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FLUORIC ACID symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What FLUORIC ACID can be used for? Indications and personality of FLUORIC ACID…



      By the distillation of fluor spar (calcium fluoride, CaF2) with sulphuric acid, we have the hydrofluoric acid driven off and the calcium sulphate left in the retort.

(Our remedy Calcarea fluorata is made from this same fluor spar.)

Hering, under whose direction Fluoric acid was first proved, advises that it be kept in silver vials up to the 5th, on account of its well-known properties of “eating glass.” At present our pharmacists run it up to the 3d with distilled water in guttapercha vials.

It is one of the remedies that I would advise you to let the pharmacist prepare for you, as he will take greater precautions against inhaling the vapor, which is very irritating to all mucous membranes, as well as taking care not to spill any of the liquid on the skin, as it causes deep, non-healing sores.


      Fluoric acid is a remedy indicated in deep, destructive processes, the periosteal, osseous and connective tissues being especially affected; and in a general way it is useful for an unhealthy condition of the tissues in broken-down conditions, as in old people (147) and for drunkards (176); useful in syphilitic destruction of tissues; for exostoses and bone-pains; in diseases of the bones generally; in varicose veins (205); in bed-sores (21), especially in typhoid; also in diseases of the skin, ulcerations, naevi and for lupus-like tubercles (128).

There are in Fluoric acid two symptoms that we want to keep in mind, especially as regards tumors, felons and ulcers; one, the relief from cold applications; the other, the need for energetic and rapid motion, “it seems as if she could walk forever” (10).

Fluoric acid is a valuable remedy in lachrymal fistula (125), in dental fistula (187) and in caries of the jaw-bone (123).

We might mention here that Calcarea fluor. is known, even from its imperfect provings, to be frequently indicated in conditions of the bones and teeth instead of Fluoric acid. Silica is closely allied to Fluoric acid and in diseases of the bones Fluoric acid follows well after Silica and is especially indicated when the latter “apparently does some good but fails to complete the cure;” it has also of value after “Silica has been abused” (Farrington.)

Fluoric acrid is of value in the easy decay of the teeth (186), the enamel rough or deficient, and associated with sensitiveness to touch and to food.

It is a remedy useful in syphilitic ulcerations of the throat, with great swelling and destruction of tissue, fetid odor, and as Allen says, “throat very sensitive to cold.”

It is useful in hepatic engorgement and induration (127), as the result of alcoholic excesses (127), and in ascites (11) due to hepatic disease; with these symptoms, especially in drinkers – – bilious vomiting and diarrhoea, a desire for highly-seasoned food (9) and an aversion to coffee (5).

While on this subject it may be well for us to remember that all alcoholic stimulants are not purchased as the corner liquor store, for, according to a report of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, there is the following amount of alcohol, by volume, in these proprietary articles.

Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters 44.3

Warner’s Safe Tonic 35.7

Peruna 28.5

Ayer’s Sarsaparilla 26.0

Hood’s Sarsaparilla 18.0

Paine’s Celery Compound 21.0

Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound 20.6

Vinol, Wine of Cod-liver Oil 18.8

Greene’s Nervura 17.0

In comparison, we find in beverages the following amount of alcohol :

Beer 2-10

Wines 8-20

Champagnes 25

Wilson Whiskey 44.6

Fluoric acid has been used with success for neuralgia of the coccyx (34), with excessive aching, and for synovitis of the knee-joint (125), with much pain and aching.

It is a valuable remedy for felons (81), especially of the thumb and fore-finger, with terrible throbbing pain, “throbs like sin,” and necessity to keep walking (10) as the pain is so severe they cannot keep still; the pains are better from cold applications.

The nails in Fluoric acid grow rapidly, become crumpled, or wrinkled, and have longitudinal furrows in them (141).

Fluoric acid seems to affect the veins and to restore their tone, and it is to be thought of especially in old and obstinate varicose veins and ulcers (205), with relief from bathing in cold water and aggravation from warm applications. Hering adds, varicose veins “in women who have borne many children.”

I use Fluoric acid 6thÅ

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.