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RHUS RADICANS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy RHUS RADICANS…


RHUS RAD. Poison Ivy, Poison Vine, this medicine has been proved and the symptoms arranged by Dr. B. F. Joslin, with the cooperation of Drs. S. B. Barlow, E. Bayard, R. M. Bolles, B. F. Bowers, R. A. Snow, J. Taylor, W. Williamson, and C. Wright. A few symptoms are from Drs. Bute and Horsfield.

In the following article, the long dash is employed to separate symptoms observed at different times or by different provers. None but concomitant symptoms are connected by the words “and” or “with”, or placed in the same group between consecutive dashes, unless some intimation of their disconnection is given by the expressions employed. The distinctions of type refer to the number of provers by whom the symptoms have been verified. No symptom is italicised unless experienced by two or three provers.

The SMALL CAPITALS denote twice as many concurrent provers, and the larger CAPITALS three times as many as were required for Italics. The distinctions of type and the grouping of concomitants increase the value of the symptoms, though at some sacrifice of superficial regularity. Duration of Action: from five to seven weeks, in some cases.


Rhus.-tox., and most of the remedies which are analogues to the latter. Rhus-rad., has acted well after: Ant.-crud., Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Lachesis, Nux.-v., Opium, and Sulph.


Bryonia, Camph., Coffea, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sulphur Infusion of Coffee, taken as a drink, interrupts its curative action.


RHEUMATIC PAINS. SEMILATERAL RHEUMATIC PAIN, with rigidity, sensibility, and contraction of the affected muscles, the pain increased at night, and by moving the part. WANDERING PAINS, SOMETIMES ON ONE SIDE, SOMETIME ON THE OTHER. Stinging, lacerating, sharp pains. Aching in the joints. Sensation of crepitation at a joint on moving it. Aching pain and lameness, especially of the extremities. Sensation of trembling. Jerking, trembling, or shaking, and the paralytic weakness of the extremities, especially at night. Coldness of the extremities. Fatigue from walking. Excessive debility. General debility in the morning. General languor, with inclination to lie down. Disinclination to physical or mental labor. Bodily torpor. Dread of bodily and mental exertion. Physical apathy. Restless nights. Day-sleepiness, with frequent yawnings and chilliness. Numbness of the limbs, especially at night.


This remedy appears to act especially upon the brain, the muscles, tendons, skin, and mucous membranes. PAINS OFTEN SEMILATERAL. PAINS IN VARIOUS, and often in remote PARTS IN SUCCESSION. Pains where tendons are connected with the muscles or bones, especially during the action of the muscles. Stiffness of the joints. The symptoms often occur successively in parts either transversely or diagonally opposite. PAINS IN MUSCLES DURING THE EARLY PART OF THE TIME IN WHICH THEY ARE EXERTED, DISAPPEARING AFTER LONG-CONTINUED ACTION. The pain and soreness are worse in the morning when beginning to move. Pains when lying on the opposite side. The sufferings are sometimes mitigated by movement and walking, sometimes by rest and when lying down. Many of the pains are relieved while walking in the open air, and when the mind is fully occupied; worse when beginning to move, from the agitation of laughing, and in the house. Many suffering after drinking cold water. Languor on rising in the morning at seven o’clock. Many sufferings occur between four and seven in the afternoon, especially about six o’clock. Exacerbations or new symptoms often occur in the evening or morning. Some symptoms are increased in the evening and at night. Sufferings aggravated by change of weather. Many symptoms occur on a sudden depression of atmospheric temperature. Drowsiness, pains, and other symptoms on the approach of a storm. Pains during rainy weather.


General feeling of heat in the skin. ITCHING OF THE SKIN IN VARIOUS PARTS. Itching, tickling, and pricking of the skin. CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, WITH ITCHING, burning, and pricking. Hard, red, and itching eruptions. Hard, red, and itching blotches on the extremities, face, eye-lids, and neck, with a raised and swollen appearance of the surrounding parts. Red, inflamed, tuberculoid elevations of the skin. VESICULAR ERUPTIONS. Eruption of watery pimples, in children, itching, bleeding and scabbing. Vesicular eruption with innumerable small points. Itching eruption in warm weather. The eruption is attended with pricking, biting, and burning. Erysipelas. Erysipelas during hot weather. Heat and redness of the skin. Inflammation extending from a gun- shot wound. Burning sensation in a part of a mucous membrane. Swelling of the lymphatic glands. Inflammation along the route of lymphatic vessels.


Frequent yawning. Sleepiness in the daytime. SLEEP IMPERFECT. Sleepless at night. Dreamy, unrefreshing sleep. Sleep disturbed, frequent waking. Restless sleep. Seminal emissions during sleep at night. Dreams amorous and voluptuous. Dreams of dangers. Frightful dreams. Anxious uneasy sleep, with frightful dreams.


CHILLS, general or partial, especially in the back. Chilliness in the back, with weakness of the legs, desire to lie down and shooting in the abdomen. General chills. Coldness of the extremities. Coldness, with aching of the limbs. Chills and fever, with thirst, slight. Coldness of the extremities, with heat and bloatedness of the face and head. FEVER. Inflammatory fever. INTERMITTENT FEVER. Quotidian intermittent fever, chills

between nine and ten in the forenoon, followed by heat, with frequent pulse. Quotidian intermittent fever, chills commencing every day at one o’clock in the afternoon, increased by movement, and attended with pain in the bones. Double tertian, chills predominant. Fever, with pains in the legs. Intermittent fever, quartan, commencing in the evening with heat, followed by heat with perspiration, yellow coat and reddish tip of the tongue. Remittent fever. Fever with debility nervous fever. Typhoid fever. Typhoid fever, frequent pulse, pains in the limbs, vertigo on rising, thick brown coat on the tongue, and redness at the tip. Typhoid fever, saliva, consisting of a white dense, and extremely viscid froth, urine depositing a pink colored sediment; trembling and jerking of the hands. Typhoid fever, with rheumatism of the neck. Typhus fever in an early stage. Fever in consequence of a burn, frequent pulse, hot and dry skin, headache increased by movement and stooping, disagreeable taste in the mouth. Fever, small and frequent, and feeble pulse, angina, pains in the head, neck, and back. Fever, with slough- like appearance on the tonsil, throbbings in the head, cough, and burning of the eyes and cheeks. Universal heat, with dryness of the skin. PULSE FREQUENT. Pulse slow, especially when lying down. Pulse feeble, frequent, and small. Pulse frequent and small, with rigidity of the neck. Easy perspiration. Constant perspiration, with a sticky feeling. Perspiration from the least exercise. Easy perspiration, with dryness of the mouth, yet without thirst.


Melancholy. Mental depression. Mental apathy. Unusual irritability of disposition. Depression of spirits. Peevish humor. Discouragement, anxiety, and apprehension about the future. Extreme peevishness and impatience. Great DISCOURAGEMENT. Mental indolence.


Weakness of memory. Mental dullness and indisposition to conversation. Cerebral congestion. VERTIGO. Vertigo on walking. Vertigo on rising and after stooping. Confusion of head. Momentary loss of consciousness. The head feels too large.


Heaviness of the head. FULLNESS IN THE HEAD. SEMILATERAL PAIN IN THE TEMPLE. PAIN ABOVE THE EYES. Shootings in the head. Dull pain in the occiput. Pressure in the head. Remittent pain in the head. Darting pain through the temple. Dull and continued PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD. Violent and unceasing pain across the forehead, and on the top of the head. Headache, followed by griping pains in the bowels. Headache with nausea. Quotidian periodical headache. Dull aching in the whole head, on waking in the morning. Dull headache in the forenoon. Headache in the forenoon, with sleepiness. Dull pain in the forehead, temples, and occiput, in the morning. Dull pain in the whole head, commencing in the anterior part. Pain in the top of the head, in the morning. Transient, but severe semi-lateral headache, from intellectual labor. Shooting pains through the head. The headache is worse and the pains are sharper when lying down. Darting pains in the head. PAIN IN THE HEAD AND NAPE OF THE NECK. Pain in the occiput and neck. Severe headache, with nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach. Headache increased by movement and stooping. Throbbing in the head. Heat of the head. Heat, pain, and throbbing of the head. Itching of the scalp. Eruptions on the scalp.


Pain in the eyes on opening them. Heaviness and pain over the eyes. Smarting of the eye-lids. Itching of the eye-lids. Itching in the eye-lids. Burning in the eye-balls. Heat and itching of the eyes. Sensation of heat in the eye-lids. Congestive inflammation of the conjunctiva. Redness and swelling of the eye-lids, with itching and burning. OEdematous swelling of the eye-lids, with smarting. LACHRYMATION. Photophobia on waking in the morning. Confusion of sight. Obscurity of vision.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.