FLUORIC ACID symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy FLUORIC ACID…


FLUOR. AC. See “Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. “.


This acid plays an important part in the animal economy. Brugnatelli believed that he had discovered the existence of this acid in the gastric juice of birds, and Trevinarus also believed that, when the contents of the intestinal canal of bowls were digested in porcelain vessels, the glazing and attacked,, on account of the presence of hydro-fluoric acid. Again, the fluoride of calicum is so integral a part of the enamel of the teeth that we must ascribe to its presence (at least in part) the polish and extraordinary hardness of hat substance. the presence of fluoride of calcium has also been determined with certainty in the bones of almost all animals. Berzelius found 2.1 of fluoride of calcium in the dentine, and 3.2 in the enamels of man’s teeth. The presence of fluoric in blood and milk has been clearly demonstrated by Dr. George Wilson. In regard to the origin of the fluoride of calcium, Lehmann says, we cannot doubt that it is easily conveyed into the animal system with the good: we need only remember that many mineral waters contain trace of fluorides and that plant take up a little fluoride of calcium from micaceous soils.

Fluoric acid is a solvent for some elementary principle which resist the action even of nitro-hydrochloric acid; thus, it solves silica in particular, also silica and silicic acid. It is especially useful as a solvent of silex in the animal economy, for small quantities of silica are found in. blood, in. the white of eggs, in bile, in urine, and in the solid excrements, and occasionally in. certain morbid concretions; it has also been shown, by members experiments, that silica forms an integral constituent of hair and feathers, and hence it is evident that a perfect solvent for it is required, in order that it may be readily conveyed through the most minute capillaries so its appropriate destination. Fluoric acid is an admirable solvent; its vapor is more pungent than chlorine or any of the irritating gases. Of all substance, s it is the most destructive to animal mater- it produces the strongest caustic effects: when applied to the skin it causes violent pain, the parts around become white and painful, forming a dense pustule filled with master, the even a very small and hardly visible quantity will produce the same effects, through only after the lapse of several hours. The smallest quantity, applied to the hand, excites violent itching, and pustules filled with mater are soon formed, according o Liebig; in fact, the acid unites itself to the ]akin to such a degree that it cannot be washed off, even by means of carbonate of soda, although he pain may be mitigated., The solution of one forty eighth of a grain, and even that of one-sixtieth, does not produce some pain, redness, and ]heat, the epidermis falling of thin scales after the lapse of a few days., In consequence of its solvent action upon sin, fluoric acid acts energetically upon glass; the transparency of the glass is instantly restored bad great us revived As fluoric acid is sometimes gives rise to intense suffering and may even be the cause of he well-known perforating ulcer of the stomach. An excess f the acid will also cause rapid caries of the teeth, and may even cause felons.

In order to give a better idea of its action in its concentrated state, we append the following case, from Frank’s Magazine; Franc Pschick, assistant in the chemical Institute of Der. Jacquin, made Pschick, assistant in the Chemical Institute of dr. Jacquin, made some experiments with it publicly, December 23d, on which occasional the accidentally exposed his hand to the fumes of fluoric acid for the accidentally exposed his hand to the fumes of fluoric acid for about one minute. An hour after the occurrence, while engaged in cleansing some instruments in warm water, he experienced a very troublesome pricking in. extremities of the finger, and, shortly after such violent pain as obliged him to stop short foam this work; soon after this he felt a chilly sensation in this left arm, gradually extending all through his body; in. he evening, when he was seized with violent fever and chill, the mistrusted the real cause of his suffering. The pain now became intolerable, a nd the integument of the hand very much swollen. On the morning of December 24the all the fingers of the left hand, but especially the thumb, were every much inflamed and discolored with very great stiffness of the first and second phalanges, and severe pain extending to the axilla. he then put his hand in abdomen, drank water with some Nitrate of Potash, and applied a poultice of raw potatoes to his hand, all of which ceased his condition somewhat. Towards evening, however, the pain and swelling increase again; he rappelled poultices, but could not sleep during the night. On the twenty-fifth the extremities of the fingers had all become whitened the thumb covered with large blisters, attended with severe pulsating pain in the same; on opening one blister, attended with severe pulsating pain in the same on opening the blister after another, a thick, brown, and very offensive smelling liquid exuded from the same, having an acid reaction. In the course of four weeks the patient gradually recovered.


Sensation as if the shoulder and hip joints were about toe be pulled out of place. Jerking pains in different parts of the body. Violent jerking burning pains, confined to a small space. Pressure and sensation of lameness. In the evening, pressing pain in different parts, of short duration. Different aching pains in the bones of therefore-arms and legs. Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue. Excessively languid.


Burning pains on small spots of the skin. Severe itching. Itching of the skin habitual in. the mouth of March. Itching in cicatrices. Small, light carmine -red, round, elevated blood- vesicles, resembling flesh-warts. Numerous varicose veins.


Sleeplessness. Drowsiness, constant sleepiness. Periodical attacks of sleepiness in the afternoon, sudden sleepiness in. the evening,. Professed sleep until late in the morning. Soon after falling asleep,. anxious, frightful dreams, with waking up at midnight. Frightful or vivid dreams. Dreams towards morning. snoring in his sleep and exclamations in. the dram. Thirst in the night.


Sensation of great warmth. General heat after little exercise. General feeling of heat, heaviness and lameness of the whole body. Profuse, sour, offensive perspiration. Profuse and glutinous perspiration, with itching.


Disposition to anxious ideas. Ill-humored, fault finding. Sensation as if dangers menaced him.


Forgetful. Great difficulty in fixing the attention.


Vertigo, with sickness at the stomach. Painful determination of blood to the forehead. like a quick jerk. a kind of determination of blood to the head and loss of consciousness. dullness of he head. Dullness and painful mention in the head. A stunning sensation in. the head, mostly in front. A sensation somewhat resembling numbness or burning. Heaviness of the head. a dull, heavy pain in the upper apart of the forehead heaviness above the eyes, with nausea. Headache from the nape of he neck upwards, a dull pressure. Pressing pains in the forehead, as if it were in the bone. Headache in the forehead and temples. Sharp. shooting, undulating pain. Baldness.


Elevated red blotches over the eye-bows. Scaly eruption, with pricking sensation in the eye-brows. Violent itching in the canthi. Painful itching in the left eye, as if from a grain of sand. Burning in the eyes. Increased lachrymation. In the evening, on closing the eyes, red sparkling cross each other in all possible directions. a dark spot, whilst reading, floats before his eyes.


Itching in the ears.


A chronic inflammation of the nose, with pain; redness, some swelling, and heat. Pimples, with inflamed base. Sudden attacks of coryza.


Heat in the face. Compression of both zygomata, drawing downwards towards the larynx. Deep in the bones superior and posterior to the left eye, a soreness occasionally. Painful sensibility of the upper jaw.


Teeth feel warm. Toothache. Fistula, with great sensitiveness on touching he upper jaw.


Sour eructations sensation of heat and a disagreeable flat taste in the mouth. Acid taste and greasy feeling in the mouth. Frequent acid erections, with pyrosis and passage of flatulency. ERuctations with choking. FRequent nauseating eructations, with inclination to vomit. Pyrosis with nausea Continual sickness of stomach, with vertigo and headache.


A feeling of tenderness and irritability in. the larynx Painful ulcer in the lower part of the mouth. Sensation of that in the. Violent burning in the fauces, and a sensation of constriction rumbling in the bowels, pressure in the stomach, and burning eructations. Sore throat, with difficulty deglutition.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.