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STICTA PULMONARIA symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What STICTA PULMONARIA can be used for? Indications and personality of STICTA PULMONARIA…



      A spotted lichen growing on the trunks of large trees; that which grows on the sugar maple seems to be the best. Because this lichen somewhat resembles a human lung, we not only obtain the second name of the plant, but also the popular idea that it is a lung remedy.

It was first proved for us by Dr. S. P. Burdick, of this country, in 1864. While we will not have very much to say concerning Sticta, as it has not a great range of action, still some of its symptoms are important and I should not be surprised if you would use it oftener than some of the remedies that have a much larger pathogenesis.

I think that Sticta is usually used low, tincture or 1st, but my first success with it was when, on the advice of Dr. Deschere, I used it high.

As it is especially for coughs that you may expect to find the most frequent use for the remedy, we will speak of them first, and at the same time acknowledge our indebtedness to Dr. Clarence E. Beebe, our late Professor of Laryngology, for his clinical report.


      The cough of Sticta is short, dry, hacking, and worse at night on lying down (41). It is painless and causes the patient no inconvenience other than it is incessant and, therefore, annoying, but especially that it prevents one form getting any sleep at night. It is usually caused by tickling or irritation in the throat, but the constant (44), “minute gun,” hacking, painless cough is what will lead you to prescribe Sticta.

It is frequently indicated in the incessant cough of measles, and for the hacking cough of nervous (46) or hysterical patients; they are unable to stop unable to stop coughing long enough to permit them to get to sleep.

It is to be thought of in hay-fever (88), with incessant sneezing and hot, irritating discharge, with fullness in forehead and root of nose (39) and tingling in nose. These discharges sometimes dry up and we have a distressing dryness of the nose and palate, the mucous surfaces feeling as stiff as leather, with occasional discharges of scabby mucus (143).

Sticta has been used for rheumatism of the small (161) as well as the larger joints and the muscles connecting them, but we have no especial indications for its use, the words darting pains in muscles and joints being all that the pathogenesis gives us.

Clinically it has been found of value for housemaid’s knee (125) and for synovitis of the knee or other joints, subsequent to inflammatory rheumatism.

Sticta has a nervous symptom which has been made use of in chorea (31), where there is a constant jumping about and a sensation as if the feet and legs were floating in the air, and with aggravation during the evening and night.

I use Sticta 15th.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.