Following this we have long-lasting fever (121), with thirst (121) and desire to keep covered (121) in order to avoid feeling chilly. The sweating stage is usually slight. The gastric and bilious symptoms of the remedy are usually present, especially during the apyrexia.

We have already said that there was general amelioration the Nux vomica conditions from unbroken sleep and aggravation of them when the sleep is disturbed and the time when they sleep, if they are not interfered with, is quite characteristic of the remedy. The patient is apt to be drowsy in the evening and is asleep soon after he gets into bed and awakens early, 2-3 A.M., feeling refreshed. He lies awake for some time and then falls asleep to waken from this with all the Nux vomica morning aggravations. “If I had not taken that last nap,” he will say, “I would have been all right.”

Hahnemann was the first to call our attention to the fact that “its administration in the morning on an empty stomach is attended with the most inconveniences in very sensitive persons, for it displays its most frequent and most severe symptoms immediately after waking in the morning.”

The dose that does the most good is the one taken just before retiring for the night.

While both Nux vomica and Ignatia contain Strychnia, they are to a certain extent antidotal to each other.

Acetic acid and Zinc should neither directly precede nor follow Nux vomica

I use Nux vomica 1st or 30th.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.