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PETROLEUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PETROLEUM…


PETROL – Oleum Petrae, Naphtha Petrae – See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” Vol.V.


Aconite, Calcarea, Cann., Chamomilla, Digitalis, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Magn-p.-austr., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Phosph., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Spigelia, Silicea, Sulphur, Verat – Is frequently suitable after Nitr-ac., and Phosph.


Aconite, Nux-v.


Scrofulous and rachitic affections. Agitation of the blood, brought on by slight motion. Violent seething of the blood in the evening, and bitter taste. Pain as if sprained in the arms, chest, and back, in the forenoon. Stiff arms and legs, in the morning after rising. Trembling tension through the whole body, with apprehensiveness and discouragement. Cracking of the joints, also with stiffness. Weakness in the joints. Pain of the limbs, as if bruised, in the evening. Arthritic pain in the hip, knee, and tarsal-joints, in the night. Paralytic drawing, with pressure, in the left tibia and lower arm. Drawing, with pressure on the bones. Cramp-like drawing and pressure in the limbs. The arms and legs go to sleep easily. Heaviness in the feet and the whole body. Visible emaciation, with good appetite. Excessive weariness in the morning when in bed, the limbs feel bruised. Uneasiness in the limbs; restlessness. Painful weariness in the shoulders, the spine, and loins. Weakness of the body and heaviness in the lower limbs. Great weakness, without any apparent cause. Great weakness after every exertion, with failure of sight, trembling of the body, buzzing in the ears, and nausea. Fainting turns, with rush of blood, heat, pressure in the pit of the stomach, and palpitation of the heart. Liability to take cold. A cold brings on headache, lachrymation, inflammation of the throat, cough, and coryza. Dread of the open air.


Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body. Itching of the skin, with chills. Unhealthy skin, even small wounds ulcerate and spread.


Drowsiness, and weariness of the limbs. Constant somnolence. Heaviness of the lower limbs, and weariness of the back at night. NIghtly slumber, full of fancies. Sleep full of dreams. Restless sleep and anxious dreams. Starts when asleep, palpitation of the heart, and trembling, vomiting, and violent diarrhoea.


Frequent slight chills through the whole body, followed by violent itching of the skin. Chilliness in the evening, followed by flushes of heat in the face. Excessive chilliness from morning till noon, with dull headache and drawing towards the forehead. Chilliness through the whole body. Fever and chilliness, with excessive languor and a painful feeling in the whole body. Fever, with full pulse and burning skin, but without pain. Chilliness every evening, followed by heat in the face and cold feet. Internal heat, with heat and dryness of the trachea, with uncomfortableness, irritation, exhaustion. Heat and chilliness at the same time.


Sadness and despondency, accompanied with a sick feeling as of weakness about the heart. Disposition to weep. Desponding in the morning, taciturn, accompanied with dim-sightedness. Anxiousness. Restlessness. Anxious for the future. Nervous. Violent staring. Excessive irresoluteness. No desire to work. Hypochondriac mood. Irritable. Out of humor and angry. His thinking power is weakened. Weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, with pain. Gloominess in the head and uncomfortableness. Frequent vertigo. Vertigo and nausea, from stooping.


Indications of headache, every morning. Headache from chagrin. Headache in the forehead, increased to stupefaction by mental exertions. Dull headache. Heaviness of the head, in the morning, with sensation of fullness and heat in that part. Pressing sensation about the head, with a sort of qualmishness. Tension in the head. Contractive, constrictive, headache. Cramp-like, transitory drawing in the temples. Pinching headache. Stitches in the head, accompanied with pressure in the head, and nausea. Excessive dartings in the head. Trembling, balancing, and roaring in the head. The outer parts of the head feel numb. Ulcerative pain on both sides of the head. Pain of the integuments of the head, as if bruised. – Soft tumors on the hairy scalp, excessively painful when touched. Itching of the hairy scalp. Pimples on the head and in the nape of the neck. Scurf on the hairy scalp. Falling out of the hair. Profuse sweat about the head.


Great pressure in the eyes, as from a grain of sand. Cutting in the eyes, when exerting them in reading. Stitching and beating in the eye-brows. Stitches in the eyes, and lachrymation. Itching and stinging of the eyes, also with burning. Smarting and heat in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, with pressure. Inflammatory swelling in the inner canthus. Pimples on the eye- lids. Weak eyes. Tremor and twitchings of the eye-lids. Great dimness of sight. Great dilatation of the pupils. Painful sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of day. Long-sightedness, unable to read fine print without spectacles. Double-sight. Frequent obscuration of sight with diplopia. Black spots before the eyes. Something occasionally hovers and vibrates before her eyes, when looking at things steadily they appear bright and distinct. Objects appear to move before the eyes. Vibrations and black fingers before the eyes. Scintillations before the eyes.


Pressure in the ears with heat. Titillation and stitching in the ear, followed by stiffness in the articulation of the jaw. Itching in the ear, and discharge of sanguineous pus. The meatus is closed from swelling. Redness, rawness, soreness, and humor behind the ears. Dryness and troublesome feeling of dryness in the inner ear. Diminished hearing. Hard hearing. Paralytic deafness. Singing in the ears. Roaring and pain in the ears. Whizzing before the ears, diminishing hearing.


Tensive pain in the root of the nose, with ulcerative pain when touching the part. Swelling of the nose, with purulent discharge and pain over the root. Ulcerated nostrils. Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose. Bleeding of the nose. Sneezing with drowsiness in the evening. Catarrhal sensation in the throat, with titillation, inducing one to cough. Dryness and troublesome feeling of dryness in the nose. Catarrh, with hoarseness. Dry coryza and ulcerated nostrils.


Yellow face. Heat in the face and head. Itching in the face. Pimples in the face. Chapped lips.


Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Cutting and contractive pain in the right jaw. Boring toothache. Numb feeling of the teeth, and pain when pressing them together. Swelling of the gums, with stitching pain when touched. Vesicle on the gums.


Ulcers on the inner side of the cheek. The tongue is dotted with yellowish spots. White-coated tongue. Rawness of the tongue and palate. Fetid odor from the mouth.


The throat feels swollen. Stinging pain in the throat when swallowing. Rawness in the throat when swallowing. Sore pain in the throat, with dryness of the mouth.


Slimy taste in the mouth, with white tongue. Bitter-sour taste. Flat taste in the mouth, as from deranged stomach. Putrid taste in the mouth. Canine hunger causing nausea.


His stomach is deranged by little food. Congestion of blood to the head after a meal. Repletion after a moderate dim sight. Repeated hot, acid risings and gulpings. Heartburn, towards morning, and eructations. Water-brash. Nausea with eructations. Nauseated and qualmish the whole day. Nausea in the morning, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Momentary attacks of nausea, morning or evening, with inclination to vomit. Sickness at the stomach when riding in a carriage. Sea-sickness. Vomiting of pregnant females. Green, bitter vomiting.


Qualmish feeling in the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach, with dullness of the head. Pressure in the stomach, with diarrhoea, in the afternoon, preceded by colic. Feeling of fullness in the pit of the stomach. Stomach and abdomen are frequently painful. Crampy sensation in the pit of the stomach. Sudden gripings in the stomach. Violent pain the pit of the stomach. Cutting around the stomach, with inclination to stool. The pit of the stomach is swollen and painful when touched.


Pressure in the region of the liver. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, with nausea.


Colic, a sort of painful pressure. Colic towards morning, with diarrhoea. Painful tension over the whole abdomen. Tension and spasms in the abdomen. Gripings in both sides of the abdomen, from below upwards, with heaviness of the lower limbs and great drowsiness. Pinching in the abdomen, and diarrhoea, the whole day. Cutting in the epigastrium, with nausea and diarrhoea. Cutting in the abdomen, as if occasioned by a cold; afterwards diarrhoea with bearing down. Cutting in the abdomen, followed by discharge of faeces, and then bloody stools. Violent cutting in the abdomen, with griping. Cutting colic in the morning, followed by diarrhoea having a very fetid, Camphor-like smell; the diarrhoea is succeeded by ineffectual urging. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen. Disagreeable itching in the abdomen. Rumbling, with feeling of emptiness in the abdomen.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.