PLUMBUM ACETICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PLUMBUM ACETICUM…


PLUMB. ACET. Acetate of Lead.


Indolence, exhaustion, and weariness. General debility and malaise. Gradual emaciation and increasing debility. Paleness, emaciation, languor, and anguish about the heart. Oppression about the chest. Restlessness, anguish. Loss of voice and senses. Rigidity, immobility. Fainting turns. Apoplexy. Nervous apoplexy. Paralysis, partial and incomplete. Painful paralysis. Paralysis of the right side. General paralysis. Transitory paralysis. Convulsions of single limbs. Slight convulsions. Violent convulsions. Spasmodic movements. General convulsions. Convulsions, with frightful shrieks, alternating with pain in the bowels. Epilepsy. Opisthotonos. Frightful neuralgia. Excessive emaciation. Consumption. Atrophy. Hectic fever. Gangrene. Leucophlegmasia. Dropsy. Swelling of the body. Jaundice. Frightful jaundice, with excessive indurations in the bowels. Aggravation of the pains at night, Convulsions, delirium, and diarrhoea.


Sensitiveness of the skin to the air. Dryness of the skin and mouth. Itching of the whole body. Lead-color of the whole body. Yellowish color of the skin and white of the eye. Bluish-color of the body and of the extremities. Disgusting eruptions on the skin. Suppuration. A swelling of the sublingual and submaxillary glands.


Yawning. Somnolence. Sleeplessness at night. Dreams, agreeable, terrifying.


Chilliness and coldness. Chilliness, which is worse towards evening, vertigo thirst, redness in the face, soft, frequent pulse, with coated tongue on the morning following, dullness, pale face. Fever, with excessive thirst. Viscid sweat. Pulse rare, slow, slow and hard feeble, small and frequent.


Melancholy, with stupefaction, complete dullness of the senses, and somnolence. Lowness of spirits. Restlessness. Ennui, indolence, taciturnity. Absence of mind, delirium nightly delirium, with swollen eyes. Furious delirium, rage. Mania.


Vertigo. Heaviness and stupid feeling in the head. Pressure under the skull, as from congestion of blood.


Lacerating in the eye-lids, with drowsiness, early in the morning. Frequent discharge of corrosive tears. Aching pain in above the eyes. Sensation as if something had lodged under the eye-lids, and as if the eye-ball were too large, with exquisitely painful pressure. Redness of the eye-lids. Inflammation of the eyes- Varicose distention of the vessels of the cornea. Frightful distortion of the eyes. Obscuration of sight. Constant mistiness of sight. Blindness. Amaurosis.


Lacerating in the ear. Hardness of hearing, deafness.


Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose. Horrid smell from the nose. Obstruction of the nose. Fluent coryza. Discharge of watery mucus.


Bloated face. Pale or yellowish complexion. Cadaverous complexion. Vesicles on the forehead and nose. Boring in the jaw and teeth. Lock-jaw.


Brown or blue color of the upper border of the gums. Swelling of the gums about the roots of the teeth, painful, hard tubercles of the gums. Pale gums.


Heat and burning in the mouth and tongue. Impeded speech and heavy tongue. Swelling of the gums and ptyalism. Aphthae in the mouth and pharynx, Ulcers in the mouth, particularly on the sides, with fetid smell. Inflammation of the tongue. Dry, brown, cracked tongue.


Stiff neck. Burning and stinging pain in the fauces. Sensation of swelling in the throat, when swallowing. Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in the throat. Globus-hystericus. Constrictions and pulling in the throat and faces.


Metallic taste in the mouth. Sweetish taste. Bitter taste. Want of appetite and sleep. Feeling of hunger and nausea in the evening. Excessive thirst.


Eructations. Hiccough. Loathing. Nausea. Inclination to vomit. Retching sour gulpings. Vomiting sour bilious vomiting of a yellowish, fetid substance with colic. Bloody vomiting. Vomiting of faeces, with violent colic and constipation. Malaise at the stomach, without inclination to vomit. Heaviness of the stomach. Pains in the stomach. Dull anxious pressure in the pit of the stomach. Contraction in the stomach. Constrictive burning pains in the stomach, and afterwards in the umbilical region. Burning, stinging pains in the stomach and esophagus. Intermitting pains at the stomach. Cardialgia, with vomiting. Suppuration of the stomach.


Dull pains in the liver. Continuous darting pain in the region of the liver. Sticking pressure in the region of the liver. Pains in the praecordia. Dull and numb feeling in the abdomen. Intolerable pains in the abdomen, with uneasiness, mental derangement, and fainting turns. Wandering pains in the abdomen. Pains in the abdomen increased by contact. Pains in the umbilical region. Pains in the abdomen with emaciation. Abdominal pains with sensation of constrictions. Pressure in the abdomen. Pressure, with violent colic, contractions of the abdomen, and constipation. Gnawing colic. Violent burning and stinging pain in the umbilical region with violent thirst, eructations, vomiting, cold extremities and slow pulse. Constrictive pains. Pinching lacerating. Pinching. Deep prickling below the umbilicus. Heat and burning around the umbilicus, internally. Pains in the loins. Bruised pains in the abdominal muscles. Colic, returning periodically. colic with frightful pains, particularly around the umbilicus. Spasmodic contraction of the bowels. Enteritis with lentescent fever and turbid, thick, reddish urine, with anguish, burning in the bowels, and general convulsions. Ulcers in the bowels.


Burning or fetid flatulence. Ineffectual urging to stool. Constipation, with violent colic. Irregular stool. Hard, slow stool. Lead-colored stool with vomiting of faeces. Liquid stool, afterwards small balls of the most pungent smell. Diarrhoea with rumbling without pain. Dysentery, bloody, with horrible cutting, violent eructations, fever. Darting and burning pains in the rectum, perinaeum and neck of the bladder. Tenesmus. Constriction and drawing up of the anus. Prolapsus of the anus.


Strangury. Retention of urine. Dysuria. Ischuria, with inflammatory fever. Tenesmus of the bladder. Involuntary emission of the urine. Turbid and frequently bloody urine.


Violent inflammatory swelling of the penis and scrotum, with fever, dysuria, costiveness, delirium gangrene. Tension about the testicles. Swelling of the testes. painful swelling of the testes. Emission of semen during sleep. Extinction of the sexual instinct. Impotence.


Miscarriage. Derangement of the menses. Suppression of the menses.


Roughness of the throat and voice. Dry convulsive cough. Haemoptoe.


Difficulty of breathing. Short, anxious, panting oppressed breathing. Weariness of the chest. Dyspnoea. Impeded respiration as from paralysis of the muscles of the larynx. Constriction of the throat. Suffocative catarrh. (Asthma) Dull pressure on the left chest, aggravated by breathing and laughing. Suppuration of the lungs. Twitching in the region of the heart. Anguish about the heart, with cold sweat. Palpitation of the heart.


Drawing in the nape of the neck. Sticking in the scapulae.


Pains in the limbs, intermitting, most violent at night, drawing, rheumatic, lacerating; creeping on the bones, at intervals. Languor and great debility. Paralysis and rigidity of the extremities. Slight insensibility in the extremities. Torpor of the hands and feet. Insensibility and immobility of the extremities. Complete and partial paralysis of the limbs. Spasmodic contraction of the limbs. Violent spasms. Contractions of the joints. Exostosis. Weariness and languor. Boring in the anterior portion of the upper arm, with lacerating in the teeth. Itching of the wrist-joints, with burning. paleness, weakness, trembling, paralysis of the hand. Painful paralysis of the arms.

Trembling of the hands. Debility of the arm, with atrophy, after loss of sensation. Swollen, red spots on the fingers. Seated pain in the knee, in the soles of the feet, and between the limbs, even in the foot. Spasmodic jerking of the thighs. Spasmodic contraction of the thighs. Weariness and languor of the knees when walking. The extremities become cold. Stiffness of the legs. Laming pain or painful feeling of lameness in the thigh, knee, and tarsal-joints, when going up-stairs. Complete paralysis of the lower extremities. Stiffness of the knees. Swelling of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.