Lac Caninum – Medicine

Discharge of clear white mucus from nose and sneezing Nose cold.

Epistaxis: when speaking or swallowing at 4 P.M., returning at intervals.

Considerable sneezing.

Head so stuffed she can hardly breathe.

Stuffed feeling in head, as of a severe cold in head.

Nasal discharge, excoriating nostrils and upper lip.

Coryza, with discharge of thick white mucus.

Coryza; constant watery discharge from nose, excoriating nostrils and upper lip.

Nose became so bad that there was fear of destruction of bones; bloody pus discharged several times daily; nasal bones sore on pressure.

Two very angry gatherings, one under left side of nose, and one on upper left nostril; both came to a head, and discharged matter and blood, and afterwards scabbed over, before discharge shooting pain.

Ozaena, mercurial or syphilitic, when the labial commissures and alae nasi are fissured, and when the angina is marked with the glazed appearance of mucous membranes.


      Right cheek burns like fire, and is red after coming in from the cold.

Pain as from a knife-thrust from under left zygoma up to vertex.

Burning, flushing of face.

Marked pallor of face.

Lips dry and peeling off.

Jaw cracks while eating.

Face indicates great anxiety.

Countenance pale and careworn.

Face very red and then suddenly pale.

Face flushed; cheeks red.

Dark brown areolae under eyes.

Face flushed, swollen and hot; burns, feels dry.

In morning, left superior maxillary feels sore; most of time there is dull pain, agg. by exertion; sometimes throbbing pain, burning throbbing, aching heat, sensation of fullness; cannot wear her false teeth from soreness and swelling of maxillary; an exacerbation of pain leaves face very sore; pains amel. by warm applications, but only cold application amel. soreness.

Red circular spot below right malar bone, burning to touch.

Flushes on left cheek.

Lips dry and peeling off; dry and parched, but mouth constantly full of frothy saliva.

Seems to affect lower lip most, and blisters and fever sores on lip are amenable to its influence.

Submaxillary glands swollen.

Swelling of left parotid, with sore throat and loss of appetite.

Parotid gland first attacked, and disease extends to other glands of neck; throat and sides of neck not tender to external touch.

Swelling of parotid passes from right to left, but more often from left to right.


      Tongue coated brown.

Tongue dirty, deeply coated near back and centre, except on edges, which are bright red, at 9 P.M. tongue looks patched.

Taste putrid; of lead, afternoon.

Swelling of left sublingual gland; ranula.

Mouth and throat covered with aphthous yellowish-white ulcerations easily bleeding.

Itching of roof of mouth [Pulsatilla, Wyeth.] Roof of mouth very sore, with blisters that break and leave loose skin; any seasoned food causes great pain.

Inside of lower lip feels tender and sore, and looks very red.

Mouth very dry, without thirst.

Saliva: increased slightly viscid; ran from mouth during sleep.

Mouth constantly full of frothy mucus, but a constant inclination to swallow.

Frothy mucus in mouth agg. by going into open air, and after eating.

Breath very offensive.

Talking is very difficult, and there is a disposition to talk through nose [nervous throat affection.].

Nothing tastes natural except salt food.

Putrid taste in mouth.

Tongue generally red and moist.

Tongue coated whitish, except edges which are red.

Tongue coated, dirty looking, centre to root.

Tongue furred, whitish edges, centre and root darker.

Tongue: heavily coated, and dry to the tip; dirty coated, yellowish-white and slimy; dry; thickly coated, greyish-white.

Tongue coated whitish grey, having an underlying bluish look.

Slight yellow coating on tongue.

Tongue coated brown.

Difficulty in articulating, owing to a semi-paretic state of tongue, causing stuttering if she talks fast, has to speak very slowly.

Peculiar rattle in mouth, right along tongue, on attempting to hawk her mouth clear, mucus, rattled along tongue quickly and continually; utterance was so indistinct as to be unintelligible, and every word she tried to speak was accompanied by this quick and continuous rattle along tongue.

Breath offensive, putrid.

Mouth dry and parched; drinks little and often.

Increase in quantity of saliva which is slightly viscid.

Mouth constantly full of frothy saliva, lips dry, parched.

Constant spitting and drooling, very profuse, making chin and breast sore.

During sleep saliva runs from mouth so as to wet pillow.0 Stomatitis; stomacace; cancrum oris; nursing sore mouth.

Tongue coated white, breath offensive; sensation of a hair in back part of the mouth on right side, which she tried ineffectually to wipe away; profuse expectoration of saliva.


      Pain in left upper molars, coming through left temple through left to ear.

Teeth sensitive to cold water.

Gums swollen, ulcerated retracted, bleeding, teeth loose, caused by defective nutrition and exposure.

Paroxysmal gnawing pain in left upper canine, temporarily yields to any cold application.

Gums, upper and lower, very sore and red.

Toothache: severe pain came on suddenly about 10: 30 every night.

Would begin immediately on lying down, or getting warm in bed.

Was obliged to arise and walk about the room for relief. Pain began in a much decayed right lower molar, soon extending to all the teeth on right side; amel. by application of cold water. Pain continued for a month, coming on each nigh; teeth feel sensitive as if they were too long or too large. It was often daylight before I could get any sleep. Pain of a dull gnawing sensation like a worm gnawing at the teeth. It came on at same time, whether I had my evening meal early, late or went without it. If I retired earlier and fell asleep, pain would awaken me at 10:30.


      Quinsy: alternating sides; thick, tough pieces of diphtheritic membrane coming away, and new membrane constantly re-forming; swelling in throat so large and tense that mouth could not be closed.

Throat sore; with severe headache; pain extending to chest; dry and sore; deep red color on either side of throat opposite tonsil; on left side; painful to external pressure on both sides.

Sore throat, alternating sides, beginning and ending with menses.

Feeling of a lump in throat, which goes to down when swallowing, but returns; throat agg. right side; agg. on swallowing saliva afterwards, throat, which had been getting well, suddenly one evening grew rapidly agg., but this time on left side.

Constant inclination to swallow, which causes pain extending to right ear.

Chill on movement; aching all over; great fatigue; desire for relief from cold drinks; bed too hard.

Shortly before going to bed, throat began to feel raw and sore, did not sleep well; next morning throat felt full and sore, somewhat agg. on right side; this condition continued two days, when it seemed to continue downward to chest.

Throat very sensitive to touch externally Sensation as if throat were closing and she would choke, sensation is between throat and nose, feels as if something in throat was either enlarged or relaxed; desires to keep mouth open lest she should choke, sometimes cannot swallow, because there seems to be a kind of muscular contraction in throat.

Paralytic symptoms strongly marked; as soon as he went to sleep would stop breathing, and was only kept alive by keeping him awake; apparently respiration was kept up by voluntary effort.

Talking is very difficult and there is a disposition to talk through nose.

Swallowing very difficult, painful, almost impossible fluids return through the nose.

Uvula elongated and very much swollen, diphtheritic coating on it, tonsils swollen and coated, back of throat patched, extending up to hard palate; odor offensive and diphtheritic.

Constant inclination to swallow, causes pain extending to both ears.

Pricking sensation in throat, as if full of sticks.

Pricking and cutting pains through tonsils on swallowing, shooting up to ears.

Pain in throat pushes toward left ear.

On swallowing acute pain at one time or right side of throat, and again on left side.

Throat amel. after drinking cold or warm, agg. by empty swallowing.

Throat sensitive.

Tickling and sense of constriction in upper part of throat, causing constant dry hacking cough.

Sensation of ball or round body in left side of throat, and feeling that it could be removed with a knife.

Sensation of muscular contraction in the throat, sometimes inability to swallow.

Marked sensation of lump in throat on left side, when swallowing; pain extends to ear.

Sensation of lump in right side of throat, with a feeling that she could take hold of it with her fingers and pull it out; accompanied by a very annoying pricking, stitching, feeling; constant inclination to swallow saliva, which causes soreness of throat.

Lump on left side of pharynx below tonsil, causing an enlargement that filled each arch of palate, nearly to right side.

Most pain when swallowing solids, no aversion to cold drink; when swallowing solid food it seems to pass over a lump, with sore and aching pains extending to and into left ear.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.