Ambra grisea – Medicine

Aggravation from warm drinks, especially from warm milk.

Better after eating: toothache; oppression in chest; chill, etc.

After drinking milk: sour taste; heartburn.

Belching with and after cough.

Eructations either empty, sour or bitter.

When walking in the open air heart-burn with balked eructations.

Eructations with cough, so as almost to cause choking.

Belching removes pressure under scrobiculum. Hiccough. Sensation of coldness in the stomach.

After exposure to the cold in a sleigh-ride, had suffered continually, summer and winter, for 14 years, with sensation of coldness in the stomach; had used all kinds of pads and warmers without relief; cured in 24 hours.

Heartburn: with abortive eructations; when walking in the open air; from drinking milk, especially warm milk.

Every evening, sensation of disordered stomach and acrid risings up to larynx.

Nausea after breakfast.

Vomiting and choking when hawking phlegm from fauces.

Pressure and burning under scrobiculum; belching removes it.

Pressure in stomach and hypochondria.

Tension and pressure or stitches and pressure in the stomach.

Concussion in pit of stomach with the cough.

Weakness in stomach accompanying vertigo; must lie down on account of vertigo and a sensation of weakness in the stomach.


      Pressing pain in a small spot in the upper right side of the abdomen, though not felt to touch.

Tearing pain in the region of the spleen, as if something were torn away.

Pain in right hypochondriac region amel. while lying upon


Tension and distension in abdomen after every mouthful he eats, even after every mouthful of fluid.

Distended abdomen; accumulation of much flatus, which subsides without being passed.

Sensation of coldness in the abdomen.

Coldness of one side of the abdomen [left.]; also with the deafness.

Colic, sometimes followed by diarrhoea.

Pressure deep in the hypogastrium after the evacuation.


      First copious, soft, light brown stools after a few days’ constipation.

Constipation: Frequent ineffectual urging as in Nux vomica, but attended by much anxiety at stool and a sense of marked coldness in the abdomen, the patients being put to a great distress by the presence of others in the room [near presence of others unbearable while urinating, Natrum mur.]; after stool; aching deep in hypogastrium; itching and smarting in anus relieved by rubbing.

Diarrhoea preceded by colic.

Stool not hard, though large.

Frequent ineffectual desire for stool; this makes her very anxious, at this time presence of other persons becomes unbearable.

Large flow of blood with the stool Itching in anus.

Stitching in anus.

After the evacuation pressure deep in the hypogastrium.

Urinary organs

      Frequent micturition at night [Lycopodium] and in the morning after rising. Pain in bladder and rectum simultaneously.

Urine sour smelling; urine turbid even when first passed.

Urine when emitted is clouded, yellowish-brown and deposits a brownish sediment, after which the urine looks clear and yellow; coffee ground sediment.

Sour smelling urine.

Urinates three times as much as the drink taken, especially in the morning; followed by a dull pain in the region of the kidneys.

Sensations as if a few drops passed through the urethra.

During urination, burning, smarting, itching and titillation in the urethra and vulva.

Male Sexual Organ

      A man, age 80, gets asthma when attempting coition.


Violent morning erections without desire, with numbness in the parts.

Internal, strong, voluptuous sensation in genital organs.

Itching pimples over male genitals.

Sore rawness between the thighs.

Voluptuous itching on scrotum.

Female Sexual Organ

      Nymphomania: often with discharge of bluish-white mucus, agg. at night; stitching in vagina preceding discharge.

Burning in sexual parts, with discharge of a few drops of blood.

Stitches in ovarian region, when drawing in abdomen or pressing upon it.

Discharge of blood between the periods, at every little accident, as every hard stool or after a walk a little longer than usual.

Menses early, the left leg becomes quite blue from distended varices, with pressive pain in the leg.

Lying down aggravates the uterine symptoms.

Is said to cause uterine atony.

Suppressed catamenia.

Menses too early and too profuse.

Menses appear seven days before time.

Severe itching on the pudenda, must rub the parts.

Soreness and itching, with swelling of the labia.

During urination: itching, titillation, burning of vulva and urethra.

Thick, mucous leucorrhea, increased from day to day, or leucorrhea at night, of bluish-white mucus; preceding each discharge, a stitch in the vagina.

During pregnancy: nervous, restless, pruritus vulvae.

Impending abortion.

Puerperal eclampsia.

Lessens the severity of the labor-pains.

In childbed obstinate constipation and tenesmus; abdomen puffed, causing much anxiety; so nervous she cannot attempt a stool in the presence of other people, not even the nurse.

Revillout compares the general action of Ambra with that of Kali bromatum. The effect appears quicker after Ambra, but that of Kali bromatum continues longer. Ambra, therefore, is preferable for the removal of severe reflex actions, infantile spasms, puerperal eclampsia. Ambra quiets beautifully the nervous restlessness of pregnancy and thus prevents convulsions; it also retards uterine contractions.

Revillout recommends Ambra in pregnancy: 1. To prevent eclampsia.

2. To diminish too severe labor-pains.

3. In too early labor or threatening abortion.

But Ambra given too frequently and in too large a dose may also produce uterine atony. Ambra given in large doses may generally remove convulsions, from whatever cause, and by diminishing nervousness acts favorably on nervous persons, infants and young girls.

Here, then, is another case of involuntary Homoeopathy. Ambra produces in the healthy burning in the sexual parts, with discharge of a few drops of blood; menses set in a few days too soon; it produces discharge of blood at other times than the catamenia, also fluor albus, and also perhaps ovaritis. It also produces twitchings in muscular parts, spasm, restlessness, infirmity, anxiety, oppression, nervous weakness with irritability and impatience, twitching and jerkings in the extremities, with coldness of the body and great debility, a state so often found in females and excitable, weakly children, combined with sleeplessness; many dreams, frightened awaking, restless sleep at night, general restlessness, irritability, anxiety, and despair.


      Titillation in larynx with spasmodic cough. Titillation in throat, larynx & trachea causing violent cough.

Hoarseness and roughness of the voice, with accumulation of thick, tough mucus, easily thrown off by coughing.

Itching, scraping and soreness of the larynx and trachea.

Reading aloud or talking aggravates the cough.

Itching in thyroid gland; itching behind the sternum causing cough.

Tightness of the chest, cannot take a deep breath or yawn deeply.

Oppression felt in chest and between scapulae; it subsides for a short time after eating.

Feeling of pressure in chest worse during exhalation.

Asthma of old people and children.

Asthma comes on while he is attempting coition.

Whistling in chest during breathing.

Get out of breath with the cough, which is spasmodic; rush of blood to the head.


      Spasmodic cough, loses her breath; with rush of blood to the head; finally some phlegm comes up.

Cough in spasmodic paroxysms.

Hollow, spasmodic, barking cough; worse from talking or reading aloud; with gagging after eating.

Spasmodic cough of elderly or emaciated persons.

Paroxysms of cough coming from deep in chest, excited by violent tickling in throat, evening without, morning with expectoration, generally of grayish-white, seldom of yellow mucus, of salty or sour taste; tough grayish mucus; worse in the morning.

Violent spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations and hoarseness; with pain in region of spleen as if something were torn off.

Lifting a heavy weight aggravates the cough.

Coughing only at night, produced by an excessive irritation in the throat.

Cough with eructations of gas so as almost to choke the patient[Lachesis]

Cough every evening with pain under the left ribs, as if something was torn loose there.

Accumulation of grayish mucus, difficult to hawk up, accompanied by rawness and almost unavoidable retching and vomiting.

Cough worse when many persons are present.

Cough causes concussion in pit of stomach.

Cough with emaciation.

A kind of whooping-cough; paroxysmal but without crowing inspiration. Agg. after lying down.

Deep dry cough, with accumulation of water in mouth, and subsequent rawness of the throat.

Choking and vomiting when hawking up phlegm from the fauces.

Sputa yellow-white, cream-like; a “sputum coctum.”

Collection of phlegm in the throat difficult to cough up.

Old coughs.

Scraping and tickling in the throat, larynx, down along the windpipe causing violent cough with sensation of tightly adhering mucus in the windpipe: during breathing whistling in the chest; rough and hoarse voice; collection of mucus in the throat, difficult to cough up.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.