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RAPHANUS SATIVUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy RAPHANUS SATIVUS …


RAPH. Radish. See “Revue Crit. et. Retrospect de la Mat. Medorrhinum Spec.,” 1840.


To drink a quantity of water. Milk and water increase the pains in the abdomen.


Great weakness and languor, also with bruised feeling in the limbs. Visible emaciation. Fleeting burning, here and there. Somnolence the whole day, with scolding during sleep. Restless slumber, with frequent waking, headache, nausea, and pinching around the umbilicus. Profuse sweat during sleep, or low muttering. Feverish shuddering over the back. Frequent febrile shudderings, with heat in the head and warmth all over the skin. Internal heat after the shuddering, or alternation of shuddering and heat. Pulse small, bounding, and rather hard. Full of anguish, with dread of death.


Dullness of the head, early on waking, with dull pain in the forehead. Vertigo, with dimness of sight. Pressure above the eyes, with difficulty of sight, going off after vomiting. Pressure above the root of the nose. Dilatation of the pupils. Hardness of hearing. Stoppage of the nose. Red face and gloomy countenance. Pale face, with expression of anguish and great suffering. Hardness and swelling of the submaxillary glands.


Thick white coating of the tongue. Pale and blue-red tongue, with a deep furrow and pale-red points in the middle. Heat and burning in the throat. Swelling redness, and soreness of the tonsils. Flat taste. Bitter taste. No appetite. Violent thirst. Constant paroxysms of nausea. Constant desire to vomit, with vanishing of sight and hearing. Frequent vomiting of food and white mucus, with oppression of the chest, heaving of the stomach, and coldness. Vomiting of bile and mucus. Every vomiting is preceded by shuddering over the back arms. Morbus-niger. Miserere.


Pain in the stomach. Sticking in the region of the liver, also with pressure and soreness. Pinching around the umbilicus. Violent cutting and sticking around the umbilicus. Feeling of heat in the abdomen, particularly around the umbilicus. Burning over the umbilicus. Ascites. Frequent liquid, copious stools, passing out with great force, yellow-brown, or brown and frothy. Chronic diarrhoea, green, liquid, with mucus and blood. Undigested diarrhoeic stools. Copious micturition. Turbid urine. Stone. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Drawing and lacerating in the testicles.


Spasmodic asthma. Pain in the chest, particularly when eating and coughing. Violent quick beating of the heart. Itching burning in the back. Lacerating in the loins when stooping. Trembling of the limbs. Coldness of the knees and feet, with drowsiness, dullness of the head, dull pain in the forehead, and vomiturition.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.