Ambra grisea – Medicine

Cough mostly only at night from violent irritation with concussion of the pit of the stomach; cough sometimes in spasmodic paroxysms; with oppression of the chest, getting out of breath, great restlessness, and afterward a great deal of belching, a kind of whooping cough.

In nervous persons it causes titillation in the larynx and spasmodic paroxysms of cough; whistling in the chest; spasmodic short breathing; cardiac anguish and spasmodic palpitation.


      Pain in lower parts of right chest relieved by lying on the back.

Lancination in chest extending to back.

Oppression of the chest extending to back between the scapulae. Relieved a short while by eating.

Sensation of pressure deep in right chest; also in left chest or in upper part of chest.

Wheezing in the chest.

Sensation of rawness in chest.

Tearing pressure in left side of the chest.

Itching in chest.

Tightness of the chest, can neither yawn nor breathe deeply.

Sensation of a lump in chest.

Aching in the chest over epigastrium, as if parts had been beaten; relieved by eructations.

Violent, dull stitching pain in right mammae, interrupting breathing.

Burning in the external parts of the chest.

Pressure in upper part of the chest, coming in regular paroxysms.

Heart and Pulse

      Anxiety at the heart, causing oppression of breathing, with flushes of heat; oppression beginning in the heart.

Palpitation when walking in the open air, with paleness of face.

Violent palpitation, with pressure in chest, as if a lump lay there, or as if the chest was stuffed up.

Pulse accelerated, with ebullitions.

He perceives the pulse in the body; it feels like the tick of a watch.

Outer Chest

      Burning on the chest.

Neck and back

      Glands of the throat tense as if swollen.

Burning in left scapula.

Tearing in the left, or in both shoulders.

Rheumatic pains in the right side of the back.

Painful tension in the lumbar muscles.

Stitches in small of back, when sitting.

Stiffness in small of back after sitting.

Pain in small of back, with loss of muscular power and constipation.

Upper Limbs

      Tearing in left shoulder joint.

Drawing, as if sprained and lame in the shoulder.

The arms go to sleep when lying on them, when carrying anything in the hands or at night; with numbness especially of the left arm in rest; tingling in the thumb.

Tearing pains in the shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand.

Weakness of the fingers at night.

Stinging in hands and fingers, as from insects Drawing in fingers and thumb.

Itching in palms of hands.

Cramps in hands, sometimes only when taking hold of anything.

Tips of finger are shrivelled.

Tearing, lancinating or itching in tips of fingers and thumb.

Skin on the fingers feels tense.

Long lasting icy coldness of hands.

Coldness of left hand with headache.

Finger nails brittle, with a very old man, they got soft elastic and pink.

Lower Limbs

      Tearing pain, first in left, then in right hip joint.

Sensation of contraction in right thigh, the limb seems to be shortened.

Tearing in nates, hip, knee, leg, ankle and foot.

Heaviness of the legs.

Strumming sensation in legs.

Sensation as if “gone to sleep ” in both legs; has no firm step.

Cramps in legs and calves nearly every night.

Cold feet.

Gouty pain in ball of great toes.

Itching on inner border of sole of the right foot, not relieved by scratching.

Sore and raw between the thighs, and in the hollow of the knees.

Left leg becomes blue from distended varices during menses.

Tearing or rheumatic pains, in parts of all the limbs.

Uncommon twitching and coldness of the body, at night.

Uneasiness, like a crawling, with anxiety, only by day.

Weariness, with painful soreness of all the limbs.

Nervous system

      Trismus neonatorum.


Jerks and twitches.



Infantile spasms.

Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts.

Spasmodic complaints.

Arms and limbs “go to sleep” easily.

Great lassitude, especially mornings in bed.


Weakness of the whole body; of the knees, as if they would give way; of the feet, with loss of sensation; in the stomach, so that she must lie down.

Great prostration after lingering fevers.


Loss of muscular power.

Vertigo and nervous apoplexy.

Paralytic complaints.

Numbness of the whole body.

When walking in the open air, an uneasiness in the blood and more rapid circulation, with greater weakness of the body.

Conversation causes fatigue, heaviness of the head, sleepless, oppression of the chest, sweat, anxiety, tremor and quivering; nervousness and irritability.

B. W., age 58, stout, florid, right side paralyzed for five years; walks with difficulty, dragging right foot; vertigo, with feeling of great weight on vertex for five years; worse after sleeping; sleepless after 1 A.M.; loss of memory; loss of sense of smell; numbness of right side; cold sweat on extremities right foot colder than left; nausea in abdomen; has had much grief.

Ignatia, Conium, Verbascum B.; little relief. Ambra 200 [two doses dry] removed pain in vertex, vertigo and nausea.


      Cannot sleep, must get up; worriment from business embarrassment; insomnia of business men.

Cannot sleep at night, yet knows not why.

Sleepy on retiring; but as soon as head touches the pillow is wide awake for hours, restless, tossing, or simply unable to close the eyes.

Restless sleep, with anxious dreams.

Vexatious, anxious dreams and talking in sleep; awaken frightened.

Sleepless after 1 A.M. Worse from too little sleep.

Twitching of limbs preventing sleep, and coldness.

Uneasy sleep from coldness and twitching.

Nearly every night cramp in calves.

Worse after sleep; vertigo; weight on vertex; whooping cough; feels weak; mouth dry; weary, eyes feel as if they had been closed too tightly.

When awaking: soreness of scalp; lips numb and dry; bitter taste in mouth.

Early in bed: nosebleed; great lassitude.


      Chill in forenoon, with lassitude and sleepiness; relieved by eating; skin of whole body cold, except face and genitals. Chill of single parts of the body, with heat of the face. Anxious flushes of heat returning every quarter hour; most violent towards evening.

Profuse sweat at night, worse after midnight and most on the affected side.

Profuse sweat, particularly on the abdomen and thighs, during exercise.

Malignant fevers.



Jaundiced color of face.

Burning in skin.

The tips of the fingers become shriveled.

Soreness of a wart on the finger.

Numbness of the skin.

Burning herpes.

Leprous complaints.

Itching pimples in whiskers.

Sore and raw between legs and in hollow of knees.

Distended varices on leg during menses.

Reproduces the itch-eruption.

Nervous itching over the whole body, especially the mucous outlets of the body.


      AGGRAVATION: Warm drinks, warm room; in the evening; lying especially on the painless side [Arnica, Bryonia, Calcarea, Pulsatilla, Rhus. reading or talking aloud; music; the presence of many people; after waking(Lachesis, Sep).


      AMELIORATION: After eating; in the cold open air; cold food and drinks; rising from bed, resting upon affected parts.

Temperature and weather

      Amel. from warmth: toothache.

Agg. from cold: toothache.

Amel. from motion in open air.

Agg. from warm drinks.

After exposure to draft of air: sore throat.

When walking in open air: heartburn; palpitation; uneasiness in the blood; agg. weakness.

Took cold and had perspiration checked, after a thunderstorm, by north wind in face, tormenting cough for several weeks.


      Antidoted by Camph., Coffea, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, X-ray. Ambra antidote Staphysagria, especially the voluptuous itching of scrotum.

Nux antidotes the potentized Ambra.

Compare: Calcarea, Nat-c., Tuberculinum [coldness of abdomen.]; Cast., Asafoetida, Psorinum, X-ray, Valer., defective reaction; Coca. Ferrum, bashfulness and blushing; Mosch., Valer., fainting, hysteric asthma; Actea, Ignatia, night cough; Iodium, Nux vomica, Tuberculinum, thin, emaciated, nervous, irritable persons; Arsenicum, Tuberculinum, asthmatic affections, Phosphorus, asthma, nervous, excitable, weak, irritable patient, tall and slender; Bovista, flow every few days midway between the periods: Lachesis, Rhus, Sepia, agg. from overlifting; Coffea, Croc., China, Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Secale, Staphysagria, Sulphur, nervous hysterical affections; Kali-bi., Iodium, itching behind sternum in violent, racking, paroxysmal cough. Carb-v. and Petroleum in lack of reaction in acute disease.

In cases of women who are excessively nervous and fail to react in acute sickness.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.