most marked at right ovary.

Pressure from within outwards, as if contents of abdomen would be forced out literally, just above pelvis.

Sensation while walking as if abdomen would burst.

Severe burning pain right hypochondriac and iliac region and corresponding part of back, extending across back to left side of abdomen; agg. when on feet or when fatigued, amel. lying down.

Abdomen very hard and swollen, in evening.

Abdomen swollen and burning, with bearing down pains therein.

Extreme heat in abdomen Severe shooting pain in abdomen, passing in all directions.

Intense sharp pain in left side of abdomen, with nausea while leaning forward.

Pain and burning in left side of abdomen and pelvis, with weight and dragging on that side; clothes feel heavy.

Pain in pelvis, principally in right ovarian region.

Headache over left eye on first waking, and great pain in pelvis, most marked at right ovary.

Pain in abdomen intermittent.

Pain in abdomen, agg. leaning forward; amel. leaning back.

Smarting in right groin; pains seem to be in pelvic bones, uterus and limbs.

Very acute pain in left groin, extending up left side to crest of ilium, amel. by stool; sometimes pain in track of colon.

Stool & Rectum

      Frequent desire for stool all through provings.

When having a soft passage great tenesmus; rectum does not act as if it had lost power, but as if it could not expel faeces because they are soft, and adhere to the parts like clay.

Constipation; occasionally natural passage; urgent desire for stool, but passes nothing but wind, or possibly one or two small pieces like sheep-dung; considerable wind in abdomen with rumbling, but never any pain.

Profuse diarrhoea, with colic-pain, diarrhoea watery, profuse, coming out with great force.

Great constipation before and after menses, bowels very loose (not diarrhoea) during menses.

Mucous, liquid, yellow stools.


Obstinate constipation; frequent desire with darting pain in rectum, no power to expel; stool large, whitish, rough, scaly, hard.

Frequent urging, passing only flatus or small black balls.

Urinary organs

      Urination causes intense pain in urethra soon passing off.

Sensation after urinating, as if bladder were still full; continued desire to urinate.

Frequent desire to urinate, which if not immediately attended to causes pain in bladder, a numb, dull sensation, if not amel. by urination it spreads over abdomen and left side to ends of fingers, never in head; would frequently wake at night dreaming of the pain, and would have to urinate to amel. it.

Constant desire to urinate, passing large quantities frequently; at night she dreams of urinating, and wakes to find an immediate necessity; a less strong and healthy persons would probably have wet the bed. (Nocturnal enuresis, a specific)

Constant desire to urinate, with intense pain.

Constant inclination to urinate which was restrained, as urination caused intense pain when coming in contact with vulva.

Urine unusually frequent and dark.

Urine frequent; especially at night; scanty, high colored; red sediment.

Urine very scanty and dark.

Urine dark, heavily loaded with thick, reddish sediment that adhered in different colored circles to bottom and sides of vessel.

Great difficulty in urinating.

Urinating only once in twenty-four hours, and then copiously, but with some difficulty and slight irritation.

Urine scanty, infrequent, coffee colored, no desire to urinate, quantity less than a gill in twenty-four hours, eighty per cent albumen, with much mucus.

No urine for 47 3/4 hours, bladder pretty full, parts fearfully swollen, and irritation on urination very great.

Urine partially suppressed.

Constant desire to urinate, urine scanty.

Male Genitalia

      Sexual desire quite marked.

Right spermatic cord, low down, sore to touch.

Chancre on prepuce, left side of frenum; penis greatly swollen; chancre like a cauliflower excrescence, red, smooth, and glistening, granulating rapidly from center to circumference. (Small sore at entrance of urethra; parts of glans around urethra an open ulcer, exhaling most fetid smell, and with most excruciating pain; red, glistening appearance).

Gonorrheal pains, intermittent, in front, middle, or posterior part of urethra; when the gonorrhea is amel., catarrh set in.

Large chancre on dorsum of penis, with a fungoid bacteric mass covering whole of corona glandis, which was at first of a glossy, shining white appearance, and later covered with a fungus, looking like fully developed aphthae, edges of swollen prepuce covered with nodosities and itching.

Penis enormously swollen, and a chancre on glans like a cauliflower excrescence, over half an inch in diameter; it was red, smooth and glistening; no pain in a week there appeared two small chancres, deep, sharp edges, clean and with same shining appearance.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.